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Thread: Iceman's Slingshot Training Cycle With 600mg/Sustagen 300 E/W

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Iceman's Slingshot Training Cycle With 600mg/Sustagen 300 E/W

    Hey bro's,

    Well it's been a while! But it's that time again. I've decided to tackle the Slingshot Training System by Ronnie Rowland. I took a good time to Prime over the Thanksgiving Holiday, and started my BLAST on Thursday. (today)

    Height: 6'3 or 6'4 (it's a debate...)
    Current Bodyweight: 231lbs
    Bodyfat: 15%



    Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Presses:
    1 warm up set with 60lb DB's
    Prep Set - 70lb DB's x 8
    1st set - 90lb DB's x 4
    2nd set - 75lb DB's x 10
    3rd set - 75lb DB's x 8
    4th set - 60lb DB's x 12

    Leaning 1 arm at a time Dumbbell Laterals
    1st set - 30lb DB's x 10
    2nd set - 35lb DB's x 10
    3rd set - 35lb DB's x 10
    4th set - 30lb DB's x 10

    Front Dumbbell Raises

    1st set - 35lb DB's x 10
    2nd set - 30lb DB's x 10
    3rd set - 25lb DB's x 10
    4th set - 25lb DB's x 10


    Over Head Cable Extensions

    1st set -- 62.5lbs x 10
    2nd set -- 72.5lbs x 10
    3rd set -- 77.5lbs x 10
    4th set -- 82.5lbs x 10
    (too light will increase quite a bit next week)


    1st set -- Bodyweight x 10
    2nd set -- Bodyweight x 10
    3rd set -- Bodyweight x 10
    4th set -- Bodyweight x 10
    (will get a weight belt for next week)

    Tricep Pulley Pushdowns

    1st set -- 115lbs x 7
    2nd set -- 100lbs x 10
    3rd set -- 100lbs x 8
    4th set -- 85lbs x 8

    So far so good.

    I know a lot of people say they don't like Sustagen (Sustanon) but I'm expecting to gain at least 10-20lbs off of 600mg's a week and I've been told the Gear I have actually tests out that I'm taking about 625-650mg's a week.

    I'm looking forward to tomorrow, which will be known as "hell day"

    Back and Traps/Rear Delts

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Friday Week 1's work out log

    This was hell day.

    Dead Lifts -- 1 warm up set
    Prep Set -- 185lbs x 8reps
    1st set -- 225lbs x 6reps
    2nd set -- 185lbs x 10reps
    (I kept this really light as I haven't done deads in over a year and wasn't in the mood to hurt myself.)

    Partial Deadlifts with Smith Machine
    1st set -- 225lbs x 12 reps

    Medium Grip Pull Downs:

    1st set 220lbs x 10reps
    2nd set 220lbs x 10reps
    3rd set 220lbs x 7reps
    4th set 205lbs x 10reps

    Wide Grip Pull Downs

    1st set 190lbs x 10reps
    2nd set 190lbs x 8reps
    3rd set 175lbs x 10reps

    Close Grip Pull Downs With Hands Facing Each Other

    1st set 160lbs x 10 reps
    2nd set 160lbs x 10 reps
    3rd set 160lbs x 10 reps

    Close Grip Pulley Rows to lower stomach

    1st set 240lbs x 10 reps
    2nd set 240lbs x 10 reps
    3rd set 240lbs x 8 reps

    Over Hand Barbell Rows

    1st set 135lbs x 10 reps
    2nd set 135lbs x 10 reps
    3rd set 135lbs x 9 reps

    Under Hand Barbell Rows

    1st set 135lbs x 10 reps
    2nd set 155lbs x 10 reps
    3rd set 155lbs x 10 reps

    Rear Delts -- Reverse Flyes

    1st set 25lb dumbbells x 6 reps
    2nd set 20lb dumbbells x 10 reps
    3rd set 20lb dumbbells x 10 reps
    4th set 20lb dumbbells x 9 reps

    Traps -- Seatted Dumbbell Shrugs

    1st set 80lb dumbbells x 10 reps
    2nd set 70lb dumbbells x 10 reps
    3rd set 70lb dumbbells x 10 reps
    4th set 70lb dumbbells x 10 reps

    (could of gone heavier on these but my hands were feeling really ****ing sore without gloves....I may get gloves for this workout)

    Smith Machine Front Barbell Shrugs

    1st set 185lbs x 10 reps
    2nd set
    3rd set

    Smith Machine Barbell Shrugs To Back

    1st set
    2nd set

    Overall this is a pretty brutal workout but it's only 1 day per week and to be honest I feel like Ronnie is right on with it. I felt a whole new soreness for 2 days after in different parts of my back and I like it.

    I did not complete the last 4 sets of the training day not because I was tired.....but because even though my hands are calloused like champs.....this was too much. I will be getting a pair of gloves for at least the last half of this workout.

    I rested the whole weekend and today is now monday and I'm ready for my 3rd jab, and excited about some Chest/Biceps and Abs this morning.

    I'll let you know how it goes. I'm anticipating gaining 1-3lbs this week. Normally I could blow up 20lbs on a cycle of Sust, but I'll be more happy with 10lbs of quality, so I'm keeping the cardio through martial arts at 4 times per week and fairly intense.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Monday 12/8/08


    Felt really good going into the gym.

