they're corrupt.
your officer is pocketing the extra cash dukkit !
I heard chicks aren't as affectionate after they have a kid, cause a lot of their need for affection is being met by the kid.
i can tell my hormones are fluctuating....last night i was craving chocolate
and today i just want to slip my penis inside of my gf's tight, wet, lil snatch
nah we're back together, we were up 'til 4 talking about our shit, and now we have perfect communication and there's nothing to worry about
cause you don't take strattera anymore, you forgot what it was like to be a man. You still got some recovery ahead of you. Don't assume you've recovered. 12 weeks off minimum is really ideal post pct in my opinion to get the most out of your next cycle. Not that I ever make it that long. I made it 9 weeks this time. I really need a long break tho.
Morning whores!
yeah i know, i'm probably gonna end up marrying this girlhahah
and yea, i gotta ****ing start pct today...a part of me just feels like i don't reall neeed 4 weeks of it
Quite good. Such a crazy workout last night I passed out right after for 6 hours.
Hey my urologist told me that kratos...i didn't pull that out of my ass
It's no fun. Enjoy, AG...
Lat pull downs
Bent over rows
BB Curls
Concentration curls
how much inclination with bent over rows? 45º?
mmmm another day...another salad
I like this site 'cause they go so far as to show proper form and offer some explanation of what you're doing with it. Bent over rows:
i might not get anymore after this week tho.....i think i have to live on like 30 dollars till the 3rd of march
anyone wanna see what psych chick looks like...dukkit you there?
i'm doin back in a second here today too....just let my salad settle
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