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Thread: All you need to know about GYNO.

  1. #521


    Hay just a small question? Does Letrozole comes in mls as well as tabs? I have only ever found it in tabs and asked for some off an associate who told me they could get it in 50ml lots but still thinks it is taken orally? Does this sound right? I told him to hold off because i was concerned

  2. #522
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Liquid Letro typically comes in 2.5mgs per ml.... to be taken orally.....

  3. #523
    thanks for that, really usefull thread

  4. #524
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    i dont have a lump underneath, but i did develop a droopy pointy shape on hte nipples, especially the left one. it was after several cycles of test booster that i developed them. it began with sensitive nips along with tenderness and swelling swelling. i would like get the round pec shape back, should i take letro, or is there something else i could take since my gyno is has not strongly developed?

  5. #525
    Quote Originally Posted by orthe View Post
    i dont have a lump underneath, but i did develop a droopy pointy shape on hte nipples, especially the left one. it was after several cycles of test booster that i developed them. it began with sensitive nips along with tenderness and swelling swelling. i would like get the round pec shape back, should i take letro, or is there something else i could take since my gyno is has not strongly developed?
    Orthe, I'm in the same boat as you. I was on Alpha Drol for about 2 weeks roughly 3 months ago. I'm a 38 year old male in fairly good shape maybe 10% BF.

    I noticed some very significant size and strength gains in that 2 week period. Then something happened that freaked me out. My nipples started getting itchy. I immediately stopped the Alpha Drol. As I said it's been about 3 months now and the glands behind my nipples are still a bit painful and they can get itchy after a hard workout. There is also a slight puffiness that you probably would never notice by looking at me. But I see it. I'm hoping that the pain starts to go away and I don't get any more growth now that I'm off it.

    My nutrition guy suggested I try Novedex XT. I've been on it for about 4 days. The sensitivity seems to be subsiding and the puffiness doesn't seem as pronounced. It's still there at certain times but I'm thinking the stuff might be working. I'll give it the full month before I start looking toward the big guns and using the actual Nolvadex.

    Any input by others would be appreciated.

    Be careful with this Alpha Drol stuff. Make sure you know what you're getting into.

  6. #526
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    Aug 2008
    yea man it sucks cus im affraid to take another t booster im actually trying chrysin right now, let me know how the novedex xt works dies it differ from nolvadex btw?

  7. #527
    Quote Originally Posted by orthe View Post
    yea man it sucks cus im affraid to take another t booster im actually trying chrysin right now, let me know how the novedex xt works dies it differ from nolvadex btw?
    Well I'm certainly no expert as I'm still just figuring all this out too. As I understand it from what I've been reading on here, Novedex XT is an Aromatase Inhibitor that can be bought in nutrition stores without a prescription. It prevents androgens (like testosterone) from converting to estrogen. Nolvadex (similar name, different thing) or Tamoxifen, is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator. It is a prescription drug that is NOT sold in nutrition stores. It's primary use is for shrinking breast tumors in women with breast cancer. But it does the same thing in men by binding to estrogen receptors so they are not available for the actual estrogens to use.

    If I'm off base on anything here I'm sure one of the experts will correct me!

  8. #528
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    oh ok i get it now, sounds like its prety hard to get the nolvadex, i dont think the doctor would see my case as bad enough to prescribe me that. hope that the novedex xt works well enough for u not to need the nolvadex, let me know how it works out? btw where would u get the nolvadex?

  9. #529
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by orthe View Post
    oh ok i get it now, sounds like its prety hard to get the nolvadex, i dont think the doctor would see my case as bad enough to prescribe me that. hope that the novedex xt works well enough for u not to need the nolvadex, let me know how it works out? btw where would u get the nolvadex?
    it's not very hard, click the blue word nolvadex

  10. #530
    Quote Originally Posted by orthe View Post
    hope that the novedex xt works well enough for u not to need the nolvadex
    Yea me too. The puffiness seems to be getting better and better but the sensitivity/pain in the gland is staying about the same. Anyone have any ideas on how long this might last?

  11. #531
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Durban South Africa
    Great post bud.
    Really relaxed my nerves... got the darn bump, on anti-e (called kessar in south africa, not letro) now for a week. But I can feel a very small bump on the other side now aswell. Stopped my cycle of deca and sus completely... think I should just stick it out...?

  12. #532
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    does touching the nipple increase the gyno?

  13. #533
    Quote Originally Posted by orthe View Post
    does touching the nipple increase the gyno?
    Umm...LOL I doubt it. If that were the case my wife would be carrying hers around in a wheelbarrow and I'd be pushing my junk in a shopping cart!

  14. #534
    Join Date
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    lmao! thats everybody's wife lol

  15. #535
    Join Date
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    keep me updated man

  16. #536


    Can I start this reversal process after my lump has hardened?

  17. #537
    Join Date
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    hows the progress going lameduck?

