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Thread: Best QB?

  1. #81
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    If Brett Favre continues to play will his legacy be tarnished?

  2. #82
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    Are Phillip Rivers or Jay Cutler any good or all hype?

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brown Ninja View Post
    If Brett Favre continues to play will his legacy be tarnished?
    IMO, NO... Brett was never a statistical superstar, just a warrior and a good man. So his grit is what makes him popular. He isn't the best quarterback of all time, but he is a great football player. Brett is like a boxer who hung on too long, IMO. So his greatness (when in his prime), cannot be denied.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brown Ninja View Post
    Are Phillip Rivers or Jay Cutler any good or all hype?
    Not enough time in the league yet to make a good determination of either. IMO, both are solid quarterbacks, but neither are great.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brown Ninja View Post
    Who gives a shit. If we were all in the same room I would have everyone of you and probably beat the shit out of all you......not really because I don't care! Lets talk football not puff up. Someone please convince me why Peyton manning is not the best qb to ever play.
    lol. you're right ninja.
    i certainly think peyton can continue to play his way into being mentioned the greatest but even though he seems like he's been around forever i think he needs more longevity and maybe another lombardi or two to be called the very best.

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brown Ninja View Post
    Why is Joe Montana thought to be better than Terry Bradshaw?
    i think alot of it has to do with more people got to see montana than did bradshaw and i remember montana as being like the "golden boy" and bradshaw was ugly dude from louisiana. they do both have the rings and the dynasty's.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brown Ninja View Post
    Is it just me or is Big Ben like a modern day Aikman?
    they do look kinda similar in the pocket but big ben is 10x harder to bring down.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brown Ninja View Post
    If Brett Favre continues to play will his legacy be tarnished?
    brett favre is not that great as a QB . he is great as a leader.. if you actually look at his career numbers he has one great year two shitty two good one shitty.. he never has just played good through-out..

    please don't jump on me for saying this, i'm not saying he is not a hall of fame style QB.. i'm just saying he is more known for being tough as nails and a leader.. his actual role as a QB is not that impressive.

    the only years his numbers were great were years where his team as a whole had amazing players. which i will agree is common with alot of QB's, but then again alot of QBs don't make it to the status of legacy talk

  7. #87
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    i think farve's style of play is the biggest reason that he didn't have many peyton manning type statistical seasons. he truly is a "gunslinger" and that is not condusive to jumpin off the page stats. the reason he will be mentioned as one of the best is because he is a heck of a football player and fun to watch.

  8. #88
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    Don't forget the great Ryan Leaf, a sure fire hall of famer.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brown Ninja View Post
    Is it just me or is Big Ben like a modern day Aikman?
    I don't think so. Aikman was the prototypical drop back quarterback, not very mobile at all. Big Ben moves very well in the pocket with a huge body to fight off tackles. Aikman relied on a quick release, a huge offensive line, a great reciever and tight end, and of course a very good running game. To me they are two totally different quarterbacks.

  10. #90
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    Ryan Leaf is a douche. I heard he won the loterry. True?

  11. #91
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    Ben and Aikman strike as similar because they are both winners with stats that do not jump off the page. Romo has already eclipsed several of Troy's record yet has failed to do anything in the playoffs. Both are very solid qb's who just win. Great leaders

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brown Ninja View Post
    Why is Joe Montana thought to be better than Terry Bradshaw?
    I say look at bradshaws team - swan / stallworth / franco ... the that defense - the steel curtain - lambert / hamm / greene ... I mean the whole damn team was stacked. Now nothing against bradshaw he's a winner ...but with that talent surrounding him there would be a problem if he wasnt. Yeah montana had clark and rice ..and ricky watters then roger craig....but all in all bradshaws era steelers = unreal across the board..... Plus Bradshaw sure wasnt pretty - but he got the job done*L*

  13. #93
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  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brown Ninja View Post
    Ben and Aikman strike as similar because they are both winners with stats that do not jump off the page. Romo has already eclipsed several of Troy's record yet has failed to do anything in the playoffs. Both are very solid qb's who just win. Great leaders
    I see what you mean, and I 100% agree!!!

  15. #95
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    ^Thanks! You must be a genius as well. Its funny how being 10 years removed from a playing career how some players are percieved. Aikman was great but we often view the old time players as mythic when we have players who are every bit thier equal playing right in front of us. That being said I hate Big Ben!

