Theres this girl ive known for half a year,only speak to her in class (college) and barely know each other.How can i get her to go out with me?please HELP!!
Theres this girl ive known for half a year,only speak to her in class (college) and barely know each other.How can i get her to go out with me?please HELP!!
you ask her out. if you dont sound confident she will kick you to the curb in 2 seconds so make sure your confident and never sound overly eager. the begining stages of dating is a game and you have to play it right. if you kiss her ass, send her flowers twice a week and call every hour just to tell her how beautiful she is then she wont respect you or date you. you have to sound confident and be nice but not to nice. make her think you would like to take her out but its really no biggie if you dont because you have other options. confidence is the most important thing and if you approach her studdering and sweaty you may as well just turn around and walk away
This man knows what he is talking about. Remember you ARE GOD'S GIFT TO WOMEN. You DONT NEED her, it would be her who has everything to gain by going out with you.
Keep that in mind and hang out in a casual enviroment like a coffee shop. No stress than take it from there.
good luck
Don't even ask her.
Tell her.
The above advice is honestly pretty good. There is something to be said for being a good guy (at work for example), but in the game of getting dates, nice guys finish last. You don't need to be a jerk, but definitely you do not need to be calling 24/7, buying flowers, opening doors, paying for dates (go dutch), etc.
How old are you both anyway? Are we talking about HS, college, adult education, etc?
This is how you do it..
don't ask her out.. "Um, i um, was wondering if you wanted to go to a movie sometime"
you do it this way
"Hey, I'm going to the ___________ movie, on thursday you want to come along"
"Hey, me and some friends are meeting at ________________ fun restaurant on thursday at 7 ir 8 you eat don't you?? well come have some fun with us.."
"How would you like to come with me and have the wildest most crazy sex you have ever had, i'm talking chunky peanut butter and crisco oil sex.."
one of those should work for ya..
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I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
Don't Let the Police kick your ass
How old are you? I would figure these things would be self explanatory by the time one graduates high school.
You: Hey, want to come over for some pizza and sex?
Her: <slaps you>
You: Fine! We don't have to have pizza!
Ok, so I see you are 19 from another post, so going out for a drink is probably not going to work. It also sounds like you are both from a smaller town w/o a lot of kids your age.
here is what i would do. next time you see her simply approach, say what's up, and ask her if she had a good new years eve. regardless of what she says, tell her you had a great time at a party at a friend of your friend's house and that you met some cool people you hadn't met before and that it was cool not hanging out with the tools around there. then be like, ok, i have to go to class/work/the gym whatever.
then the next time you see her be like "how was your weekend?" if she says it was great, say "that's cool, what do you have going on this weekend?" whatever opening she gives, you say "then lets some coffee/lunch/work out/study/whatever" during the time she has no plans. don't ask her, tell her "lets XYZ on Saturday at 4:00" If she says no, then she is not interested and never ask her out again. if she says ok, then you are all set. if she says call me, call her 1x the day prior to confirm.
also, if she says something in her past weekend was lame, you need to be like "that sucks. you need to find more friends/better places to go/a better job/better boyfriend" then casually ask what she has going on that next weekend and insert yourself into it.
Tell her you got this new awesome car.
She comes to look.
Get some duct tape and rope
Pop the trunk
She is all yours.
Works every-time for me
You approach her and ask, "Can you sit on my face?" If she doesn't slap you, you have a keeper.
This is pretty good overall advice
this works well for me oppose to saying hey do you wanna get some coffe with me?
After BSing with her for a min. Say"hey come get some coffee with me" or something of that nature,your not neccessarily telling her but it kinda is
This works well for me as also
My Personal Advice ask Dukkit, Dudes a Mac in a half
Sorry i cant help eather i only know how to make them break up with me.
Last edited by OH REALLY; 12-31-2008 at 01:16 PM.
well i like to dress up like a girl and become BFF's with the girl i like
then when she offers to have a sleep over... wait till shes asleep.... strap seran wrap around her and the bed to keep her down... and then have it.
wow sorry i thought dukkit was gunna post something serious
dude... hes gotten good advice already. i agree with everyone who posted serious advice
just ask her to have some coffee and chat. no dinner. no movie. thats to presumptuous.
hasnt this guy ever asked a girl out?
he hasnt replied to his age yet huh?
theres not much else to say.
dont be scared. just breath. chat her up like you do anyother day. then slip in... hey im gonna crab some coffee at so and so place later and do some studying. would you like to join me for a chat?
or anything along those lines
if youve already known her for a half a year.... then its gonna be alot easier to chat her up and get her out with you then if you never said a word to her before in your life
Last edited by Dukkit; 12-31-2008 at 01:43 PM.
i know but you made me look bad i figured youd throw down some casanova advice or somthing lol I have some serious advice for the OP..... Insult her as much as woks...for real..
He who hesitates, Masturbates!!!
Bro just ask her if she likes clowns, if she says yes then say "cool I have a clown outfit , would you mind coming over to my house and kicking me in the ass real hard repeatedly while I watch porn?" Works like a charm because everyone loves a good clown, AND its non invasive. Keep me posted on how it goes ok?
If all else fails get the wolf shirt...
dukkit, i said im 19 shes 18omg READ.Thanks for advice. BTW wtf is a wolf shirt.
look here if you dare...
Grow a pair, chat with her friendily, then organize an "extra curricular" activity. It's not rocket science mate. As dukki said, asking them out is the easy bit...
... oh... and buddy... just MAN UP!!! wtf.
Oh yeah the wolf shirt is the KEY!!!!
in class, get her to play helicopter with you.....j/k
their is good info here.
Sounds like your overall problem is's not necessary easy to obtain but its key. You need to have that "She wants me" "She wants me" attitude. If you both live on campus, ask her to meet in the dining hall for dinner one time. Nothing too classy, you should know right there if she's interested or not.
this thread is hilarious. about 10 different ways to get a girl to kick your ass too
Yeah man, you just have to ask her.
How is this so g/damn fvcking impossible for men to realize?
You are SCARED. Boo fvcking hoo. Grow some balls, start a conversation, be cool, casual and funny.
If she says no. Something is wrong with your appearance or your approach, not you.
Figure out what it is, change, then try again with a new chick.
Its the simplest fvcking formula for success.
But please, for the sake of man, realize a real man either deals with rejection or gets laid. He doesn't sit around wondering how or if.
And gooddd if that girl knew right now how scared you were shed run from you the next time she saw you.
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