    Barbell Flat Bench Press

    Warm Up Set 135lbs x 15 reps
    Prep Set 245lbs x 8 reps
    1st set Heavy 285lbs x 4 reps
    2nd set 225lbs x 10 reps
    3rd set 225lbs x 8 reps

    Barbell Decline Bench Press

    1st set 225lbs x 10 reps
    2nd set 225lbs x 10 reps
    3rd set 225lbs x 10 reps

    Incline Barbell Press

    1st set 185lbs x 10 reps
    2nd set 185lbs x 7 reps
    3rd set 135lbs x 9 reps

    Flat Dumbbell Flyes using inward pinky twist

    1st set 30lb dumbbells x 10 reps
    2nd set 30lb dumbbells x 10 reps
    3rd set 30lb dumbbells x 10 reps


    Incline Dumbbell Curls

    1st set 45lb dumbbells x 10 reps
    2nd set 45lb dumbbells x 10 reps
    3rd set 45lb dumbbells x 6 reps
    4th set 30lb dumbbells x 10 reps

    Preacher Curls

    1st set 65lbs x 10 reps
    2nd set 65lbs x 10 reps
    3rd set 65lbs x 10 reps
    4th set 65lbs x 10 reps

    Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curls

    1st set 35lb dumbbells x 10 reps
    2nd set 40lb dumbbells x 10 reps
    3rd set 40lb dumbbells x 10 reps
    4th set 40lb dumbbells x 6 reps

    Forearm Wrist Curls

    1st set 65lbs x 10 reps
    2nd set 65lbs x 10 reps
    3rd set 75lbs x 10 reps
    4th set 75lbs x 7 reps

    Reverse Wrist Curls

    1st set 45lbs x 10 reps
    2nd set 35lbs x 9 reps
    3rd set 35lbs x 5 reps
    4th set 25lbs x 5 reps

    Overall I felt really good, high energy....still getting used to the high volume but really like how I feel later in the day and look in the mirror the next morning!

    Bodyweight is holding at 232 but when I woke up tuesday morning I could almost see all of my abs. Felt pretty good about that.

    Getting a little more vascular in shoulders, forearms and right bicep.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    Quote Originally Posted by Iceman69 View Post
    I know a lot of people say they don't like Sustagen (Sustanon) but I'm expecting to gain at least 10-20lbs off of 600mg's a week and I've been told the Gear I have actually tests out that I'm taking about 625-650mg's a week.

    I'm looking forward to tomorrow, which will be known as "hell day"

    Back and Traps/Rear Delts

    Whats your cycle look like? Lay it out for us. And what do you mean in the BOLD?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    Whats your cycle look like? Lay it out for us. And what do you mean in the BOLD?
    Cycle is very simple:

    Sustagen 300 @ 600MG/week for 14 weeks

    Standard 2 weeks after last jab.


    What I mean in Bold is that while I'm taking 1ML on Monday and 1ML on Tuesday which would technically be 600mg/week. The Gear tested out of this lab says that 1 ML actually is testing between 300-325/ML so my 600MG per week is most likely 650MG/week.

    Take it easy, I have some logs to post here after this mornings workout.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    You should really be pinning Sust ED.

    And are you saying you pin every monday and tuesday only?

    Or was that just an example?

    Im confused?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Ya me too, but it seems like he shoots 600 per week within 2 days time frame. I hope thats not right.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hey bro's I'm not gonna stick myself 7 times a week on a cycle this simple. I appreciate the concept behind the Prop, but ultimately it's not enough prop to take it everyday in the concentration, and I'm not going to take more than a Gram per week to make it worthwhile jabbing daily.

    This is one of the reasons why so many people dislike Sustagen. But for me I'm up 4lbs in first two weeks and I do not have the bloat that I get from Test E.

    Also my blood pressure it not up like it was on Test E.

    So far so good bros.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Nice going on the gains so far, but I think you should at least shoot every Monday and Thursday to keep those blood levels stable. Instead of Monday and Tuesday, like you are currently.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I DO shoot Monday and Thursday (Not Tuesday hehe) Sorry if there was a typo up above that lead you to believe it was Monday/Tuesday.

    It is and has been Monday/Thursday!

    Shit...I just read what I posted up above.....yeah it was a typo. It would be pretty silly to shoot up on Monday/Tuesday and nothing else lol.

    Incoming Lift updates!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008
    R.I.P. TMOS
    Keep it going bro...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    lol ha ha That makes sense now.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Lift Logs from last Tuesday, Thursday, Friday incoming!

    Tuesday December 9th:

    Leg Day (Kept it rather light, due to football injury 1 year ago.)


    Donkey Calf Raises on machine
    1st set 170lbs x 10 reps
    2nd set 210lbs x 10 reps
    3rd set 210lbs x 10 reps

    Standing Calf Raises on a machine

    1st set 180lbs x 10 reps
    2nd set 180lbs x 10 reps
    3rd set 195lbs x 10 reps

    Seated Calf Raises

    1st set 135lbs x 10 reps
    2nd set 135lbs x 10 reps
    3rd set 115lbs x 10 reps


    Barbell Squats

    135lb warm up set
    Prep Set 225lbs x 8 reps
    1st Set 255lbs x 4 reps
    2nd Set 185lbs x 10 reps
    3rd Set 185lbs x 10 reps
    4th Set 135lbs x 15 reps

    Yeah bros my Quads are GIMP....but tearing your left Hamstring black, blue and purple, and then playing the rest of the day on it in football will set you back a good year or more.....(I was an idiot for playing on it)

    Lunges with Dumbbells

    1st set 20lb DB's x 10 reps
    2nd set 20lb DB's x 10 reps
    3rd set 25lb DB's x 10 reps
    4th set 25lb DB's x 10 reps

    (too light)

    Leg Extensions Machine

    1st set 285lbs x 10 reps
    2nd set 285lbs x 10 reps
    3rd set 285lbs x 10 reps
    4th set 285lbs x 10 reps

    This lift doesn't put pressure on my Hamstrings at all so I can max the machine out. What do you do when you max out the machine and it's too light? What can I SUB for Leg Extensions?

