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Thread: Facial Hair

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Facial Hair

    Im 21 and i dont have much facial hair
    I did an anavar cycle and it made me sprout up some new facial hair and i noticed my facial hair grew way faster. My concern is that amybe i have low test?? And should i do a test cycle eventhough i dont have a full beard? It might screw up with my hormones i dont wanna be on HRT! ><

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ravanA View Post
    Im 21 and i dont have much facial hair
    I did an anavar cycle and it made me sprout up some new facial hair and i noticed my facial hair grew way faster. My concern is that amybe i have low test?? And should i do a test cycle eventhough i dont have a full beard? It might screw up with my hormones i dont wanna be on HRT! ><
    how about getting some bloodwork done and seeing what your test level is?

  3. #3
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    Jun 2008
    what does not having a full beard have to do with it? i haven't shaved in almost 3 months and have a couple hairs you can see... does this mean i have low test? no, i think it means since half my family can hardly grow any facial hair i can't either.

  4. #4
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    i was supposed to get a blood test done, but they said that they lost my results... waited over a dam month for that.
    but im just trying to piece it together, to c if low test has any effects of facial growth.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Some people just don't grow a lot of facial hair dude, sometime's it comes in later on. Go get another blood test done if you are concerned with your test levels.

  6. #6
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    How does the growth of facial hair have ANYTHING to do with low testosterone?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ravanA View Post
    i was supposed to get a blood test done, but they said that they lost my results... waited over a dam month for that.
    but im just trying to piece it together, to c if low test has any effects of facial growth.
    so go to another doc and get a test, it will settle it once and for all, facial hair is partly hereditary, for example, if i want to keep a clean shaven look i have to shave at minimum everyday, sometimes twice a day, but my test levels are about the same as a friend of mine who has no facial hair at all

  8. #8
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    if you're doing any drugs, or strict diet and training - you should be getting your bloodwork done anyway - steroids or not.....

  9. #9
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    steroids made me suddenly sprout all kinds of body hair. Especially when i did a heavy prop/tren/mast cycle. I got hair all the way around my forearms (when there was a bald area 3 inches wide) in the first 8 weeks of the cycle it seemed.

    Steroids make you into a werewolf

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elexecution View Post
    How does the growth of facial hair have ANYTHING to do with low testosterone?
    Testosterone is responsible for secondary sexual maturity, which facial hair is one component.

  11. #11
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    Stable, good testosterone levels might play a trick (like being on trt, for example). But if you quit, everything might even worsen... . Genetics play a role, too.

  12. #12
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    Yes, this is true. I misunderstood his question.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Bro I had a mustache by 8th grade and had a beard by 10th, trust me shaving sucks. I have to shave everyday and whenever I do any kind of hormonal cycle (PH or Steroid) I tend to grow more body hair.

    Seriously, I have more hair than my father and that man is a werewolf.

    So I guess I must be some SUPER-TEST human being according to your agrument? lol

    (Alot of my buddies don't have a lick worth of facial hair and are jacked so it doesnt necessarily mean you have low test)
    Last edited by Immortal Soldier; 12-25-2008 at 01:46 AM.

  14. #14
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    In the gym, getting big.
    I've noticed increased rate of body and facial hair growth since I started doing steroids. I don't have a full beard yet, but ever since I started, it's getting there.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Im 27, no facial hair, my whole family does. I have high natural test, and Ive run plenty of test, no more facial hair! Sorry....try rogain seriously

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    or pluck the shit out of them.

  17. #17
    Test does have a role to play with facial hair. Too much of it would lead to balding either the forehead and in some rare cases your facial hair!
    If secondary male characteristics are an issue then DHT supplements should help (Masteron inj or Andractim gel)
    in case you have a issue with conversion to DHT (read bout 5-alpha-reductase) or excess of it..minoxidil (rogain) could help.
    Its always good to get some blood work done before getting into any cycle.
    Some have gained facial hair with test+oestroidal combination.
    Shaving does suck!

  18. #18
    Test does have a role to play with facial hair. Too much of it would lead to balding either the forehead and in some rare cases your facial hair!
    If secondary male characteristics are an issue then DHT supplements should help (Masteron inj or Andractim gel)
    in case you have a issue with conversion to DHT (read bout 5-alpha-reductase) or excess of it..minoxidil (rogain) could help.
    Its always good to get some blood work done before getting into any cycle.
    Some have gained facial hair with test+oestroidal combination.
    Shaving does suck!

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    wow thanks for the input
    ganna get my blood work in a week or so, see where im at.

  20. #20
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Plenty of others sides of low test that would appear first and are directly related opposed to a possible effect or maybe just genetic predisposition to low amounts of facial hair. Blood work is always a good idea anyway so glad you are doing it. Lay off the cycles...lets say you do have low natty test 21 and possibly a "late bloomer" your endocrine system is still developing...lay off the juice for a few years (JMO)

  21. #21
    At 21 a valid suggestion would be to not be on any injectibles..maybe try some topicals (creams) (they do work if u r low on test) and if u have normal value then try minoxidil (it takes time and patience 3-6 months min)
    And WTF if do work out well (and u shud) then juice doesnt hurt. Don't overdo it though ( i have been on the wrong end so!)
    Put in the blood work and we all can have a look. Solutions are available so no worry.

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