You've got to feel for them..
thats crazy. I can't believe there was kids walking in the streets too.
i have red in news that the israeli attack on gaza has made a damage that's at least $1.4 billion and more to come.
I hate to say it but I have done two years in Iraq as a pmc and seen a lot of that over there.
****ing shit up over bitches
Man thats got to suck !!
thats actually a pretty sweet video. i wouldnt say thats a normal day there though, as ive actually been there. when were you there last DSM?
I don't know why people live in an imaginary world. The Israelis have been fighting and occupying lands since they founded their state. They've been bulldozing homes and expelling people since the very beginning, to the point that ONE FOURTH of the refugee population of the WORLD was made up of Palestinians alone.
Even BEFORE the creation of their state, the Zionists had terrorist gangs like the Stern Gang, Haganah, etc. which eventually became the IDF. So what you said is just patently false.
Buffed Guy HAVE YOU EVER LEFT THE US? I would have to say no...I have put a total of three years in Iraq during the first gulf war and as a PMC for the last two. I understand you want to stick up for you people, but come on dude. You are the one living in a imaginary world. Israel has been pushed by every arab country since the begining of time..
Peace be unto you, Prone2Rage.
In the Name of God, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.
First, I want to apologize for the harshness in my previous post. That was out of line. Forgive me.
In regards to if I have ever lived outside the United States, the answer is yes. Although I was born and raised in the U.S., I have spent a little over five years abroad in the Muslim world.
With regards to you being in Iraq, I do not know what relation that has to do with Palestine. They are after all two different countries.
As for Israel being pushed around by every other Arab country, the reality is the opposite: Israel has routinely trounced every single neighboring Arab country, attacking and occupying them at will. Israel has the fourth strongest military in the world, and by its own words said that it could--if it wanted to--occupy the entire Middle East within a few days. (I don't remember if it was a few days or a few weeks, but the point is the same: they have great military might, and it is the Arabs who are struggling to defend themselves against constant incursions.)
In the Care of the Lord,
Hello buffguy,
What do you think about some news agencys like REUTERS
or the Palestinens that fakes scenes to get more sympathy
from the world, or more hate on the jews.
heres is a couple of examples:
here is one from the lebanon
Here is some Palestinens carrying a fake funeral
And heres a story i think everyone remembers PART 1 PART 2
He dont want to talk no more...he is doing some more research......
You are right. All of the pictures of Palestinian suffering are doctored. Actually, the Palestinians dressed up in Israeli uniforms and then attacked themselves. Also, the Holocaust never happened, and all those pictures are doctored. I know this is true because I read it on a website and, according to one website, websites are always accurate. Also, 9/11 was a conspiracy and there is hard-hitting evidence that the planes didn't topple the building but it was really bombs underground planted by the CIA. Actually, the Free Masons are also in on it. Tupac never died; that was doctored too. And the man on the moon? Don't get me started on that.Originally Posted by NightWolf;43***05
Here is a good video about how 9/11 was a conspiracy:
It must be authentic because the guy is wearing a suit. Plus, it's on youtube, which is proof enough I think.
Last edited by BuffedGuy; 01-15-2009 at 06:39 PM.
I'm going to give the Socratic method a try here, as my previous attempts at reasoned arguments have been ill recieved.
Prone2Rage, I have two questions for you that you can probably answer in a few sentences, and they would do much to help me understand your position and amount of research on the issues at and...
Question1- What, in your opinion is the major discernable difference between what the Israeli "settlers" have done to the Palestinians, when compared to what American "settlers" did to the Native American population of the lands currently inhabited (approximately 10 million Native Americans killed, aka genocide)?
Question 2- What would you do, if perhaps, a number of Native Americans found that your neighborhood was in fact on their previously owned territory, and they decided they would like to evict you from this area, and displace you to another area of THEIR choosing? (They may use force to displace you if you do not go along)
Bro the Native American example to show genocide and taking over another peoples land is a golden example, but unfortunately nobody in this generation of america has been educated in this issue or made aware of it enough to feel sympathy, it has stategically been been covered up by the same key words that were used in september 11th to attack any country in the world.