  18. #538
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    great info bro:-)

  19. #539
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    england, manchester
    i have had gyno for a few years down to taking steroids and pretty sure i need surgery to remove these lumps. i tried tamoxifen and nolvadex i think it was called when i first noticed gyno but was a waste of money 4 me as didnt work. is there any other way apart from surgery to get rid of this???
    after surgery could gynocomastia return if i did another course on steroids?
    gratefull if anyone could help

  20. #540

    Letro Dose Dividing

    Great info!

    How do you accurately divide the tiny tabs into these tiny taper doses?

    Can you trust the liquid stuff quality as it is not the primo tablets from the original manufacturer?


  21. #541

    I got adolescent gyno in my young teens. I am in my early twenties and about to start my first cycle. I was wondering if you know if it is possible to reverse my gyno from youngs teens using letro or another product.

    Also do you think I am at more risk of gyno symptoms because of my history. Thanks for the information.

  22. #542
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrssHppr72 View Post
    Great info!

    How do you accurately divide the tiny tabs into these tiny taper doses?

    Can you trust the liquid stuff quality as it is not the primo tablets from the original manufacturer?

    yea thats what i was about to ask.
    i have 2.5mg tabs
    if i broke it into 4ths my doses would start at about .6mg

    would this be an ok dosage?

    d1 .6mg
    d2 1.2mg
    d3 1.8mg
    d4 2.4mg
    d5 3.0mg
    and leave it at 3.0mg till symptons subside?
    Last edited by jj0824; 01-10-2009 at 08:13 PM.

  23. #543
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomo25mcr View Post
    i have had gyno for a few years down to taking steroids and pretty sure i need surgery to remove these lumps. i tried tamoxifen and nolvadex i think it was called when i first noticed gyno but was a waste of money 4 me as didnt work. is there any other way apart from surgery to get rid of this???
    after surgery could gynocomastia return if i did another course on steroids?
    gratefull if anyone could help
    my doctor said even after surgery it was most likely to come back.

  24. #544
    Where is the best place to get Letro? and is there any other top products out there for gyno reversal? please email me at Edited

  25. #545
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    good first post.

    click on the word letro

  26. #546
    Sorry guys trying to gain some knowledge about this a legit place to get letro ??? Has anyone bought it from here? This is a pill right?

  27. #547
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    is letro legal and easy to obtain?

  28. #548
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Bump, greatly informative and yes I figured out to click the letro ( <-click here) link.

  29. #549

    current situation

    My chest is very hard to touch
    however my nipple area is soft
    should i be worried about this,
    I cant remember if my man tits felt this way before i started this cycle.

  30. #550
    Hey guys! Question for ya..... I am going to try using Letro for a last resort gyno reversal. Im not currently cycling anything. Should I take something with this letro?

  31. #551
    iiiiiiiiiit;s workinggggggggg!!!!

  32. #552
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    Feb 2009
    Thought I'd grab an opinion here, I've got another thread stating my cycle and was 'tuned' and settled on:

    Week 1-10: Test C 400mg
    Week 1-5: 50mg Var ED
    Week 1-10: Arimidex 0.5mg (Twice per week)

    Nolva: 40/40/20/20
    Adex: 0.5mg twice PW

    Would that amount of Arimidex be suitable or..? (Its a cutting cycle)
    Just dont want any chance of gyno/bloat

  33. #553
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    I've had gyno for a about two months now and been taking the liquid nolva....just read your post and def wanna get the letro but should I get the Femara stuff in pill form (cheapest I saw was $190 for 30 caps)... I've seen the liquid form for around $40 but don't know if it's real....need help my nipples are killin me

  34. #554
    yeah liquid work just as good as pill.
    if you guy have tried the liquid and it didn't work for you however, you might want to try another research company. I've heard and seen bad batches out there. liquid has always worked for me

  35. #555
    C-Bino... I was on a cycle and after a moonth or so I noticed I was starting 2 get gyno... I freaked out and stopped everything!!! I read your post and immediately started taking letro.. After using the letro like you instructed the gyno went away...

    So I thought I would start back w/ my cycle.. This time taking .5mg of letro daily..
    After 2 wks the gyno has returned.. I have up the dosage again up to 2.5 mg/day for 7 days and the gyno is still here... Im coming off my cycle and need to know what to do next.. I havent started my clomid yet bc I wanted to take care of the gyno first..
    Since I have been using letro for a while now, should i take 2.5mg twice a day???

    Thanks for your help so far!!!!!

  36. #556
    Join Date
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    In the gym
    great work on the letro details

    helped me alot

  37. #557
    So maybe I'm retarded and missed it, but in the liquid Letro, the dropper only has TSP, and .5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3ml.. How many mg is per ml?

  38. #558
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IggyBcool View Post
    So maybe I'm retarded and missed it, but in the liquid Letro, the dropper only has TSP, and .5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3ml.. How many mg is per ml?
    it should have the concentration on the bottle.

  39. #559
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    hey guys, started taking letro due to mild case of gyno yesterday---started with 2.5 mg then read u were supposed to ramp up to that dose---anyway took another 2.5mg today--should i just stay at this dose till symptoms subside then taper off or do u suggest something else

  40. #560
    Join Date
    May 2009
    great sticky

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