what would be the best steroid by itself for strength also what would be the best cycle for strength
what would be the best steroid by itself for strength also what would be the best cycle for strength
I am probably going to get flamed for this but i would have to say with my experience on what i have done Halo Drol hands down.. not much weight gains but i have yet to reach my max lifts and presses while i was on HDrol and i am on test right now. Anyone else?
id go with halotestin, but id assume your talking about something you wanna take for your cycle?
First off, Stats?
I like both Hdrol and halotestin..and for you cycle just read and see what is going to be best for you also spend the same about of time in the PCT and DIET section. Please
i'm 5'8, 165 lbs, probably around 13-16 percent bodyfat benching 320 squatting 400
yuppers.. if you have high protein and carb load before work out you will have so much explosivness in your works out. read about pct get diet in check which it shoudl already be if you are asking about cycles. FYI i got high blood preasure from H-Drol
Anadrol or Halo.. I would say Halo though because of the added aggression, it will really push you for the heavy lifts
halo for an oral ...tren for an injectable ...and together strength goes through the roof ...but my patience on the other hand drops to non existant with the tren/halo combo in a stack ....sooo i havent done it for years....
Also as much as i hated suspension and i wont use it anymore..my strength did increase quite a bit....
I like Halo but havent tryed a-50's yet
yea i've been told i'm a natural lifter my first time ever lifting in highschool i was like 115-120 lbs and i could bench 165 but i was also wondering if any of you have tried dhea its not a steroid but i tried it a while back and it seemed to help me might have been placebo effect tho , it also made like a big vein in my arm and chest turn a blue-ish color which i thought was pretty weird
In my opinion, Test Suspension-Tren A is the best strength combo. The two of them really make you strong as hell
i mean like an extremely dark blue where i could tell when i look in the mirror it wasn't the normal way my veins looked butafter i quit taking it they went back to normal
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