Chemical Name: 17beta-Hydroxy-17alpha-methylandrosta-1,4-dien-3-one
Molecular Structure: C20H28O2
half life: 6 - 8 h
Chemical Name: 17beta-Hydroxy-17alpha-methylandrosta-1,4-dien-3-one
Molecular Structure: C20H28O2
half life: 6 - 8 h
Manufacturer: Jelfa
Name: Metanabol
Substance: 5mg/tab
Container: 20 tabs
Manufacturer: ANABOLICA
Substance: 5mg/tab
100 tabs Look out possibly fake
Last edited by funbos; 12-15-2005 at 12:51 PM.
Substance: 5mg/tab
1000 tabs
Manufacturer: BRITISH DRAGON
Name: AVERBOL 25
Substance: Methandienone 25mg/ml
10ml vial
Manufacturer: BRITISH DRAGON
Substance: Methandienone 10mg/tab
500 tabs
Name: Metandienone
Substance: Methandienone 5mg/tab
100 tabs
Manufacturer: TERAPIA
Name: Naposin
Substance: Methandienone 5mg/tab
Manufacturer: LYKA LABS
Name: Metanolon
Substance: Methandienone 5mg/tab
100 tabs
Last edited by Seajackal; 11-25-2005 at 04:56 AM.
Manufacturer: LA PHARMA.
Name: metadienone
Substance: Methandienone 10mg/tab
100 tabs
Last edited by Seajackal; 11-25-2005 at 04:55 AM.
Manufacturer: Bioreactor
Name: Metandienon
Substance: Methandienone 5mg/tab
100 tabs
Last edited by Seajackal; 11-25-2005 at 04:58 AM.
has any one used Metanolon and how did they like it?
Has anyone used Anavar
Last edited by bigguys; 01-09-2008 at 12:56 PM.
this thread is like 3 years old
Hey guys, I have a 10ml bottle of Reforvit of 50mg. Brand, American Pharmaceutical Institute it is red lquild that has a 11 digit number with a red cap. Is his stuff any good and has anyone taken it before.
that pink anabol is real. seen it and used it.
the company is no longer makeing products ,anywith the mgf date after 06 are fake
Manufacturer: Body Research - Thailand
Name: Danabol DS
Substance: Methandienone 10mg/tab
500 tabs
im taking mathanbol by british dragon.... im also taking bcaas(amino acids) waximaize optimen multi vitamins and isopure when would it be best to take these
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