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Thread: Ephedrine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    I am currently thinking about running this instead of Clen (which i really didnt see much of a result with).

    anyone had experience with well or not..and how did u run it

    and yes my diet is in out 5 days a week cardio 30min 5 days a week

    12.6 BF

    Thanks Guys

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Either are good along side a diet and cardio programme...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    I have been using it with good success. I went with the full ECA stack since I was having some elbow tendinitis anyway, so the aspirin was good for that also.

    I have 30mg tabs. I took it 3 times a day, 4 hours apart, never close to bedtime.
    30mg HCL
    200MG caffeine
    325mg aspirine

    You can skip the caffeine or aspirin or both if you must. I would highly suggest at least taking the caffeine with it though. It adds to how effective the HCL works and extends how long each doss works. The aspirin also extends how long the HCL will be effective for you but not as much.

    My HR during exercise was about 10bp higher than normal while on it and my resting BP was a little higher. I never felt jittery or hot or anything. Thats just me though, sides vary a LOT for HCL/Clen any "fatburner". You might or might not feel those sides. I drink a lot of coffee and have to take thyroid medication so my tolerance night be higher than most.

    The best side effect from the HCL that can not be overlooked IMHO is its a appetite suppressant. It has made my dieting down a little easier to control my hunger. Esp late at night!

    Hope this answers some questions for you.

  4. #4
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    Portland, OR
    Quote Originally Posted by Sherman01 View Post
    I have been using it with good success. I went with the full ECA stack since I was having some elbow tendinitis anyway, so the aspirin was good for that also.

    I have 30mg tabs. I took it 3 times a day, 4 hours apart, never close to bedtime.
    30mg HCL
    200MG caffeine
    325mg aspirine

    You can skip the caffeine or aspirin or both if you must. I would highly suggest at least taking the caffeine with it though. It adds to how effective the HCL works and extends how long each doss works. The aspirin also extends how long the HCL will be effective for you but not as much.

    My HR during exercise was about 10bp higher than normal while on it and my resting BP was a little higher. I never felt jittery or hot or anything. Thats just me though, sides vary a LOT for HCL/Clen any "fatburner". You might or might not feel those sides. I drink a lot of coffee and have to take thyroid medication so my tolerance night be higher than most.

    The best side effect from the HCL that can not be overlooked IMHO is its a appetite suppressant. It has made my dieting down a little easier to control my hunger. Esp late at night!

    Hope this answers some questions for you.
    Just remember that it needs to be cycled. 4 weeks on than at least 2 weeks off.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Thanks guys...ur answer have really helped me out...i just coulndt find anywhere on this cite..on how it should be takn ...thanks again

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    when cycling it try throwing in some benadryl 50mg every night on 3rd week (or when you feel that it isnt working as effectively as previous weeks) helps to freshen up your receptors and minimise potential insomnia
    Last edited by NBRD1808; 12-01-2008 at 04:32 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Ephedrine over Clen any day, imo.

    The most attractive quality which eph has and clen doesn't, is its ability to blunt appetite and produce a surplus of energy; both being desirable when cutting.

    Eph really needs to be stacked with caffeine though - As a minimum. They work together.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by lil hulk View Post
    I am currently thinking about running this instead of Clen (which i really didnt see much of a result with).

    anyone had experience with well or not..and how did u run it

    and yes my diet is in out 5 days a week cardio 30min 5 days a week

    12.6 BF

    Thanks Guys
    have you thought about cytomel instead? Thats a great one, and for me atleast, I had a lot less side effects than ephedrine gave me. The only bad part about it is that it can be catabolic

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Seriusly eph is very effective bro! I used to take ACE (asperine,caffein,eph) 3 time a day. I go from 280 to 200 in a year. I had little side effect the first month like big headheck and testosterone rush (freaking out). then after a year I had to stop because of heart problem. It start beating very fast for nothin like panic problem. Now I stoped training and taking it for more then a year and still have problem sometime it beat very hard 2 or 3 time BOOM BOOM BOOM then normaly. I,ll talk to my Dr about it soon if it didnt stop. Note that all my famelly have not heart problem as far as we can remember...
    I'm probably stupid of taking it for a so long period but I was hating my shape and it was so effectiv. If I had taked it 6month in and 6month out I'l probably havent any side effect and stil being healty.
    Sorry for my english...

  10. #10
    Ephedrine (when taken at proper doses) is great!!! Take with caffeine and aspirin, and you're good to go.

    Geranamine is great too

  11. #11
    I was thinking about trying the ECA stack. I was always told to take 25 mg Ephedrine, 200 mg caffeine and 325 mg aspirin, 3x a day.

    My problem with this is taking 975 mg of aspirin everyday seems like alot.

    Is this effective with only taking one of those 81 mg St. Joseph's Aspirin tabs 3x a day with the 25 mg of ephedrine and 200 mg of caffeine?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Quote Originally Posted by yucon92 View Post
    is Ephedrine legal again?
    It's legal as a decongestant.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    is Ephedrine legal again?

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