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Thread: legit company? please help.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    legit company? please help.

    I ordered from onefast400 and waiting for 4 weeks now for order. I have emailed them and called them no one has responded back and I have called and left a message and called teh delivery service they said they have used but they have no record of it. should call Visa disputes and have them take care of this or is there anything else I can do? is this this legit company?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    yeah, it's legit. good stuff too. don't know where you ordered it from...which site. their packaging is sometimes a bit generic, but the products are all good stuff. i've known other people who like their products also. if you buy their stuff from BN then it usually comes quickly and it's all good.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    No idea why they are not responding back. I am going to visa dispute. 5 emails and 2 phone calls.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    jeez, i don't want to have that problem next time i order. did you order from BN or another site? BN has always shipped fast with no problems.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    i got my shit from bn no problem at all

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I got it from , what pisses me off is no respond from company,. Whats the big deal just call or email with whatever you have to say. I ordered same product from bodybuild and it was on time. Just becuase it was abit cheaper this time not much , I screwed myself changing companies. bodybuilding is the best in m,y opinion they will atleast respond back to you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    yeah i cannot stand these companies/web-sites that will not respond,if i dont receive product within 2 weeks and i try to contact 1 time with no response i do charge back and if i receive product after a week or 2 i keep it. You are the paying customer and it is their responsiblity to get it to you on time if they can't they should contact you and give date it will arrive and reason for delay. Usually if you do talk to someone they always say we have been very busy,BS, I wish i could go to work and not do my job then when i am called out on the carpet for not doing my job i just say i have been to busy. ok i shut up now.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    Quote Originally Posted by j4ever41 View Post
    yeah i cannot stand these companies/web-sites that will not respond,if i dont receive product within 2 weeks and i try to contact 1 time with no response i do charge back and if i receive product after a week or 2 i keep it. You are the paying customer and it is their responsiblity to get it to you on time if they can't they should contact you and give date it will arrive and reason for delay. Usually if you do talk to someone they always say we have been very busy,BS, I wish i could go to work and not do my job then when i am called out on the carpet for not doing my job i just say i have been to busy. ok i shut up now.

    so you steal their product?? that's what you are doing when you pay for something, then with afore determined intentions of taking the money back..(situational ethics) even if they ship it to you?? i haven't seen a guarantee of 2 weeks for shipping on a product from them or anyone, i have seen * shipped product could be out of stock at time of order, and they may or may not give an estimated time of delivery.

    Vitamin shop is like that.. slow but cheap as hell..
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    the lower carolina
    Wow! If I received something that I didn't have to pay for, I at least would call them and see if they wanted their stuff back.
    I guess I'm too nice?


    Quote Originally Posted by j4ever41 View Post
    yeah i cannot stand these companies/web-sites that will not respond,if i dont receive product within 2 weeks and i try to contact 1 time with no response i do charge back and if i receive product after a week or 2 i keep it. You are the paying customer and it is their responsiblity to get it to you on time if they can't they should contact you and give date it will arrive and reason for delay. Usually if you do talk to someone they always say we have been very busy,BS, I wish i could go to work and not do my job then when i am called out on the carpet for not doing my job i just say i have been to busy. ok i shut up now.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    so you steal their product?? that's what you are doing when you pay for something, then with afore determined intentions of taking the money back..(situational ethics) even if they ship it to you?? i haven't seen a guarantee of 2 weeks for shipping on a product from them or anyone, i have seen * shipped product could be out of stock at time of order, and they may or may not give an estimated time of delivery.

    Vitamin shop is like that.. slow but cheap as hell..
    Call it stealing if you want but i got sick and tired of being nice and waiting for weeks to receive a product and while waiting i cannot get an email or phone call returned to me after i have made several attempts to contact them
    that is why now i buy from certain ones and if it cost a couple of bucks more so be it,when it comes to purchasing a product the supplement companies (not all) are the worst about being unprofessional,as i stated if you make purchase it is their responsibility to keep you informed and yes many of them have how long it will take to receive product posted on web-site,all i ask is a returned email or phone call with explaination and things would go much better.
    Last edited by j4ever41; 11-29-2008 at 04:55 AM. Reason: sp

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Wow! If I received something that I didn't have to pay for, I at least would call them and see if they wanted their stuff back.
    I guess I'm too nice?

    yep i guess you are to nice because after i have waited around for a product and cannot get a returned email or phone call i sure hell ain't gone keep trying to call them when i receive it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    United States
    sorry bro but its stealing no matter how you want to sauce it up. i hope one of these companies press charges on you because they are definatly within there right to do so.
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  13. #13
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    i sauce it up to if they give you a little common courtesy and handle their business in a professional manner everything would be ok,as far as pressing charges what ever they want to do have at it so maybe you will get your wants,its only happened twice and thats why now i only purchase from a 2 places and thats all but now im not going to be a super nice guy anymore and sit around and wait for a product after my cc has been promptly charged and after 2 weeks i still cannot get a returned email or phone call.

  14. #14
    Whats BN as in full name/site?

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