    HAMSTRINGS -- (This is basically rehabilitation for my left hamstring)

    Lying Leg Curl

    1st set 90lbs x 10 reps
    2nd set 105lbs x 10 reps
    3rd set 105lbs x 10 reps

    Seated Leg Curls

    1st set 110lbs x 10 reps
    2nd set 110lbs x 10 reps
    3rd set 125lbs x 10 reps

    Stiff Legged Deads

    SKIPPED....Hamstrings not ready for 3 exercises just yet.

    ABS -- Done at home and at Martial arts all week

    BODYWEIGHT -- 232lbs

  14. #14
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    Feb 2006

    This was the first day I was able to compare my lifts on this cycle with the prior weeks lifts. I'll show up current lifts in Bold.

    Height: 6'3 or 6'4 (it's a debate...)
    Current Bodyweight: 231lbs -- 233lbs (+2)
    Bodyfat: 15%



    Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Presses:
    1 warm up set with 60lb DB's (same)
    Prep Set - 70lb DB's x 8 (W2 --75lbs Dumbbells x 8 reps --increased poundage!)
    1st set - 90lb DB's x 4 (W2--90lb DB's x 6 reps! +2)
    2nd set - 75lb DB's x 10 (W2-- 75DB's x 10 reps)
    3rd set - 75lb DB's x 8 (W2--75DB's x 10 reps +2!)
    4th set - 60lb DB's x 12 (W2-- 60DB's x 15 reps +3!)

    Leaning 1 arm at a time Dumbbell Laterals
    1st set - 30lb DB's x 10 (35DB's x 10! Increase Poundage)
    2nd set - 35lb DB's x 10 (40DB's x 10! Increased!!)
    3rd set - 35lb DB's x 10 (40DB's x 10! Increased!!)
    4th set - 30lb DB's x 10 (30DB's x 10)

    Felt good and strong on those!

    Front Dumbbell Raises
    1st set - 35lb DB's x 10 (35DB's x 10)
    2nd set - 30lb DB's x 10 (35DB's x 10 Increased!)
    3rd set - 25lb DB's x 10 (35DB's x 10 Increased!)
    4th set - 25lb DB's x 10 (35DB's x 10 Increased!)

    Stamina and Strength UP!!


    Over Head Cable Extensions

    1st set -- 62.5lbs x 10 (72.5lbs x 10 Increased!)
    2nd set -- 72.5lbs x 10 (77.5lbs x 10 Increased!)
    3rd set -- 77.5lbs x 10 82.5lbs x 10 Increased!
    4th set -- 82.5lbs x 10 87.5lbs x 10 Increased!
    (too light will increase quite a bit next week)
    W2 Notes -- Felt better but should increase a little more next week as well

    REMOVED DIPS for Standing Triceps Overhead Barbell Presses (Dips just don't do it for could be that I'm 6'4" and it's hard for me to focus such a long movement without incorporating my chest.

    1st Set 95lbs x 10 reps
    2nd Set 85lbs x 10 reps
    3rd Set 75lbs x 10 reps
    4th Set 75lbs x 10 reps

    Tricep Pulley Pushdowns

    1st set -- 115lbs x 7 (115lbs x 10 reps +3!)
    2nd set -- 100lbs x 10 (115lbx x 5 reps)
    3rd set -- 100lbs x 8 (100lbs x 9 reps + 1)
    4th set -- 85lbs x 8 (85lbs x 10 reps +2)

    W2 Notes -- Great session. Pumps were there, and strength/stamina were up. Bodyweight at 233lbs is where I wanted to be in Week 2.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Friday December 12th

    Friday Week 2's work out log

    This was hell day part II

    Dead Lifts -- 1 warm up set
    Prep Set -- 185lbs x 8reps (Same)
    1st set -- 225lbs x 6reps 235lbs x 6 reps
    2nd set -- 185lbs x 10reps (Same)
    (I kept this really light as I haven't done deads in over a year and wasn't in the mood to hurt myself.)

    W2 Notes --Still going very light on these. I'm 6'4" and it's a very LONG movement for me. I don't need a lower back injury to halt my gains. Increased heavy set by 10lbs should maintain that increase throughout Cycle.