Bush wasnt the first to use the key words, this agenda of "Freedom vs Terrorism" dates back to the native american genocides, afterall it was the immigrants from europe who came to america seeking FREEDOM, but had to put up with the native indian resistance (TERRORISM) . Hence killing them was justified!
And many years later we find ourselves in the same spot, america wants FREEDOM? then we have to kill as many of these resisting (TERRORISTS) as possible and to be a true american is to have absolutly no sympathy towards people who arent!
So what if 800,000 iraqi's died?? They killed 3000 people in 9/11 didnt they? The iraqi's did?
Quesstion1-Ok this is not about Israeli settlers and Palestinians but it is about Israeli and Hamas Terrorist and in any war civilians are cought in the middle. I am sure Israeli is not tying to kill palestinia civilians just like we did not try and kill civilians in Iraq...No I can not compair American settlers to native Americans because thats a totally different thing all together.....
Question 2-Now we are talking about what is happening in Israeli and Gaza. I am in Israeli and getting rockets fired at me by the Hamas Terrorist and suicide bomb killing my family and neighbors. Now understand this has been going on for several years. So I go into get the ones that fired the rockets and sent the suicide bombers I would use force. We are talking about terrorist killing people and now hidding behind their owen (Palestinians) to keep from being killed causing their own people to die..
this is not the history of what has been going on but a short version. I am not a heart less person and I do feel bad for the Palestinians civilians but I do not feel bad for the terrorist..
Question by thegodfather: In what ways do you think that the conflict between the Native American and American settlers differs from the conflict between the native Palestinians and the Israeli settlers?
Answer by Prone2Rage: The conflict between the Native American and American settlers differs from the conflict between the Palestinians and Israeli settlers.
This is my last post about this subject, No I dont see eye to eye with a some of you but that is life. I do understand all of your point of views and will leave it at that...Thank you for hearing me out...
According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination for Humanitarian Affairs, at least 60% of the deaths caused by Israel are Palestinian civilians. Of the remaining 40% only a fraction are Hamas members. So the majority of the deaths are Palestinian civilians. I hope this answers your question.
Also, Hamas was founded in 1987. So from 1947 to 1987, was Israel fighting the ghost of Hamas or the Palestinian people? Our opponents would have us believe that the resistance fighters came into existence before the occupation, which is again a case of the carriage before the horse.
I engage in Jihad al-Lisan (struggle of the tongue), which is to refute falsehood with my words, to defend the oppressed with my tongue.If you feel so strong about this you need to go over there and pick up and gun and fight for you people.......
No problem. I am not asking you to leave this discussion. I do however think you should open your heart to other views.
May God unite our hearts upon the straight path.
In the Care of the Lord,
Last edited by BuffedGuy; 01-15-2009 at 09:17 PM.
sometimes or i should say most of time politicians are the # 1 to blame its not ganna take a college degree or study some scince..etc to figure it out.
this "agendas" they secretly hide before they get elected and people don't know about it whish i consider it dishonesty, selfish, it whatever u want.
for example bush #1 priority "agenda" before he got elected was school "no body is left behind" after he got elected 1yr later he shows a diffrent face well the whole world is left behind now with cracked economy financial bank problems and he created so many "terorist groups"..yeh yeh yeh blame it on iraq, afganistan and the economy like he's got nothing to do with it
this leaders or i should say "haters" "corrupters" of the world contribute so much into this problems that i think they r the ones we should blame, if we leave the religion aside then what r we left with...daaaa can't you get it corrupt people with thier gang parties that have one goal: power and money
sorry for the long writing. i got more and more to say but for the sake of not waisting my energy i stopped.
if anybody dares to tell me that their leader cares about him or her plz let me know cause i got some rent coming and i am financialy broke... i will move to your contry.
The truth is that our leaders should be those who hate to desire positions of leadership! Instead, our leaders are those who chase leadership with every ounce of their being, to such an extent that they value it more than the principles needed to be a righteous leader. Rather, the one who desires leadership so much so are the ones who necessarily lack the qualities of leadership.