  16. #96
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    The best quarterback in the league is Tom Brady, hands down. This season, since Brady was out, I'll say it was Phillip Rivers. Although the media is in love with Peyton Manning, so he got MVP.

  17. #97
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    Your joking right? Rivers is a solid up and comer but there is no way on earth he should even be mentioned in the same breath as Manning. Rivers played on an underperforming disinterested team. That would never happen under Manning.

  18. #98
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    Kurt Warner, Jay Cutler, Matt Cassel, Matt Hasselback, Eli Manning, Matt Ryan, Drew Brees, and Peyton all had better seasons than Rivers.

  19. #99
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    Joe Montana is the greatest QB to ever live. You have to judge QB's not just by their numbers, but by wins and Super Bowl wins. A QB's primary job is to win football games and manage the offense, not necessarily to just throw the football. If that were the case, then JaMarcus Russell would be a stud. Instead, he's another example of Al Davis's cracked out draft choices.

    Second would have to be Brady. He is still playing and has three SB wins, crazy winning percentage, and gaudy numbers. What a stud

    Those two are followed up by Elway, Bradshaw, and probably Marino

  20. #100
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    That would mean that Ben Rothlisberger could retire the best QB ever?

  21. #101
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    Dan Marino, best QB pound for pound to ever touch a pig skin. If you don't agree, you haven't watched the man play. Put him on any of the qbs teams mentioned above as "greatest", and you have what I call, a dynasty.

  22. #102
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    If Roethlisberger keeps playing the way he is, I think we may have to eventually include him in that group of elite HOF QB's. Two rings at this young of an age? He wins games, and he wins big ones. That is the QB's job.

    As far as QB skills, Marino probably was the best QB to ever play. He could throw the ball better than anyone I think I ever saw. However, that isn't his only job. His main job is to win big games.

  23. #103
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    the question was the best quaterback, not the best team.. with that being said, a QBs job is more than just throwing the ball, his job is to take preasure, read defenses change plays, he is the only person on a offense that can change a play at the line.. so in turn, if a QB only throws for 80yards in a game, and wins the game, then he did his job. . because his job is to figure out how to move the ball...

    though i think marino has amazing talent as a passer.. A QB unlike other positions is to move the offense down the field and score.. and Marino had great numbers but he could never put together a winning team.. and as rearbandit said if you move him teams he would have done better.. well that might be true, but Miami had some good teams while he was there, and at times had a great defense. so i think that agruement though valid in putting him as one of the greats works, but saying he is the best doesn't..... alot of other QBs have been moved teams and still won games

    aikman, montana, manning, Rothlisberger , brady, warner .. not in that order but those are some of the best of the last 20 years.... because they could read plays, read defenses and knew when to be selfish and when to give the ball away..

  24. #104
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    If marino had just got 1 super bowl ring, then there'd be no question here. Like you said, best qb, not best team.

    Marino was and still is the best pound for pound qb to grace the game.

  25. #105
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    Quarry I gotta agree with you on some points. However, the inclusion of Aikman is a travesty. He was a dork. I don't like Manning, even though he is a probable HOF'er. He's got good numbers. Warner is probably one of the most underrated QB's ever, I've been saying that since he played in the Greatest Show on Turf

  26. #106
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    Ok clearly i'm a die hard dolphins fan, but even though, I still think Dan Marino is the best skilled ever. It's hard not to say that Terry Bradshaw shouldn't be ranked as the best of all time. I mean watching those old games, he always found a way to win, always. He has my vote.

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by reardbandit View Post
    Quarry I gotta agree with you on some points. However, the inclusion of Aikman is a travesty. He was a dork. I don't like Manning, even though he is a probable HOF'er. He's got good numbers. Warner is probably one of the most underrated QB's ever, I've been saying that since he played in the Greatest Show on Turf
    troy aikman shouldn't be included in this thread? very good career stats, amazing accuracy and 3 rings aren't enough? i think he should be at the very least in the top 10. he's not mr. personality but i wouldn't call him a dork and he calls the games extremely well imo. peyton manning is already a first ballot h.o.f. player. i do agree with you on warner being underrated.

