I could only do 27 @165lbs. Bloody lactic acid, I'm guessing that's what it was. A top level football player did 36.
I could only do 27 @165lbs. Bloody lactic acid, I'm guessing that's what it was. A top level football player did 36.
Last edited by chicmagnet; 03-08-2009 at 05:32 AM.
are you talking about reps with 75% of body wt?
I did 87
I stoped counting after 100
*shakes head @ another bench thread*
75% is basically equal to what a push up is....
but agreed, we have had the "whats your max" "how many times can you do 225" and "the guy at my gym lifts" post way way too much...
we need to just make a sticky so everybody can post and feel good about themselves
The weight you use is not as important as the form you use...........
Nice bench DSM
You need professional help, my friend... I, too, used to blame the evil Lactic Acid for my gym-shortcomings. You need to attend a group session of LABA, Lactic Acid Blamers Anonymous.
Its not the acid, no way is it the acid...
I agree with what everyone is saying here, however i will say that when i get a big pump it can hinder me in my movements of some exercises...
^^ never when bench pressing though...
YA, being in the military of course the push up is like the stable of our workouts... so one day somebody told us that fact..
so just like normal bored guys in Iraq we got scales out and measured the down force of about 15 guys when doing push ups.. and depending on how your body is shaped and a few other factors it basically did come out to around 70-80% depending on the person and type of measuring device used.
I would imagine that for most of the guys here, seeing how much one would be able to bench at a weight that is 75% of their bodyweight isn't so much of a test of strength, as it is a test of speed. Frankly, after 40-50 seconds, lactic acid will kick in, and sooner or later, you'll have to stop repping not so much as a result of weak muscles, but due to excess lactic acid.
You need help with your diet bro......
Yeah, yeah, say what you like I know the majority of you are going to try this. Just to proud to post results or to scared....LMFAO...
Ok that's my last belittling picture for you I promise..
Yeah thanks for that Rugger, actually a member since oct '07 but obviously not as mentally advanced as some of you.
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