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Thread: Formula for Cycling and Dosing T3

  1. #1
    CYCLEON Guest

    Formula for Cycling and Dosing T3

    One subject that keeps coming up that many people have difficulty is with properly dosing and tapering T3.

    Now while THERE IS NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER for the persistent rumor that improper t3 use will shut down your thyroid forever, it is also not something to take lightly and like all AAS, should be respected. Ive come up with a formula based on the research Ive done, and both theory as well as practical experience point that it should work well for your fat burning goals as well as give you a proper taper so that the thyroid is able to recover its normal function as quickly as possible. The key to this is having a long enough taper coming off of it. Since origionally designing this formula some will note that I have taken 5% off of the ramp period and placed it toward the back taper insted - this is because I have become convinced that in the presences of exogeneous supplementation, the thyroid shuts down fairly quickly and so the better to spend that time on the taper down.

    NOTE 1: If you have never used T3 before, it is suggested that you lessen your constant time and increase your ramp up period to determin your reaction to t3 before heavy use.

    NOTE 2: Synthroid (t4) may also be used to good effect with this formula but of course the maximums are diffferent - the ratio of t4:t3 is about 4:1 or 4.5:1 so 100mcg of t3=about 400-450mcg of t4


    Its pretty simple really – 5/40/55 is a time-based formula whereby X% of the time of the entire cycle should be spent in one of 3 periods – up/constant/down:

    RULE – 1
    5% of the time is spent ramping up to your maximum
    40% of the time is at your maximum
    55% of the time is spent ramping down to cessation (nothing)

    RULE – 2
    Each up/down period is further broken down into equal segments for each dosing level with the emphasis being the dosing level toward the end of the period.

    RULE – 3
    I dont ever recommend taking more than 125mcg per day and 100mcg will do for most. Above this amount is quite catabolic without hefty concurrent doses of AAS. There are those who advocate higher doses and it is feasible to do so but IMO the effectiveness gains above 100-125mcg are not really worth it.

    Example 1
    An example for a 20-day cycle with a max of 100mcg ED using 25mcg pills. Calculate the number of days of each period first (Notice that where the up/down period is unable to be broken into 3 exactly equal parts, the extra is put on the dose level at the last part of the period. (.5) means 1/2 a pill or 12.5mcg

    4 days 6days 10days
    5% 40% 55%
    2 44444444 33222111.5.5.5

    Example 2
    An example for a 60-day cycle with a max of 125mcg ED using 25mcg pills. Notice that where the up/down period is unable to be broken into 3 exactly equal parts, the extra is put on the dose level at the last part of the period.

    12 days 18days 30days
    5% 40% 55%
    234 555555555555555555555555 44444433333322222221111111.

    Hope this helps someone!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Good info bro. Personally, T3 frightens me. I don't like the idea of shutting down natural production of so many things in my body. Maybe if you could use T3 effectively (to a degree) without shutting down natural production but that's tough to gauge properly as everyone's different. 12.5mcg ED could work but who can say? BTW, you're a homosexual.

  3. #3
    CYCLEON Guest
    BTW, you're a homosexual.
    Nathan - ur such a flirt

  4. #4
    The Iron Game Guest
    Cycleon, I also used to look upon t3 as a pyramid, up along and down, but then started thinking if there was any such need to taper up?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    WTF? You're a mod too CYC? I hate you guys! Everyone's a damn mod but me. Well fuck all of you...or something less petty and more congratulatory.

  6. #6
    CYCLEON Guest
    IG - u can see that im already into it with fonz at EF - I dont think that its neccessary if youve done it often but like DNP - not so wise fo rnewbies IMO (but i could be wrong) - i normally do 5/40/55 - which is closer to what fonz advocates but i dont spike it to 150mcg so i dont think the taper has ot be quite as long. (again, could be wrong)

  7. #7
    CYCLEON Guest
    nathan - as u can see, they let almost any one in here these days

  8. #8
    CYCLEON Guest
    Fonz and I have just had this big fight over it at EF - he and warlobo prefer a quicker upramp and spiking to 150mcg ED (but only for advanced users)-

    the upshot is a preferred 5/40/55 (instead of 20/30/50) for a max of 100mcg for newbies or a shorter cycle where the backend cant be tapered as long or - for a max of 150mcg for advanced users (which is actually if u look, about 5% ramp, 42% over or at 100mcg, 53% back end so about 5/40/55) the main difference is that you continue to spike up during the middle phase where the other stays constant.

