morning whores
dunno what to say mr. dukkit
if coma chick texted you, it's kinda hard to believe she was in a coma that long...
mom chick has issues i guess which you were unaware of.
or maybe she found out you're ready to diddle tattoo chick.
who btw is the real injured party
i thought doing all that time made you more immune to this kind of stress.
im not really even stressed... just so fukkkin annoyed that i cant find a good freakin girl.
and coma chick was in medically induced so who knows what was goin on.
she hasnt replied since last night.
and mom chick is manic depressive so i knew that. but to try and kill your self when you have such a beautiful daughter... thats pathetic
i even asked her... i said... if you try to kill yourself again... and you succeed.... can i have your daughter? she didnt like that
and now tattoo chick is being really fukkin shady... and no her and mom chick dont know about each other
i still have one saving grace.... mom chick from 2 hours away is still semi normal
the problem with real mental disease (and some peeps here are too ignorant to get it) is that the disease involves the organ which makes good decisions, you know "judgement"? so not only the mood is screwed up but decisions make poor sense. i've been through that suicide attempt by someone with a small child before (someone close to me) so i'm personally aware as well as professionally
too bad about tattoo girl. is she upset you didn't put out???
i'm going to the office...c u
i feel like my estrogen is up... lol
whores whores whores whores whores
i wish i didn't have to work
how'd your date go with tattoo? never heard about that one
back and another shitty day with NO fukking elevator.
like any crippled person can see the doctor on the third floor
elevator maintenance jackasses
Cardio and abs today so much FUN!!!
mom chick, suicide? How'd she do it? pills? that's what people always do when they don't really want to kill themselves but want all the attention.
tattoo chick, another man maybe??? not suprized, I told you she looks like she needs much penis. But how did your date go with her?
i think im gonna go away this weekend
see my old roomates and maybe mom chick 2
im really waiting for cafe chick to call me. but shes back in NY till next week. so i wont hear from her till then
Cuddling??? Dukkit are you falling off
On a side note I can't get enough SEX!! right about now. Example was yesterday. 45 minutes session in the morning, then beat off 3 times before sex at night that was hour and a half session and on my way home I get horny again...... geez I need help
i'ma paper chaser my block got fire
pills is such a bad way to kill yourself, so few are successful
if she really wanted to do it, so many better ways
you could do what my dad's stock broker did for example...roof of a really tall building with a bottle of champagne. One last toast, then hop off.
Or if you're less dramatic, go into dicks sporting goods...tell them you want a high powered shot gun to protect the house. walk out 2 hours later with a gun and box a shells and stick it in your mouth.
in jail you have less options at your disposal
but, pills are more of a momentary thing...they're in your cabinet while feeling really depressed, you wouldn't care if you live or die and mos def a sign of severe depression. She needs a lot of help and not someone available for a relationship right now.
few things.... i got locked up in the middle of a test and d-bol cycle... so no pct... so levels were fukked....
then i was facing 6 years in prison... so i didnt want to live
i had lost all my belongings and my apartment when i got locked up
i had no contact from anyone for like the first 3 months i was locked up. no friends or family
so i was just super depressed
how'd you do it? bed sheet hanging from a pipe or something?
jail is a depressing place
I'd take a death sentence over life in prision
well what happened? see, that wouldnt have failed had you passed your knot tying badge in the scouts LOL
perfect song about jumping off a building too your death
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