    Partial Deadlifts with Smith Machine
    1st set -- 225lbs x 12 reps (225lbs x 15 reps +3)

    Medium Grip Pull Downs:

    1st set 220lbs x 10reps (235lbs x 7 reps...I tried!)
    2nd set 220lbs x 10reps (220lbs x 10 reps)
    3rd set 220lbs x 7reps (220lbs x 9 reps +2)
    4th set 205lbs x 10reps (205lbs x 10 reps)

    Wide Grip Pull Downs

    1st set 190lbs x 10reps (190lbs x 10 reps)
    2nd set 190lbs x 8reps (190lbs x 10 reps +2)
    3rd set 175lbs x 10reps (190lbs x 7 reps)

    Close Grip Pull Downs With Hands Facing Each Other

    1st set 160lbs x 10 reps (175lbs x 10 reps Increase!)
    2nd set 160lbs x 10 reps (Same)
    3rd set 160lbs x 10 reps (Same)

    Close Grip Pulley Rows to lower stomach

    1st set 240lbs x 10 reps (Same)
    2nd set 240lbs x 10 reps (Same)
    3rd set 240lbs x 8 reps (240lbs x 10 reps +2!)

    Over Hand Barbell Rows

    1st set 135lbs x 10 reps (140lbs x 10 reps Increase!)
    2nd set 135lbs x 10 reps (145lbs x 10 reps Increase!!)
    3rd set 135lbs x 9 reps ( 145lbs x 8 reps!)

    Under Hand Barbell Rows

    1st set 135lbs x 10 reps (145 x 10 reps Increase!)
    2nd set 155lbs x 10 reps (155lbs x 10 reps)
    3rd set 155lbs x 10 reps (155lbs x 10 reps)

    Rear Delts -- Reverse Flyes

    1st set 25lb dumbbells x 6 reps (25DB's x 10 reps +4)
    2nd set 20lb dumbbells x 10 reps (25DB's x 10 reps)
    3rd set 20lb dumbbells x 10 reps (25DB's x 10 reps)
    4th set 20lb dumbbells x 9 reps (25DB's x 10 reps)

    Traps -- Seatted Dumbbell Shrugs

    1st set 80lb dumbbells x 10 reps (same)
    2nd set 70lb dumbbells x 10 reps (same)
    3rd set 70lb dumbbells x 10 reps (same)
    4th set 70lb dumbbells x 10 reps (same)

    Hands were hurting I couldnt increase weight.

    (could of gone heavier on these but my hands were feeling really ****ing sore without gloves....I may get gloves for this workout)

    Smith Machine Front Barbell Shrugs

    1st set 185lbs x 10 reps (same)
    2nd set
    3rd set

    Smith Machine Barbell Shrugs To Back

    1st set
    2nd set

    W2 Notes -- My body feels ****ing hands are HURTING. Again I could not finish this workout because by the time I finish Dumbbell Shrugs my hands are on FIRE. I'm getting a pair of ****ing gloves. Most people look at this routine and think OMFG 37 sets on back day are you out of your mind? But so far so good bros. I'm really liking Ronnie's program.

    Week 3 begins.....TODAY!

    My Bodyweight Goals for week 3 are to pick up another 2lbs and get to 235, as quality as I can. I'll be attending Martial arts 4 times this week so cardio will be awesome. On Monday and Tuesday will be the last 2 days of my first 2 week BLAST phase, and then I will do a 1 week DELOAD phase where all sets will be cut in half for the next 4 workouts while keeping weight UP.

    Will try to get some pics taken today.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Monday December 15th

    Monday 12/8/08


    Barbell Flat Bench Press

    Warm Up Set 135lbs x 15 reps (Same)
    Prep Set 245lbs x 8 reps (Same)
    1st set Heavy 285lbs x 4 reps (x6 Reps +2)!
    2nd set 225lbs x 10 reps (Same)
    3rd set 225lbs x 8 reps (x10 reps +2)!

    Barbell Decline Bench Press

    1st set 225lbs x 10 reps (235lbs x 10 reps Increase!)
    2nd set 225lbs x 10 reps (235lbs x 10 reps Increase!)
    3rd set 225lbs x 10 reps ( 225lbs x 10 reps +2)

    Incline Barbell Press

    1st set 185lbs x 10 reps (same)
    2nd set 185lbs x 7 reps (x 5 reps -2...chest was tired)
    3rd set 135lbs x 9 reps (x10 reps +1)

    Flat Dumbbell Flyes using inward pinky twist

    1st set 30lb dumbbells x 10 reps (35's x 10 Increase)
    2nd set 30lb dumbbells x 10 reps (35's x 10 Increase)
    3rd set 30lb dumbbells x 10 reps (35's x 7)


    Incline Dumbbell Curls

    1st set 45lb dumbbells x 10 reps (50's x 10 reps! Increase!)
    2nd set 45lb dumbbells x 10 reps (50's x 7 reps)
    3rd set 45lb dumbbells x 6 reps (45's x 10 reps +4)
    4th set 30lb dumbbells x 10 reps ( 40's x 8 reps)

    Preacher Curls

    1st set 65lbs x 10 reps (70 x 10 reps. Increase!)
    2nd set 65lbs x 10 reps (75 x 10 reps. Increase!)
    3rd set 65lbs x 10 reps (75 x 7 reps.)
    4th set 65lbs x 10 reps (65 x 7 reps)

    Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curls

    1st set 35lb dumbbells x 10 reps (40's x 10 reps. Increase)
    2nd set 40lb dumbbells x 10 reps (40's x 9 reps)
    3rd set 40lb dumbbells x 10 reps (35's x 10 reps)
    4th set 40lb dumbbells x 6 reps (35's x 10 reps)

    Forearm Wrist Curls

    1st set 65lbs x 10 reps (75 x 10 reps Increase)
    2nd set 65lbs x 10 reps (75 x 10 reps Increase)
    3rd set 75lbs x 10 reps (75 x 10 reps Increase)
    4th set 75lbs x 7 reps (75 x 10 reps Increase)

    Reverse Wrist Curls

    1st set 45lbs x 10 reps (45 x 10)
    2nd set 35lbs x 9 reps (30x 10)
    3rd set 35lbs x 5 reps (30 x 8)
    4th set 25lbs x 5 reps (25 x 6)

    Was a lot stronger in initial lifts. Stamina faded just a little bit during some of the volume. Overall I felt great.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Tuesday 12/16

    Leg Day (Kept it rather light, due to football injury 1 year ago.)