    Unless ur advanced tho i would keep it at 100mcg ED and down - tho i might go with the higher spike my next shot.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    heading west

    Another Great Post

    I was just thinking about this today. I like the cycle you outlined. Now, is it true that T3 is best used when you are well into a fat loss cycle? I've read that it is most "useful" after you have already shed the easy fat and your metabolism is not up enough to get rid of the last 5-10-15 lbs or whatever. I've used T3 and didn't really notice anything until I was up in the higher dosages, so I want to have that period (high dosages) coincide with the right timing of my fat loss cycle overall - whether that be the beginning, middle, or end.

    Also, is it true that T3 can make a gaining cycle more effective by speeding up protein synthesis?? I have not used T3 for gains, but would if others have had positive results for this purpose.

    Thanks Cycleon - very informative!

  10. #10
    CYCLEON Guest
    well some people wiat until your thyroid shuts down in a cutting cycle (as it will when on DNP, heavy ECA , clen - anything that raises the body temp high) but IMO it should just be part of the whole cycle

    its used in a bulk cycle to help absorb all the protien u need - never go over 50mcg ED then and 25mcg is all i recommend.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Vancouver, Canada

    Here is another way of looking at it!!

    I got this post from elite thought you would like some more info on this subject.

    Some folks do find that one week on clen, one week on eca works better for them, but the main point is that the two day on, two day off is NOT the way to take clen. And by then end of 8 weeks, you will need a break from both the clen and the eca.

    One other point of interest would be adding in the Yohim. Take a look at some of he threads by Macro on this.

    I just got to chuckle at all you "less than 50mcg" T3 folks. My guinea pigs START at 50mcg and quickly ramp up. Then take a LONG time to comedown. The taper down is the most important part - you must give your body enough time to re-start normal production.
    We let them ramp up based on how they are effected - I let them decide... we increase the dose every three days until they hit a dose where they feel "uncomfortable". We then back off 25mcgs and then hold at that level for a good six days, then start the tapering back down.

    Each respond differently to the dosage, and adding in eca/clen will also come into play. Some top out quick at 125/150, while I have gone to 250. And I've not really seen to much difference from men or women - as in it don't seem to matter how big or small you are. But this is just anecdotal observations.

    If you tilt you head to the right, you will see my attempt to make a graph of a typical dosing schedule. Each dot is 12.5mcgs of T3 and the interval is three days. This is an 8 week cycle where we jump in with both feet, ramp up quick, hold, then back off with a nice long taper


    So on day one you would take four 12.5mcg doses of T3 every day. Now I like to spread the dose out. But I don’t think it really matters much if you were to take 25mcg in the morning and 25mcg in the afternoon. In other words, it’s not a big deal to take four SEPERATE12.5mcg doses (no fan of cutting tabs). After three days, you would go to 75mcg, Say 25 in the morning, 25 in the afternoon, and 25 in the evening.

    And notice the LONG tapper back down. This is key.

    I also like to make the anabolic used during the cycle longer than the T3/eca/clen cycle to prevent as much muscle loss as possible. So start one week prior to the T3 and keep on one week after. This would give you a 10 week total cycle for cutting.

    Now “uncomfortable” is not the most scientific term LOL, but you WILL know it. Shaky, skidish, like you just pounded a 12 of Mt Dew.... And about the dosing schedule, I suggest one takes it through out the day. From all accounts, you just can't say take "x" amount of T3 and you will get "x" results. If you find that taking it on an empty stomach means you use less while getting the same effect, then hell, by all means take it on an empty gut. Myself, and a few others seem to do better if it don't kick in quite as fast, so I take it with food. But again - that’s just me.

    I've posted this so many times that I almost have given up, if anyone can show me proof that over doing T3 kills your thyroid.... (Yes, while your 'on' T3 it shuts down) but your thyroid WILL START BACK UP and if you do a solid slow taper, you can avoid the rebound.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    heading west
    This is all great info. Unlike all the other stuff I've done, I never felt like I had the T3 down to the point where I knew how it worked best for me. All this info. makes sense based on my experiences and I feel like I now have direction with this stuff. Thanks Bros.

  13. #13
    CYCLEON Guest
    yeah - that post is from Warlobo - a good systlem also but 150mcg is only for advanced users and his formula isnt made to cover varying time periods - both he and fonz know their stuff tho.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    The city where dreams are
    Is it ok to take xenadrine while your on the 20 day T3 cycle. This is my first time to take T3 so any info would help.

  15. #15
    CYCLEON Guest
    ECA stacks are a good addition to T3 - it can quickly get catabolic if you arent taking AS tho.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    The city where dreams are
    Thanks for the feedback.

