soo KRATOS.. .wanna hear a funny storry about Katsmeow??
sat night i get text from her "hey baby"
i say hey, how are ya, i miss ya. whats up?
she says. "come over"
me "lol, yea ill be right there"
her "im horny"
me "oh yea? welcome to my life"
her " come over. get a cab"
me " a cab from PA to FL?"
then she said... " this is her friend"
kats had passed out and her drunk friend started textin ppl with her cell
im the first contact in her phone... so i got the fun
lolz that's rich
Good Morning Hoes
hey man
how are ya this morning?
I just heard from Mex, he's staying strong and is down even more. He's down to a 38!
I told him to come visit us whores.
tenants clogged their pipes and made in rain in my apt last night. I had to take apart their sink and dishwasher last night at ten. What a mess.
i wear a 36. but im really like a 34.
my dyck is 36 inches thick.
once again Amies using measures i don't understand...attention
My waist is like 29 inches.
one of my buddies converted some tren for this guy who is pretty darn big but is clueless when it comes to cycling. He never takes time off and when he gets his hands on some juice he can't resist but to inject it. His cycles are whatever he can afford for as long as he can afford it. So, anyway my buddy hands him 100ml of tren dosed at 135mg/ml. Would have been higher except the dude ate a bunch of the pellets cause he was so excited when he got the box in the mail. He took that stuff home and injected 3 ml the first day even though my buddy told him to let it sit for a week.
He also gave himself an infection by somehow getting a peice of his shirt embedded under the skin while injecting.
nobody cares but on sat i added another piece to my militaria collection, another iron cross in silver. almost bargain.
it works, you absorb like 20-30%
but the ester is cleaved so it's quick acting
if you take like 12 pellets a day and divide over 4 or 5 doses you can get results, I've tried it but the sides are unreal.
He didn't even know it worked though, he just started chomping on them. He decided it was working because they made him angry. Ate his way through 4 grams and didn't divide the dose up or anything. I told him I'd go out for a beer with him sometime and lay out propper cycles for him. I doubt he has the control to follow them though.
I had a real SA dagger that i had to sell to pay some debts. sold it for 1200 €.
There is still some item missing a true leather SS trenchcoat in a website in Belgium i found one for almost 3000 €, but i don't trust internet i wanna see the product. And 3000 is too much for me. Just pijins can aford that for a collection item.
you have to chew the pellets real good or you just poop them out, and they're real spicy/irritating to your mouth.
i have a real lock of pubic hair from the first goat i ever had sex with.
all the pants i have are 42...they fall right off without a belt LOL. i could wear 38's but i'm gonna buy 40's cause i like them loose. even when i was 180lbs i was at a 38, i think i'm just thick lol
He's a nice guy really, just not too smart. He couldn't even figure out how to order the pellets online after my friend told him what site to use. He own's his own grinder shop. He's like 6' and 250 pounds, lifts real heavy weights but has a bit of a belly. He is a bouncer on the weekends and wants to gain another 50 pounds.
Well Well Well Hello there my hoess.
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