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Thread: Question on First Cycle

  1. #1

    Question on First Cycle

    Hello all,

    I have recently found interest in steroids and currently have three available to me. I am 6'1, 185lbs, about 12% body fat, work out but not dedicated. I realize I can accomplish a lot just from naturally eating/working be honest i've been deployed over seas and am returning to the states in six weeks, then going to brazil for two weeks vacation...i beleive the steroids if nothing else will make me goto the gym much more than i am now. my question is if i start a six week cycle and hit the gym 5-6times weekly will i see a result in my body by time i get home? i have the option of dbol or anadrol50 and am going to stack with test400. i was thinking to stack with anadrol but the sides look way worse, though the gains seem a lot higher...i realize the majority will be water retention but im mainly concerned with the temp. results for my visit. i know this sounds stupid to most and im new to this but anyone really trying to understand what im trying to accomplish and can give me some relative advise i would greatly appreciate. thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Your GF's Hot Wet Snatch
    IF you are not already dedicated to going to the gym and dieting properly....doing aas will not make you become dedicated...Thats just something you have to want....

    Also 6 weeks is too short a cycle...

    For a first cycle, if you wanted to go as short as possible this is the least i would recommend...

    Test E 500mg x 10wks
    if you insist you can add dbol 50mg ed x 4 wks

    You need to be carefull, read up as much as possible...and diffinately EAT are quite lite...

    You also need pct of at least nolva and clomid

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    hey bro theres afew things that stand out in your post. Lets begin here "work out but not dedicated" this indictaes that perhaps you arent ready to juice because dedication would mean that you have a solid diet and training routine down becuase this is fundamental to packing on size.
    The fact that you "realize i can accomplish alot from natrually eating/working out" is exactly where you want to begin. You'd be amazed at what a solid diet and training routine will do for you in reaching your goals and this board is the perfect place to get that all in order, theres alot of people on here with a huge amount of info you can benifit from. The info will be alot more useful to you that jumping on a cycle at this point in time
    Do some research bro, establish a solid diet and post it up for others to look over. Dont just rely on gear to motivate you to work out more than what you currently are. Just keep researching and put together a solid cycle later on down the track.

    good luck bro

  4. #4
    let me say first off...i really do thank you for the above comments and i know that what you guys are saying is the correct way to go about this...i know what i am asking seems stupid...but what i really want to get to the bottom of is...will a 6week stack cycle and me hitting the gym hard have me going home looking different than i do now? i mean it in the most shallow way possible (sad, i know) i understand most of you are wise and have been doing this stuff for some time and dont want to give bad or negative advice...but my goal for now is extremely short-term and i am mainly focused on my deployment will be for another 3yrs in the middle east so once i return i am surely going to want to do things correctly...but for the time being will my six week cycle show any muscle mass gains to my body? thank you for your time and patience!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Your GF's Hot Wet Snatch
    sorry bro...aas arn't for you...i mean...why take a chance of hurting yourself if you are only looking for short term takes years of naturall bb....then get that god-like body...

    Just eat big...exercise big and you will get what you are looking for

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I can understand what your getting at jrocstar and there probably plenty of others out there with similar questions or finding themselves in similar circumstances. Short term you may see a little difference if you ran a short term cycle of some description but thats something you have to weigh up against advise telling you other wise. IMHO you would benefit far greater if you ate big and trained your ass off natty because the long term will give you better gains than the short term ones your after.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    AAS are not for you, from what you have said you shouldnt be considering any kind of AAS support what so ever, just get in the gym and concentrate on training and eating, because these are the things you should be doing weather on gear or not and not just when your on gear!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    diddo marcus!!!!!!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Even if you did a 6 week cycle, you say when you get home, you're going to immediately go on a 2 week vacation. If you don't do a proper PCT, you may NOT even get it up on your vacation. Then a few weeks later you'll find you lost all the gains you made and feel like shit because your HPTA levels are all screwed up.

    You want to mess up your body so you can look good in 6 weeks?

    Train, diet and cardio naturally for 6 weeks and you'll look better, and feel better for your vacation and home coming.

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