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Thread: need a helping hand to do right thing

  1. #1

    need a helping hand to do right thing

    Hi guys i just signed up here today as i have had 3 weeks of searching the internet to fing the right stuff i am needing and i know you guys can help heres my stats

    5ft 6
    21 y
    125 pound
    working on and off for 4 years
    started eating brilliantly for 2 weeks

    i feel i am quite slim and well toned as of previous years of working out and i play alot of soccer so i keep in shape but i basically just want to bulk up get a bit heavier and look wider i am toned just now but i want the bulky look.

    Now i know my fair share of info on steroids but the 1 that catches my eye to wat i want my goal to be is dianabol oh and before i go any further injectables are a no no. i have great lifting technique and am a lot stronger than the other guys at the gym who are six foot tall so i can lift i just need pushing towards the right stuff as i have been studying different steroids for the past few weeks so help would be great thankyou .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by darren19 View Post
    Hi guys i just signed up here today as i have had 3 weeks of searching the internet to fing the right stuff i am needing and i know you guys can help heres my stats

    5ft 6
    21 y
    125 pound
    working on and off for 4 years
    started eating brilliantly for 2 weeks

    i feel i am quite slim and well toned as of previous years of working out and i play alot of soccer so i keep in shape but i basically just want to bulk up get a bit heavier and look wider i am toned just now but i want the bulky look.

    Now i know my fair share of info on steroids but the 1 that catches my eye to wat i want my goal to be is dianabol oh and before i go any further injectables are a no no. i have great lifting technique and am a lot stronger than the other guys at the gym who are six foot tall so i can lift i just need pushing towards the right stuff as i have been studying different steroids for the past few weeks so help would be great thankyou .
    no steorids at all for you, you need to eat and train

    lets see your diet

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    ^^ I agree. and NEVER do an oral only cycle. It's one of the #1 things preached on this site.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    New Mexico
    Foodadrol, most anabolic thing ever. Make sure to use it 6-8 times a day and it will work wonders.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    You weigh 125 pounds?

    Eat and work out. A lot.
    Get eight hours of sleep every night.
    Do this for AT LEAST two years with ZERO slacking off.
    Then you can evaluate where you are properly.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Tryin to get Abs
    ^^^^yup to all of the above, u need to eat eat eat, And D-bol isnt gunna do a thing for you except bloat you full of water IMO. If you ever do steroids you do Test.
    So Up your cals and get rest you will grow

  7. #7
    125 pound is good weight for someone who is 5ft 6 mate ?

    I take in 2300 calories a day why no steroids for me reasons would be appreciated rather just no thats not the advice i wanted.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Given what youve explained it would seem that you have not reached your NATURAL growth potential. That would, imo, be the WHY behind the resounding NO. Just because you want to put on weight doesnt mean you need AAS to do it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Every one here has given you good reasons why not, read them, their giving you good sound advice..

  10. #10
    thats fair enough guys but could you give me advice on steroid alternatives ie supplements and tabs as i know theirs alot of scams and only a few good products.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    i use a quality whey protein powder, a glutamine supp and pre workout enhancer/NO supp like super pump 250 all available at for reasonable price wether im on cycle or not. Aside from that...prepare for a grocery bill man. Chicken, rice, lean beef, fish, veggies, pasta, milk, water, etc etc. There is an excellent post on a bulking diet in the diet forum.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by darren19 View Post
    125 pound is good weight for someone who is 5ft 6 mate ?
    i'm 5'7 and 210 or so right now, all natural or i should say, all diet cause that's how i got that way
    I take in 2300 calories a day why no steroids for me reasons would be appreciated rather just no thats not the advice i wanted.
    if your metabolism is high, and i bet it is, then you should be trying for 3500 at least, yes, you will gain some fat, but you will be able to lose it easily

    i could write a book on why steroids aren't for you YET, but here's the most important two

    1) if you can't gain without steroids, you can't gain with them, diet is 85-90% of how you gain, until your diet is perfect you will only be wasting money

    2) if you start now, all the natural potential you have left(which i would guess to be close to 50-60lbs at least, maybe more) will be much harder to push past, basically think of it like this, steroids are used to push our body past what it can do naturally, but if you take them wayy early, then you not be able to max out your potential

    Quote Originally Posted by darren19 View Post
    thats fair enough guys but could you give me advice on steroid alternatives ie supplements and tabs as i know theirs alot of scams and only a few good products.
    get a good protein powder and maybe some waxy maize starch for PWO, a good preworkout if you want(AGXSports AmplifyO2 is a good one), and most important, get your diet set up

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