Prophet Muhammad [s] said:
"By God, we do not appoint someone to this (leadership) post who seeks it or someone who contends for it."(Sahih Bukhari)
Sorry buffguy but i think that on these boards you
are using "Al Taqiyya" are you not?
For those of you who are wondering what Al Taqiyya is
i suggest you look up the word. Here is 2 videos showing
some Al Taqiyya, they are both short, watch them:
Peace be unto you, Nightwolf.
In the Name of God, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.
So approximately what percentage of pictures showing Palestinian suffering are doctored, according to you?
This is a Shi'ite concept. I have a post about Shi'ism in my "Ask a Muslim" thread, and in it, you will see that I consider it to be an altogether different religion than mine. The Shi'ites were a minority in Muslim lands, and were oftentimes persecuted. So this concept arose. It is similar to Judaism. Jews were persecuted for their faith in Europe so they adopted the ritual of Kol Nidre, which is like the Shi'ite concept of Taqiyyah. The Jews have a yearly ceremony where they renounce all oaths/promises they have taken in the year. This is the Jewish service done on Yom Kippur, known as the Kol Nidre. The Jews recite:
All vows and oaths, all promises and obligations, all renunciations and responses, that we shall make from this Yom Kippur till the next--may it come to us in peace--all of them we retract. May we be absolved of them all, may we be released from them all, may they all be null and void, may they all be of no effect. May these vows not be vows, may these oaths not be oaths, may these responses not be responses.So this is the same concept of Taqiyyah that Shi'ites have. Obviously, I don't take the simplistic view towards this Jewish belief that you take of the Shi'ite belief. But the point is that if *you* take this view towards orthodox Muslims (who don't even believe in this concept since it's only Shi'ites who do), then why can't all these arguments be used against Jews/Israelis who recite Kol Nidre yearly? Anti-Semites use this argument against Jews, claiming that we can't trust the Jews since they can lie. (Alas, all bigots are the same, and use similar arguments, even if they come from exactly opposite sides of each other. So a Muslim bigot will sound like a Christian bigot who will sound like a Jewish bigot. They all use alarmingly similar and simplistic rhetoric.) All the arguments you use to exonerate the Israelis for believing in Kol Nidre can be used to exonerate the Shi'ites!
(the words of Kol Nidre, taken from "Judaism For Dummies", by Rabbi Ted Falcon, p.240)
But again, the mainstream Muslims have condemned the Shi'ites--and continue to do so--for their doctrine of Taqiyyah, which we disagree with. How many countless books have been written by orthodox Muslims criticizing the Shi'ites over this concept of Taqiyyah? So for you to use this against me is simply absurd, considering I'm not Shi'ite and I disagree with the concept altogether and so does my religion.
The video mentions Yasir Arafat, Al-Muhajiroon, Abu Hamza, and the Taliban. Yasir Arafat is a secularist. As for Al-Muhajiroon, Abu Hamza, and Taliban, I consider all of them to be extremists, and I spend a good part of my energies refuting them and their supporters, who are few in number. I have posted about this in my Ask a Muslim thread.For those of you who are wondering what Al Taqiyya is
i suggest you look up the word. Here is 2 videos showing
some Al Taqiyya, they are both short, watch them:
As I've said, it is a Shi'ite concept. (Well, the video doesn't do a proper job of explaining the Shi'ite belief, but even if it did, it doesn't apply to us orthodox Muslims.) And the interesting thing is that many of the tactics mentioned in the video are being used by you. Look how the topic went from Israel/Palestine to this. So I think you must be learning from the Shi'ites how to do Taqiyyah.
What I advise you is that if you have specific points to raise, then please word them yourself instead of linking to some video. This will facilitate our discussion, God-Willing.
May God save us from bigotry.
Last edited by BuffedGuy; 01-16-2009 at 08:00 AM.
I thought that Yasir arafat and palistenians were sunnis?
Well offcourse the topic can go from here to there when everyAs I've said, it is a Shi'ite concept. (Well, the video doesn't do a proper job of explaining the Shi'ite belief, but even if it did, it doesn't apply to us orthodox Muslims.) And the interesting thing is that many of the tactics mentioned in the video are being used by you. Look how the topic went from Israel/Palestine to this. So I think you must be learning from the Shi'ites how to do Taqiyyah.
line you type you include a text from the quran to justify
or explain certain things.