    Donkey Calf Raises on machine
    1st set 170lbs x 10 reps (210lbs x 10 reps. Increase)
    2nd set 210lbs x 10 reps 230lbs x 10 reps Increase
    3rd set 210lbs x 10 reps 230lbs x 10 reps Increase!

    Standing Calf Raises on a machine

    1st set 180lbs x 10 reps 195 x 10 reps Increase!
    2nd set 180lbs x 10 reps 195 x 10 reps Increase!
    3rd set 195lbs x 10 reps 195 x 10 reps Increase!

    Seated Calf Raises

    1st set 135lbs x 10 reps 145 x 10 reps! Increase
    2nd set 135lbs x 10 reps 145 x 10 reps! Increase
    3rd set 115lbs x 10 reps 115 x 10 reps!


    Barbell Squats

    135lb warm up set (Same)
    Prep Set 225lbs x 8 reps (Same)
    1st Set 255lbs x 4 reps (x 6 reps. +2)
    2nd Set 185lbs x 10 reps (x10 reps)
    3rd Set 185lbs x 10 reps (x 10 reps)
    4th Set 135lbs x 15 reps (185lbs x 15 reps.....felt really good)

    Yeah bros my Quads are GIMP....but tearing your left Hamstring black, blue and purple, and then playing the rest of the day on it in football will set you back a good year or more.....(I was an idiot for playing on it)

    Lunges with Dumbbells

    1st set 20lb DB's x 10 reps (25's x 10 reps. Increase!)
    2nd set 20lb DB's x 10 reps (25's x 10 reps. Increase!)
    3rd set 25lb DB's x 10 reps (25's x 10 reps. Increase!)
    4th set 25lb DB's x 10 reps (25's x 10 reps. Increase!)

    (too light)

    Leg Extensions Machine

    1st set 285lbs x 10 reps (SAME....machine is maxxed =(
    2nd set 285lbs x 10 reps (SAME....machine is maxxed =(
    3rd set 285lbs x 10 reps (SAME....machine is maxxed =(
    4th set 285lbs x 10 reps (SAME....machine is maxxed =(

    This lift doesn't put pressure on my Hamstrings at all so I can max the machine out. What do you do when you max out the machine and it's too light? What can I SUB for Leg Extensions?

    HAMSTRINGS -- (This is basically rehabilitation for my left hamstring)

    Lying Leg Curl

    1st set 90lbs x 10 reps (Same)
    2nd set 105lbs x 10 reps (Same)
    3rd set 105lbs x 10 reps (120lbs x 9 reps!! Increase!)

    Seated Leg Curls

    1st set 110lbs x 10 reps (125lbs x 10 reps. Increase!)
    2nd set 110lbs x 10 reps (125lbs x 10 reps. Increase!)
    3rd set 125lbs x 10 reps (125lbs x 10 reps. Increase!)

    Stiff Legged Deads

    SKIPPED....Hamstrings not ready for 3 exercises just yet.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Thursday 18th
    Friday 19th


    I'm Deloading after 2 full weeks of RELOADING according to The Slingshot Theory principles.

    Basically ALL of my workouts...the Set Volume is cut in HALF.

    I'm not posting the weights because I'm MUCH stronger this week due to only half the volume.

    Highlights are:

    Seated shoulder presses with 95lb dumbbells
    Leaning side raises with 45lb dumbbells
    Seated Cable Rows with 315lbs

    Today we'll hit Chest/Bis and then Tomorrow Legs continuing to use the DELOAD principles. Then Thursday we'll hit the RELOAD which goes back to high volume for 2 weeks.

    Loving the strength increases and so far I'm up 7lbs.

    This is the start of week 4!!


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    DELOADED Chest Today:

    Benched 295lbs for 5 reps

    Decline Benched 275lbs for reps of 10

    Curled 55lb dumbbels for reps of 10

    Weighed in at 238....but my diet wasn't the cleanest this weekend. Took some pics, will post them in a bit.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Week 4 Pics! I've got some water weight, but strength gains are fast and furious. It's Christmas Week so diet isn't as clean as it can be. But I feel like progress is going well. Will take new pics each monday.

    Starting to get veins surfacing on right bicep, and both shoulders.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Huge biceps dude

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Thanks bro. I want to put a solid 1" on each arm.

    My arms are so friggin long they really need to be at least 19" to get that overall thick look.


