Okay, I have decided to run another PCT to try and completely get myself back to normal. In May of last year I finished a cycle that consisted of 12 weeks of test-E at 500mg a week, 10 weeks of deca at 400 mg a week, and 4 weeks of dbol to start. I did a PCT 2 weeks after last test shot, it was clomid and nolva. I feel like time hasnt done much. I will attempt another one that consists of:
Nolva 20mg per day
Clomid 50 mg per day
Arimidex 25 mg per day
Caber .25 mg every other day
My stats are 5 foot 7, 185 lb, 22 years old. I am currently working on getting financial aid from the hospital close to me so i can see them regularly and get my blood checked. Until then I dont have insurance.
Any critiques or advice to this PCT would be greatly appreciated!