Sometimes a picture can say more then words.What I advise you is that if you have specific points to raise, then please word them yourself instead of linking to some video. This will facilitate our discussion, God-Willing.
May god save us from Al Taqiyyah
Peace be unto you, NightWolf.
In the Name of God, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.
Yasir Arafat is a secularist. But even if we were to include him in the realm of Sunnism (which I wouldn't dispute), then where has he advocated the concept of Taqiyyah? Can you show even one single sentence from him where he advocates this Shi'ite doctrine? All you showed was a clip where he condemns terrorism and then in another clip he advocates Jihad. Where is the Taqiyyah in this? I also condemn terrorism and support Jihad. So? In fact, this is a belief *all* Muslims must *necessarily* believe in: i.e. to object to terrorism and to support Jihad, which means to struggle against the oppressors. Of course the Palestinians should do Jihad against those who have driven them out of their homes and oppressed in their land, and we do not mince words about this! So I say as he did: Jihad, Jihad, Jihad!
The irony is that it is you who goes off topic. We were talking about Israel/Palestine, and you converted the topic into a bigoted assault on Islam.Well offcourse the topic can go from here to there
Yes, I believe in validating my views from the Quran, so that people know that I represent orthodox Islam. You can quote from the Torah or the Bible--I won't mind at all. Promise.when every line you type you include a text from the quran to justify
or explain certain things.I think the only person who would mind would be a bigot, and I certainly am not a bigot. I enjoy hearing verses from the Bible, which I've read numerous times myself.
Sure they can. But they should not be used to promote sensationalism, nor should they be used in lieu of meaningful and cogent arguments.Sometimes a picture can say more then words.
Amen. I wonder why you forgot to include Kol Nidre in this prayer?May god save us from Al Taqiyyah
Last edited by BuffedGuy; 01-16-2009 at 09:03 AM.
My dear colleague NightWolf,
Let us talk to each other in soft tones, and be forgiving with each other. I apologize for overstepping in my speech, and I forgive you for anything you have said. Let us build bridges instead of blowing them up, God-Willing.
Last edited by BuffedGuy; 01-16-2009 at 09:27 AM.
Buffed...I really like your posts. I'm tired of the one sided discussions everywhere I look.
I saw some where on this thread a comparison of how israel accidentally hits civillians and how we do the same in Iraq. There is no comparison there. We do our collateral damage on accident. Even the way we first bombed iraq with attempts at precision bombing shows our attempts at this. Where as Israel has been known to fire White phosphorus in populated areas which tells a very different story.
IMO terrorists use jihad as an excuse for there cause, thats my point.
My friend now you are really using Al Taqiyyah (art of deception)The irony is that it is you who goes off topic. We were talking about Israel/Palestine, and you converted the topic into a bigoted assault on Islam
because first of all, YOU are the one that is bringing your religion
into into this discussion. In every sentence you bring up islam
and quotes from the quran, so it is not me who brought up islam,
I only answer back with things that you brought up.
And where did i assault islam? i brought upp Al Taqiyyah wich you
said is NOT a part of islam (atleast not to sunnis).
No i dont think you whould mind at all, however i whould be readyYes, I believe in validating my views from the Quran, so that people know that I represent orthodox Islam. You can quote from the Torah or the Bible--I won't mind at all. Promise.I think the only person who would mind would be a bigot, and I certainly am not a bigot. I enjoy hearing verses from the Bible, which I've read numerous times myself.
for someone to counter quote me from the same book
if they had diffrent opinons.
Stop with the dubbel standards my friend, you have postedSure they can. But they should not be used to promote sensationalism, nor should they be used in lieu of meaningful and cogent arguments.
many videos yourself that were against the israeli point of view.
videos do not lie, people do.
Because i do not know what Kol Nidre is,Amen. I wonder why you forgot to include Kol Nidre in this prayer?
nor do i consider it a threat.
NightWolf....just stop trying lol
He will take it to his grave
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