  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Height: 6'3 or 6'4 (it's a debate...)
    Current Bodyweight: 231lbs -- 233lbs (+2) --237lbs (+4)
    Bodyfat: 15%

    THURSDAY WORKOUT (Done on Friday the 26th)


    Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Presses:
    1 warm up set with 60lb DB's (same)
    Prep Set - 70lb DB's x 8 (W2 --75lbs Dumbbells x 8 reps --increased poundage!) (W4--80lb DB's x 8 reps --Increased poundage!)
    1st set - 90lb DB's x 4 (W2--90lb DB's x 6 reps! +2)(W4--100lb DB's x3 reps!)
    2nd set - 75lb DB's x 10 (W2-- 75DB's x 10 reps)(W4--80lb DB's x 10 reps!)
    3rd set - 75lb DB's x 8 (W2--75DB's x 10 reps +2!)(W4--80lb DB's x 10 reps!)
    4th set - 60lb DB's x 12 (W2-- 60DB's x 15 reps +3!)(W4--70lb DB's x 15 reps!!!)

    W4 notes- Felt amazing.

    Leaning 1 arm at a time Dumbbell Laterals
    1st set - 30lb DB's x 10 (35DB's x 10! Increase Poundage)(W4- 45DB's x10!)
    2nd set - 35lb DB's x 10 (40DB's x 10! Increased!!)(W4- 45DB's x 10!)
    3rd set - 35lb DB's x 10 (40DB's x 10! Increased!!)(W4- 40DB's x 10)
    4th set - 30lb DB's x 10 (30DB's x 10)(W4- 35DB's x 10)

    The Deload Week really helped me rest up for some good strength gains this week.

    Front Dumbbell Raises
    1st set - 35lb DB's x 10 (35DB's x 10) (W4- 40DB's x 10!)
    2nd set - 30lb DB's x 10 (35DB's x 10 Increased!) same
    3rd set - 25lb DB's x 10 (35DB's x 10 Increased!) same
    4th set - 25lb DB's x 10 (35DB's x 10 Increased!) same


    Over Head Cable Extensions Single Arm

    1st set -- 42.5lbs single arm x 10 reps
    2nd set -- 42.5lbs single arm x 10 reps
    3rd set -- 42.5lbs single arm x 10 reps
    4th set -- 42.5lbs single arm x 10 reps

    W4 notes -- Switching to a single arm movement really felt a lot better for me on this.

    REMOVED DIPS for Standing Triceps Overhead Barbell Presses (Dips just don't do it for could be that I'm 6'4" and it's hard for me to focus such a long movement without incorporating my chest.

    1st Set 95lbs x 10 reps (W4- 95lbs x 10 reps)
    2nd Set 85lbs x 10 reps (W4- 95lbs x 10 reps)
    3rd Set 75lbs x 10 reps (W4- 95lbs x 10 reps)
    4th Set 75lbs x 10 reps (W4- 95lbs x 10 reps)

    Tricep Pulley Pushdowns

    1st set -- 115lbs x 7 (115lbs x 10 reps +3!) Same
    2nd set -- 100lbs x 10 (115lbx x 5 reps) (W4- 115lbs x 10 reps +5!!)
    3rd set -- 100lbs x 8 (100lbs x 9 reps + 1) (W4- 115lbs x 8 reps)
    4th set -- 85lbs x 8 (85lbs x 10 reps +2) (W4- 100lbs x 10 reps)

    I have to say I really appreciate the Deload/Reload principles of The Slingshot System by Ronnie Rowland. I started this cycle at 228lbs and I'm now at 237-238lbs, and feeling great.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    A couple of Week 5 pictures since I'm slacking on updating the Lift Data.

    I'll get some pictures of the wheels in there near the end of this cycle. I'm hitting them hard but they were severely lagged due to my hamstring injury playing football.


  26. #26
    Great Thread, Iam really diggin these posts you have with gains and good Pics..
    Hey don't I know you?? LOL

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Thanks man,

    And I don't know do you? =)

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Saturday December 27th

    Dead Lifts -- 1 warm up set (Same)
    Prep Set -- 185lbs x 8reps (Same) 195lbs x 8
    1st set -- 225lbs x 6reps 235lbs x 6 reps
    2nd set -- 185lbs x 10reps (Same)
    (I kept this really light as I haven't done deads in over a year and wasn't in the mood to hurt myself.)

    Week 4 notes: I wasn't feeling these, my back was a little tender and I stopped em for the day.

    Partial Deadlifts with Smith Machine
    1st set -- 225lbs x 12 reps (225lbs x 15 reps +3)

    Medium Grip Pull Downs:

    1st set 220lbs x 10reps (235lbs x 7 reps...I tried!)(W4 --240x10 reps!)
    2nd set 220lbs x 10reps (220lbs x 10 reps) (W4 --240x10 reps!)
    3rd set 220lbs x 7reps (220lbs x 9 reps +2) (W4 --240x8 reps!)
    4th set 205lbs x 10reps (205lbs x 10 reps) (W4-- 220x7 reps!)

    Wide Grip Pull Downs

    1st set 190lbs x 10reps (190lbs x 10 reps) (205lbs x 10 reps)
    2nd set 190lbs x 8reps (190lbs x 10 reps +2) (Same)
    3rd set 175lbs x 10reps (190lbs x 7 reps) (W4-- 190 x 10 reps)

    Close Grip Pull Downs With Hands Facing Each Other

    1st set 160lbs x 10 reps (175lbs x 10 reps Increase!) (W4-- 190x10!!!)
    2nd set 160lbs x 10 reps (Same) (W4-- 190x10!!!)
    3rd set 160lbs x 10 reps (Same) (W4-- 190x10!!!)