  17. #17
    anyone ever used thyreotom?

  18. #18
    its apparently 10mcg of t3 and 40mcg of t4. how would one cycle that combo or is it worth doing?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    stick to sraight T3 bro.


    Originally posted by Frank Castle
    its apparently 10mcg of t3 and 40mcg of t4. how would one cycle that combo or is it worth doing?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Yes, mixing the two can provide extraordinary results. However, clen is known to spare muscle, more than T3. Depends what look you are going for. If you're looking at just staying lean and toned, it should be fine to run them both. However, if you are looking to put some lean muscle mass on, it might be better to stick with just the clen.

    BTW....When you cycle clen...2 weeks on/ 2 weeks off...on your 2 "off" weeks, run an ECA so your metabolism can stay at an elevated level.

    Good luck on your decision. Not many people post in this forum, so you can always post your question in the Female Forum, or Steroid Forum, and someone will gladly answer your question.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    T3 is not dangerous - it will temporarily shut down your natural thyroid function which can produce a lag after supplementation unless you taper correctly as shown above - it will eat muscle tho, unless you are taking anavar, winny or primo while taking it. but it is a great stack with clen - please look at my ketotifen thread in here as well to get better clen and ECA results.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Finsbury P.K

    T3 will eat muscle?

    What about combining clen and eca? Will that spare the muscles?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas
    clen and eca will just make you run hotter and faster, it wont effect muscle loss

    Its one of the great debates how much muscle will be eaten and at what dosages.

    most say you have to run some AAS to prevent it or keep your dosages no higher than 50mcg.

    just depends who you talk to really.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    In A Gym Near You
    Great post and replies, fellas. I learned a whole shit load of info from that.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    thanks for the info. I cut very easy but my girlfriend use's t3 we have been using a longer ramp up and a little shorter ramp down I will have her try your way next time. Also how is the best way to combine it with clen? we take one tab a day for two days than two days off and increase by one more tab a day every 8 days.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas
    BUMP!! EVERYONE needs to read this. great T3 info

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Clenbuterol is anti-catabolic.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Vancouver canada

    cutting up

    I was wondering if someone could give me some advice?

    I finished a cycle of deca and winnie about two months ago. I got scared because it totally messed both my blood levels and choleterol up, as well as getting heart pains. I really just want to get down to 8% bodyfat as I am 18%now. Iweigh 195, use a strict diet and cardio schedule and yet cant get rid of fat in midsection. I am alos allergic to ephedrine and thermogenic products. My question is would something like primobolan and T3 be dangerous. Thanks.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    I just used this approach on my current T3 cycle and feel good. Bump for the good taper ratio.


  30. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Has anyone got an example of a 6week cycle with a max/constant of 100mcgs's hard to put a 6 weeker together as i dont know how i should taper down.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    i have the same question for CYCLEON AND PAIN.. i got recommended a cutting cycle that i am going to start pretty soon. and in it it's t3 from weeks 2 to 8.......... so how would i follow the 5/40/55 % method. and is that safe for that many weeks thanks.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Boston area
    I ran T3 for a little over 6 weeks and was fine so IMO that length of time is fine. For a dosage cycle I need to know what max dosage you want to go up to.


  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    i have the same question for CYCLEON AND PAIN.. i got recommended a cutting cycle that i am going to start pretty soon. and in it it's t3 from weeks 2 to 8.......... so how would i follow the 5/40/55 % method. and is that safe for that many weeks thanks.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Boston area
    Tell me what you want to go up to for a max. Why did you post 2 times??


  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    i replied twice by accident. sorry...i would like to go up to 100mcg..thanks

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Boston area
    OK this would be how I do it. the number refers to the number of pills granted they are 25mcg.

    1/2/3/days 4-20 4/3/3/3/3/3/3/2/2/2/2/2/2/1/1/1/1/1/1/.5/.5/.5/.5

    That is 42 days, and the percents are 7%/40%/53% that is pretty much how I ran mine.


  37. #37
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  38. #38
    Join Date
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    They add up to 42 days when I count them. Do you see that I have put from day 4 - day 20 take 4 pills a day, instead of writing 4/4/4/4/4/4/4/.......


  39. #39
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    Jun 2002

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Boston area
    OK, do you mean PM or mail. If you mailed me I didn't get it or I deleted by accident because it went to my junk mail folder. I deleted your PM because I answered it here. BTW, take the T3 early in the morning on an empty stomach and the clen it really doesn't matter. For clen I split up the higher dosages, above 60mcg, though.


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