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Thread: What to stack with EQ ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    What to stack with EQ ?

    Ok I have a vial of 10ml Equipoise, not sure it's mg/cc because it doesn't say on the vial , do not have the box (friend kept it) , will post pic. I need to add something else and create a stack. I did an all dbol stack few years back and did experience some gyno , so I'm sensitive to estrogen. So I'm looking for something that doesn't convert too bad, and I'm going to have to get my hands on an anti-estrogen, most likely nova. Been reading around on forums and alota ppl go with test-e. I plan to PCT correctly as well , it will include clen. I'm 6'4 and 225 lbs. I plan on eating 4000 cals a day during cycle and 3000 post. I will match my daily protein intake 1g per 1lb of my weight. I train 1-2 hrs a day . 5 days a weeks. My goal is strength and mass gains, with little increase in bf. I plan to cut after my PCT and I won't be running anything then , just diet and alot of cardio. Any input ? thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    from that post, hopefully you've never cycled before, and eq is a bad place to start. you really should use test in any cycle.

    dbol only isn't a stack. a stack is what it implies; more than one thing used on top of the other.

    clen isn't much of a pct. its not a pct at all. nova? you mean nolva, like nolvadex? or novadex the otc garbage?

    your diet sounds terrible, you need to look at it in ways other than straight calories. macro nutrients, and break down each meal.

    input: read A LOT. A LOT. before you start doing anything at all. look into a better diet, even a better workout routine then wait like 6 months and do a solid cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueChip View Post
    Ok I have a vial of 10ml Equipoise, not sure it's mg/cc because it doesn't say on the vial , do not have the box (friend kept it) , will post pic. I need to add something else and create a stack. I did an all dbol stack few years back and did experience some gyno , so I'm sensitive to estrogen. So I'm looking for something that doesn't convert too bad, and I'm going to have to get my hands on an anti-estrogen, most likely nova. Been reading around on forums and alota ppl go with test-e. I plan to PCT correctly as well , it will include clen. I'm 6'4 and 225 lbs. I plan on eating 4000 cals a day during cycle and 3000 post. I will match my daily protein intake 1g per 1lb of my weight. I train 1-2 hrs a day . 5 days a weeks. My goal is strength and mass gains, with little increase in bf. I plan to cut after my PCT and I won't be running anything then , just diet and alot of cardio. Any input ? thanks
    you dont know the concentration of the EQ you have?

    you need to add test to create stack.

    get your anti estrogens ahead of time. before you start your cycle! i would suggest nolvadex and an AI such as arimidex or aromasin.

    we need more stats.
    -bodyfat percentage
    -years training

    propose a cycle and post cycle so we can help you improve it if needed and make sure you do things correctly. IMO you are not ready to cycle in the near future.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Throw the EQ in the bin or oil your bike chain with it, its worthless IMHO.
    Go with Test with an AI,
    Post your diet, training history and age.

  5. #5
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    ^^ or just send EQ to me ...
    100% agree test/ai best cycle if u have never run test id almost approach this as 1st cycle

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Throw the EQ in the bin or oil your bike chain with it, its worthless IMHO.
    Go with Test with an AI,
    Post your diet, training history and age.
    agreed, eq did nothing for me except waste my money, and with one 10ml vial you wont get much out of everyone said pick up some test

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    ^^ or just send EQ to me ...
    100% agree test/ai best cycle if u have never run test id almost approach this as 1st cycle
    I with Jimmy on this one....just send it to him....if everyone just sent him 1 vial, then he would have EQ forever......and that makes Jimmy happy...but EQ also makes my bike chain

  8. #8
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    ^^ *LOL*

    Oh - PM me for my address *L*

  9. #9
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    test e

  10. #10
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    It seems marcus and jstraw say eq stacks good with schwinn .....

  11. #11
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    err knew dbol itself is not a stack, i kinda typed that fast and it was late. I know my stuff for the most part. =). I will get rid of the EQ, throwing it out seems like a waste. So I will approach this as my first cycle. Test E with the AI then. I still want Clen in the PCT, will I need Nova for PCT bc i plan on using an AI. Im not rushing this at all , I'm just trying to get a base. I have a lot more research ahead of me. I'll also try to buckle down on my diet and pick up a solid routine. I'll put together a diet and post it soon.

  12. #12
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    oh and Jim. Sure I'll send it if you want it. Probably after the holidays. hmmm, I do not believe new members can PM or I just missed it somewhere, so i gotta wait. But yeah sure , why not , I'm not guna use it then.

  13. #13
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    nolvadex yes i meant that. srry again Also why not clen as a PCT or maybe in the ending weeks of the cycle. Keep the BF off.

  14. #14
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    blue trunks
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Throw the EQ in the bin or oil your bike chain with it, its worthless IMHO.
    Go with Test with an AI,
    Post your diet, training history and age.
    Yes, it would stack well with whatever is in the nearest garbage can.

  15. #15
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    Don't let people sour you on eq. It has it's place in the streroid using community. It obviously isn't strong but I liked it. You should definitely use it with test at the very least.

    Not everyone that uses steroids is a professional athlete or looking to get freakishly large.

  16. #16
    I like EQ better than test. I restructured my cycle from 500/400 test e/eq to 250/600 and love it.

  17. #17
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    and certainly dont send it to me(although i def like it as u may have guessed)...keep it for another time...def try it for yourself at some point at correct dosages and length of time ....with test and judge for yourself. This cycle (the test only one)will give you the base to be able to accurately judge future compounds and how they effect you as you will know how u respond to test alone and that will be the base for almost all future cycles. You then can guage how the compound u add in future cycle effect your gains already knowing effects of test. A nice cycle down the road might be 500mgs test e /400-600mgs eq per week for 14 weeks. Lets focus on this one for now though. IMO the test e cycle choice u made is a good sound one....

  18. #18
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    I don't understand why people don't like eq more than Primo. Typically Primo is 100mg/ml while Boldenone is typically 200-250/mg per ml. And price wise Boldenone pisses circles around Primo.

    I started a Primo/test e cycle but abandoned it when I got strep throat so I can't compare the two firsthand but I really liked my test e/eq/anavar cycle.

    My friends all tell me I will like primo though so I'm anxious to start it on Jan. 3rd along with test e.

  19. #19
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    Two types of steroid users. The ones that like primo and eq and the ones who don't.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    Two types of steroid users. The ones that like primo and eq and the ones who don't.
    LOL, hardcore tren and anadrol users who will be dead by 50 or regular guys who like working out and getting laid?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShadetreeJones View Post
    LOL, hardcore tren and anadrol users who will be dead by 50 or regular guys who like working out and getting laid?
    I don't think so. Not at all what I meant.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I like EQ personally.

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