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My g/f is a nurse and she knows fully about my AAS use.
That said, she is getting some pretty deep AAS level zits, it's is only 1 or 2 at a time, but she is wondering since we are constantly depositing a fresh load of man juice in the woman zone...
I thought I read that guys on AAS can alter a womans hormones (or something, can't remember the thread or article now..) by shooting inside?
So, true or false on whether a guy on AAS can cause breakouts, etc, in women they are firing off inside of?
Btw, the cycle is 500mg test e, 300mg tren e/ wk, with 1 mg of caber (1/2 mg on injection days)... will add d-bol near the end of the cycle..
Side stuff (and not nec related to the topic of the thread), I jumped right in w/ tren e and didn't take the tren a step...
- Hair loss is not any worse.
- Bp, monitored by the g/f, is not outrageous.. bottom number is highish, but top # is good after giving blood.. when it looks on the high side, I use some viagra (which was originally a Bp lowering med)..
- No tren dick, not noticably, anyway..