    Close Grip Pulley Rows to lower stomach

    1st set 240lbs x 10 reps (Same) (W4-- 255x7!)
    2nd set 240lbs x 10 reps (Same) (W4-- 240x10)
    3rd set 240lbs x 8 reps (240lbs x 10 reps +2!) (W4-- 240x10)

    Over Hand Barbell Rows

    1st set 135lbs x 10 reps (140lbs x 10 reps Increase!) (W4--150x10)
    2nd set 135lbs x 10 reps (145lbs x 10 reps Increase!!) (W4--150x10)
    3rd set 135lbs x 9 reps ( 145lbs x 8 reps!) (W4--150x10)

    Under Hand Barbell Rows

    1st set 135lbs x 10 reps (145 x 10 reps Increase!) (W4--155x10!!)
    2nd set 155lbs x 10 reps (155lbs x 10 reps) (W4--160x10!!)
    3rd set 155lbs x 10 reps (155lbs x 10 reps) (W4--170x10!!!)

    Rear Delts -- Reverse Flyes

    1st set 25lb dumbbells x 6 reps (25DB's x 10 reps +4) (W4--30DBSx 10!!!)
    2nd set 20lb dumbbells x 10 reps (25DB's x 10 reps) (W4--30DBSx 10!!!)
    3rd set 20lb dumbbells x 10 reps (25DB's x 10 reps)(W4--30DBSx 10!!!)
    4th set 20lb dumbbells x 9 reps (25DB's x 10 reps)(W4--30DBSx 10!!!)

    Traps -- Seatted Dumbbell Shrugs

    1st set 80lb dumbbells x 10 reps (same)
    2nd set 70lb dumbbells x 10 reps (same)
    3rd set 70lb dumbbells x 10 reps (same)
    4th set 70lb dumbbells x 10 reps (same)

    Hands were hurting I couldnt increase weight.

    (could of gone heavier on these but my hands were feeling really ****ing sore without gloves....I may get gloves for this workout)

    Smith Machine Front Barbell Shrugs

    1st set 185lbs x 10 reps (same)
    2nd set
    3rd set

    Smith Machine Barbell Shrugs To Back

    1st set
    2nd set

    W4 Notes--Bodyweight right around 238 and holding. Strength is going up all across the board. My goal in week 5 is to push close to 240, but not at the expense of quality. I'm staying fairly lean this cycle even though I'm up 10lbs already. Normal Test E cycles I bloat up a quick 20lbs and it's a ton of water.

    Things I've noticed about Sustagen 300 ---
    **Less Water Retention than straight Test
    **Blood Pressure not going up like it did on Test
    **My dick is wife was looking at me in the mirror and she said "is it just me?" I said "no honey it's not just you, but you just confirmed it." (We've been having some straight porn star sex hahahaha. (Too much info I know....) ((This didn't happen on Test, Deca, Equipoise, Dbol etc.....))

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Iceman69 View Post
    Saturday December 27th

    Dead Lifts -- 1 warm up set (Same)
    Prep Set -- 185lbs x 8reps (Same) 195lbs x 8
    1st set -- 225lbs x 6reps 235lbs x 6 reps
    2nd set -- 185lbs x 10reps (Same)
    (I kept this really light as I haven't done deads in over a year and wasn't in the mood to hurt myself.)

    Week 4 notes: I wasn't feeling these, my back was a little tender and I stopped em for the day.

    Partial Deadlifts with Smith Machine
    1st set -- 225lbs x 12 reps (225lbs x 15 reps +3)

    Medium Grip Pull Downs:

    1st set 220lbs x 10reps (235lbs x 7 reps...I tried!)(W4 --240x10 reps!)
    2nd set 220lbs x 10reps (220lbs x 10 reps) (W4 --240x10 reps!)
    3rd set 220lbs x 7reps (220lbs x 9 reps +2) (W4 --240x8 reps!)
    4th set 205lbs x 10reps (205lbs x 10 reps) (W4-- 220x7 reps!)

    Wide Grip Pull Downs

    1st set 190lbs x 10reps (190lbs x 10 reps) (205lbs x 10 reps)
    2nd set 190lbs x 8reps (190lbs x 10 reps +2) (Same)
    3rd set 175lbs x 10reps (190lbs x 7 reps) (W4-- 190 x 10 reps)

    Close Grip Pull Downs With Hands Facing Each Other

    1st set 160lbs x 10 reps (175lbs x 10 reps Increase!) (W4-- 190x10!!!)
    2nd set 160lbs x 10 reps (Same) (W4-- 190x10!!!)
    3rd set 160lbs x 10 reps (Same) (W4-- 190x10!!!)

    Close Grip Pulley Rows to lower stomach

    1st set 240lbs x 10 reps (Same) (W4-- 255x7!)
    2nd set 240lbs x 10 reps (Same) (W4-- 240x10)
    3rd set 240lbs x 8 reps (240lbs x 10 reps +2!) (W4-- 240x10)

    Over Hand Barbell Rows

    1st set 135lbs x 10 reps (140lbs x 10 reps Increase!) (W4--150x10)
    2nd set 135lbs x 10 reps (145lbs x 10 reps Increase!!) (W4--150x10)
    3rd set 135lbs x 9 reps ( 145lbs x 8 reps!) (W4--150x10)

    Under Hand Barbell Rows

    1st set 135lbs x 10 reps (145 x 10 reps Increase!) (W4--155x10!!)
    2nd set 155lbs x 10 reps (155lbs x 10 reps) (W4--160x10!!)
    3rd set 155lbs x 10 reps (155lbs x 10 reps) (W4--170x10!!!)