  28. #108
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    the reason i didn't add people like the likes of Bradshaw, as i put of the last 20 years. is because i'm only 27, and been watching NFL only since about age 12 when my dads love for the cowboys spilled over to me..... so i can't comment on people that i never watched.. for me to talk about past players from before my time i'd only be looking at stats...and as i said IMO stats don't make a great quaterback, the ability to lead and move the ball does. which means stats can differ from player to player because of team and defenses played against

  29. #109
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    Oh yeah, Bradshaw is way up there. My hatred for the Cowboys and for Troy Aikman in particular colors my opinion of his place in QB history. He does deserve a high spot though, because he did what I myself said was the #1 job of the QB: win games, win big games! I really liked Dan Marino, but you gotta have them rings!

  30. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by reardbandit View Post
    Quarry I gotta agree with you on some points. However, the inclusion of Aikman is a travesty. He was a dork. I don't like Manning, even though he is a probable HOF'er. He's got good numbers. Warner is probably one of the most underrated QB's ever, I've been saying that since he played in the Greatest Show on Turf
    Probable Hall of Famer? That's like saying your post was probably a waste of time. Manning could quit today and would be a lock. He could quite easily, by the time it is all said and done, go down as the greatest qb to ever play.

  31. #111
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    Is everyone forgetting drew brees? he doesnt have a stand out receiver in new orleans offense, but a lot of above average receivers in colston,lance moore, and devery henderson. shockey is an over rated tight end. saints were decimated with injuries this year at running back, receiver and mostly defense. drew brees should be regarded as one of the greats.. i say the saints take the nfc in 09 and im from new england and a HUGE pats fan. brady will be the greatest of all time and is far from a system quarterback. cassell excelled because he was a good athlete that had time to study behind the 2 greats at USC (palmer, leinart) and brady in new england. im excited to see what he can do in kansas city under new leadership with todd haley who is a great offensive mind... well theres my football rant haha

  32. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brown Ninja View Post
    Probable Hall of Famer? That's like saying your post was probably a waste of time. Manning could quit today and would be a lock. He could quite easily, by the time it is all said and done, go down as the greatest qb to ever play.
    100% Agreed!!!!!

  33. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by reardbandit View Post
    If Roethlisberger keeps playing the way he is, I think we may have to eventually include him in that group of elite HOF QB's. Two rings at this young of an age? He wins games, and he wins big ones. That is the QB's job.

    As far as QB skills, Marino probably was the best QB to ever play. He could throw the ball better than anyone I think I ever saw. However, that isn't his only job. His main job is to win big games.
    He wasnt named the MVP of either superbowl. he is an efficient quarterback and excellent on the run I think the defense deserves credit for their championship runs. James harrison returned interception with time expiring at halftime? if it wasnt for that play it couldve been a totally different outcome

    i dont ever see him being mentioned in the top 10.

  34. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brown Ninja View Post
    Are Phillip Rivers or Jay Cutler any good or all hype?
    I just read earlier that jay cutler had 23 reps of 225 on the bench i never would have expected that from him

  35. #115
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    Great responses and opinions! I forgot about Brady(hate the pats), Bradshaw, Unitus and Manning. Peyton is sweet just like the rest. But what about his brother Eli now? Now that we've brought up Peyton, doesn't Eli belong in the conversation? He does have a Super Bowl. He does have a Super Bowl MVP.
    Someone mentioned Leaf? We all appreciate the response but c'mon, that guys a train wreck.
    Aikman does have 3 SB's. Was he MVP in any?
    I also heard that Marino was a prima donna from a very reliable source but does that really matter? IDK.
    Going to be interesting to see how Brady does next year.
    And Michael Vick. Where's he going to end up? I wouldn't be surprised to see him right here in Tampa.
    Thanks for the input guys!

  36. #116
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    i'm not ready to put eli on a "greatest of all time" list just yet, actually not even close. troy aikman was mvp of superbowl 27.

  37. #117
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    Leaf is a joke. Aikman is a winner. Vick will end up back in jail or backing up Kellen Clemens. Eli looks impressive at times but I don't think he stays consistent enough. He looked terrible without Plaxico

  38. #118
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    that is shocking to me that Cutler got that many reps with 225. I was not aware he was that strong. That should easily put his max over 400. That is Jim Druckenmiller strong!

  39. #119
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    All time is kind of hard to say. Right now Brady/Manning hands down.

  40. #120
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    chris simms and vince young

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