Originally Posted by
December 21 2012
This Galactic Alignment occurs only once every 26,000 years, and was what the ancient Maya were pointing to with the 2012 end-date of their Long Count calendar.
And there are other things that point to 2012 as well, one being the I Ching.
And super volcanos like Yellowstone which in the past couple years just entered what they call the Red Zone, meaning it can blow really at any moment now which would cause great devastation.
I think something with the 4th quarter of Jewish calendar or something is a sign of then end, and 2012 is the beginning of their 4th quarter, or something like that...
and only one more pope, and when there is a "black lord"
Its interesting stuff. To say its all true....idk...but interesting no doubt
haha yeah man That would be awesome. I always have these dreams of being in an "I Am Legend/Resident Evil" type world. Me and small group of people blasting our way through hordes of zombies. Crazy I know, but it would be badass.