    Rear Delts -- Reverse Flyes

    1st set 25lb dumbbells x 6 reps (25DB's x 10 reps +4) (W4--30DBSx 10!!!)
    2nd set 20lb dumbbells x 10 reps (25DB's x 10 reps) (W4--30DBSx 10!!!)
    3rd set 20lb dumbbells x 10 reps (25DB's x 10 reps)(W4--30DBSx 10!!!)
    4th set 20lb dumbbells x 9 reps (25DB's x 10 reps)(W4--30DBSx 10!!!)

    Traps -- Seatted Dumbbell Shrugs

    1st set 80lb dumbbells x 10 reps (same)
    2nd set 70lb dumbbells x 10 reps (same)
    3rd set 70lb dumbbells x 10 reps (same)
    4th set 70lb dumbbells x 10 reps (same)

    Hands were hurting I couldnt increase weight.

    (could of gone heavier on these but my hands were feeling really ****ing sore without gloves....I may get gloves for this workout)

    Smith Machine Front Barbell Shrugs

    1st set 185lbs x 10 reps (same)
    2nd set
    3rd set

    Smith Machine Barbell Shrugs To Back

    1st set
    2nd set

    W4 Notes--Bodyweight right around 238 and holding. Strength is going up all across the board. My goal in week 5 is to push close to 240, but not at the expense of quality. I'm staying fairly lean this cycle even though I'm up 10lbs already. Normal Test E cycles I bloat up a quick 20lbs and it's a ton of water.

    Things I've noticed about Sustagen 300 ---
    **Less Water Retention than straight Test
    **Blood Pressure not going up like it did on Test
    **My dick is wife was looking at me in the mirror and she said "is it just me?" I said "no honey it's not just you, but you just confirmed it." (We've been having some straight porn star sex hahahaha. (Too much info I know....) ((This didn't happen on Test, Deca, Equipoise, Dbol etc.....))
    Lol.... Thats gotta be nice. I had the same thing with just test, but now I cant wait to try my sustanon.
    You look pretty big in your pics, keep it up.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2008
    In The Gym
    im trying the slingshot when im done cutting how is it in your opinion? good job so far too you look good

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Thanks fellas.

    Somehow I lost a few pages of my logs the last week so I can't update them in the computer.

    But my bodyweight is at 239lbs now so that means I'm up 11lbs so far.

    Next week begins week 6.

    2 more days left of RELOADING, and then another week of DELOADING.

    I'll try to update my logs as soon as I get home from the gym so I don't lose them from here on out.

    I'm probably going to run this cycle for 14 weeks total giving me 8 weeks left.

    Out of that 8 weeks I'd like to put on another 10lbs, and keep the strength gains steady.

    Post cycle I'll run PCT and probably some Clen in order to Tone Up while maintaining as much strength/size as possible.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Bodyweight up to 240lbs.

    I'm off to go train my chicken legs!!! =) (They won't be that way forever damnit)

    Logs incoming after lifts today.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    How is it going? Are you still alive???

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hey bro, it's going fantastic. I'm benching 315 again for reps.

    I had to fly to Minnesota this week for business so I got a little distracted on keeping up with forum posts.

    I'm here and have my training logs on my desk. will update the highlights.

    Bodyweight is 242, and I'm finishing up Week 7 right now.

    I feel great. Blood Pressure is perfect. Cardio via martial arts is solid.

    Starting to get some veins popping out on my shoulders, chest and arms at nighttime.

    It's wierd though in the morning I'm not so "pumped looking"....

    at nighttime.......I start looking like a freak.

    Maybe I'm a werewolf hahaha.


  35. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Bodyweight is up to 244.

    Uploaded a new Avatar which symbolizes the end of week 6.

    I just finished week 7....starting week 8 on monday. Trying to get up to 250lbs.

    All lifts are looking good, will try to upload some logs next week, I've just been super busy.


  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Nice job.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Bleh it didn't upload my new avatar.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    iceman could you email or pm me?

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I think you need 25 posts before you can PM or accept PM's bro.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Ok since I'm slacking on posting the logs.......let me post a comparison of my week 4 picture against my week 8 picture that I just took today.

    I'm actually gaining weight....getting leaner, stronger and more vascular.


    WEEK 4

    WEEK 8!!!!! 244LBS at 6'4"

    Benching 315 for Reps of 4-6
    Pulldowns 255lbs for Reps of 10
    Squats 285lbs for reps of 10 (WEAK but if you've been following you know I'm rehabilitating my legs from a football injury)
    Curls 115lbs for reps of 10
    Tricep Overhead Extensions 125lbs for reps of 10
    Dumbbell Shoulder Presses 100lb Dumbbells for Reps of 6

    I'm in Week 8 feeling awesome. Have between 4 & 5 weeks to go. I'm just going to keep going until my last bottle of Sustanon is gone and then go into PCT.


    PS--Thank you Ronnie Rowland for putting together your amazing system for FREE!

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