damit wow sorry
damit wow sorry
you mean 10ml?
you can go back and edit out that price.. lol
yeah, you got taxed..
alright then im just gona stop but do u think taking some clen and hitting up the cardio would be a good idea
10ml naw the bottle says 10mg
what the hell do you have then.. soould be a 10ml vial.. never seen 10mg tren.. lol
lol yeah my bad i meant 100 mg wich is 10ml yeah i got rid of it already but what would u recommend so i can loose body fat fast some clen or maybe winne? i have been doing cardio at least 2miles everyday and i do workout 4 times a week have been for a month already and my diet is clean i try and eat every 3 hours. chicken and broccoli some carbs here and there some almonds peanuts pretty much for a month already.and i just got the clomid you told me i should get but do u think after 4 shots only my body aint gona be able to produce same amount of test.ty all for ur help.
some one reply plz
i got the clomi and novaldex how do i take it
god damit no answer
just stop your cycle now. no big deal. next time you run a cycle make sure its test not tren. how did you get clomid and nolva in 24 hours? what does it look like? liquid or pill
oh shit one sec my brother is logged in
yeah its in liquid
i got it quick cuz u guys had me worried that this cycle was gona f me up or something so i got the pct quick
Last edited by bro24; 03-10-2009 at 04:39 PM.
im around alot of ppl that do this but they do it in there own matter so i came here and wanted to do it the safe way cuz the ppl i know would shoot them selves up and drink a beer right after and i didnt wana be like them its simply i dont know how they sill maintained there loook but w/e
so yeah how should i take it and should i even take it cuz i wasnt even on a full cycle
bro honestly i just wana lose bf quick can u reccomend me something for that and maybe gain a lil strength i just have a goal i wana achieve before my bday in three months. im going crazy.
wait on sec
nope sorry my bro is trying to ask hes own question at the same time but yeah no its not
i just wana know how should i take it and if i even need to
you could but honestly think you would be fine..
alright then ty
hey wana keep u posted that im continuing my tren cycle but im stackig it with winnie 5 pills a day i know im going against ur advice but aleast can u tell me the safest way of doing this or should i instead run a test/winne cycle. or a tren/winne/deca cycle and i will also like to know y is a tren only cycle so bad,and also what would be the best pct for the cycle im running right now.
Last edited by bro24; 03-12-2009 at 03:06 PM.
hey wana keep u posted that im continuing my tren cycle but im stackig it with winnie 5 pills a day i know im going against ur advice but atleast can u tell me the safest way of doing this or should i instead run a test winne cycle or tren winne deca cycle and i will also like to know y is a tren only cycle so bad,and also what would be the best pct for the cycle im running right now.plz reply
Last edited by bro24; 03-12-2009 at 03:09 PM.
tren is one of the harshest steriods out there. Not only are you going to be depressed and moody as hell with no test in the cycle, your probably going to accumilate major gyno. Everyone here tried to warn you and tell you to stop, so good luck and have fun shopping for bra's.
WOW!!!!! hahahahaha all i can say is you're a effing retard!!! you are getting some AWESOME advice from people here and you flat out ignore it! Do you honestly think anyone is going to waste their time with you anymore when they give you SOLID ADVICE and you flat out ignore what is said???? Why would anyone waste their time on you? Tell us why we should bother now that you made a mockery of us by ignoring legit advice and continue to do stupid sh!t..... This thread is going NO WHERE! you're a retard, sorry you don't know how to listen
no retard..... to prevent it you STOP taking your tren like others stated.... Let's just PRETEND you were old enough to start cycling..... first off you shouldn't be at 22 or 24% bf as you stated you are.... the sides will be way worse for you and you will not be happy. My friend cycled when he was like 30% bf or some crazy # like that and it was a horrible mess...... secondly you don't even have all the proper gear or knowledge to be cycling.... we are not your personal assistants that tell you how to do everything day by day as you're doing it so you need to RESEARCH!!!! are you kidding us??? can you please take advice and then start asking questions? If you ignore our advice and then ask more questions what makes you think we will give you advice anymore?????? can you respond to what i am saying or is it just not what you want to hear / read???? wow I'm surprised you're 19, seems like you're 12 or 13 tops.... good luck with your new titties i guess?? come on man, learn to listen to legit information.
I think this thread should be closed.... he's flat out just ignoring solid advice and has very selective hearing
then why don't you 100% listen to me if i'm 100% right??????? if you are fat and feel like shit then I can help you with losing weight and getting you feeling great!!! TRUST people here that have some great information for you..... don't listen to douche bags just because they can lift more than you and look better than you. I was fat in high school and it SUCKED...... in 3 months you can easily lower your body fat from 24% down to 18% naturally..... who knows maybe you could lower it even more! Clen IS an option you could go with but it's not a miracle drug so the two top things on the list for losing the weight are Dieting properly and working out with cardio..... We can help you with that but no one even wants to help you when you ignore us and have selective listening skills.....
You say you wasted a lot of money on that stuff right? Well let that be a lesson to you..... don't just use it because you paid for it. It could come in handy at a later time you know! Stop using tren man, it's going to **** your life up i'd imagine..... you aren't going to be happy doing steroids the wrong way, TRUST ME I have done cycles the wrong way a long time ago and I was miserable..... it ruined a lot of shit and made my life horrible at the time.
Start off by watching this video.... and I swear to you this video changed my life!!! If you choose to listen and pay attention then follow what you have learned you will be loving life later on, I promise!
Part 1 - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2s...ar-pt1_extreme
Part 2 - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2s...ar-pt2_extreme
Part 3 - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2s...ar-pt3_extreme
Part 4 - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2s...ar-pt4_extreme
Part 5 - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2s...ar-pt5_extreme
Part 6 - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2s...ar-pt6_extreme
Next make sure you're doing cardio because at this point cardio is your best friend like stated in a previous reply to your post...... Try to do cardio in the a.m. right when you wake up on an empty stomach for 30-60 mins.... I'd say no less than 30 mins but shoot for 45-60 mins. DO NOT be afraid of eating like I was when I was losing weight.... I lost weight the first time like a girl would..... didn't eat much, did lots of cardio etc.. What happens when you do that is you lose any muscle you have basically, store fat and just get smaller.... you look like shit if you do it that way so please don't. Watch the video and get on a regular cardio schedule and then you can ask us more questions but until then.... you should be doing those two things FIRST
you were advised to stop using the tren.... and no one told you to use test right now because you're all screwed up with a half assed horrible cycle going on.... plus you're going to **** yourself up because of your age so NO don't use test, NO don't use tren anymore..... NO STEROIDS right now, get it???? Now if you choose to ignore that advice I don't have much more to say to you.
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