ok so im guessing I have too much gear going on here from the responses haha...thnx guys I think im going to take your advise but one quick question???what about EQ ONLY?
anyway...so since I have already ordered my test Im just going to have to stick with the prop...so I will NOW be taking test prop, clomid, novla, and a-dex(hopefully i can get it).
Save my EQ for my next cycle ):...kind of off topic cuz it will be my next cycle but if I should only run one compound at a time how will I do that with EQ and still have my dik function?? would I do a low dose of test just to keep it from lowering my test too much, like say 100mg/week??
Also is it kool to throw some winny at the end of my prop cycle or just do prop for now...I have EQ, Winny, nolva all on hand and my test should be here soon and then ill get the clomid and a-dex...
thanx again guys for all the help...I guess I needed my cycle torn apart a lil...also im not an expert at this stuff as you can see but I have been reading a lot for the past two years and know a lil bit...I have read almost every thread in this section...My cycle was just based on personal thought cuz of what my friends have taken and their results...my original plan was to take EQ only cuz its like Deca in a since(some may not agree) but I didnt want to lose complete function of my libido so I added a small dose of test...like you guys said ur first cycle you grow like a weed...im not lookin to be 30lbs heavier Im just lookin for some quality mass about 15lbs after pct...but if you guys say EQ only isnt a good idea ima stick with the prop only cycle...