bump back
ever been to smart bar in chicag?
Yo Scib my man.
everyone heard of my dead guy today?
hey damio! s'cool, 'cept for the rib of course
dam fly-bys !
chode, get off the commode already and get yyer ass in here
Rib what up bud?
got my cardiac arrest sstory today....
there's my law girl....and there she went....
this is an anthem for the girl that got away...
I'm lost scibb man
no hookers at the moment, and i have time to kill.
what's the Q mr D ?
girl you know my love is real; but you cant control me baby.
baby you know just how i feel; so you cant control me...
Ladi da
la, di, da in deed.
Put your hands up
oh yeah
put your hands up
yeah yeah
I bought some pastuerized egg whites. Nasty, but nothing I can't handle. I'll drink a carton with breakfast.
I bought some bromelain too... now I have to find out the best way to utilize it.
I began training as a paramedic. I know the nasty shit they never told us in high school CPR class. Breaking ribs and vomit.... yay.
Seriously... seeing the people in that course with me? Pray you never need an ambulance. I'd rather drive myself to the hospital with one arm and a head wound than let those yahoos take over.
the paramedics should've arrived MUCH faster and maybe this guy would've stood a chance.
that's the stupidest thing i ever heard. some moron made that up. golden hour has no such significance.
(cut n paste): The golden hour, from an emergency medicine perspective, is the second peak that occurs within a few minutes to several hours following injury.[1] It is well established that the victim's chances of survival are greatest if they receive within a short period of time after a severe injury. The “golden hour” is not a rigidly defined time frame. Rather it is the core principle of rapid intervention in trauma cases.
Be back in a bit whores
this guy should have had a patent airway with some brain oxygenation and defibrillation within minutes and he possibly would have survived,
on the other hand, appears he had a massive myocardial infarction
right on.
lawyers will be the end of civilization
(excluding certain lawgirls of course)
So what's going on in the AR chat room tonight?
a little of this....a touch of that, you know,
same same
i caught a glimpse of lawstudent in here a short while ago, but like the lawprechaun she is, was gone in a flash
I heard that, i'm trying to down this mountain of a plate of food. About 2 bites from throwing up all over this nice pc.
Still a little shook up from seeing some old guys balls hanging out of his umbro shorts on the bike. talkin 70+
Bad part is, I really don't think he knew it. Guess they go a little numb in old age.
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