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Thread: Holy SH!T Help...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Holy SH!T Help...

    Ok, I have done many test prop/tren ace cycles. I got some new stuff I never used before. After couple shots, a lump started to grow on my butt. It grew to the size of a damn baseball. Had to go to a surgeon, and cut me up in couple spots to let it drain out. Now Im left with 2 gaping holes that cant be sewn up cause they have to drain, and heal inside out, as the surgeon says...

    PROBLEM, while all this was happening, I did a shot in my shoulder. Now for the past month, there is a soft fluid type swelling where I injected. About 2 inches around. It almost goes away, then comes back. How can I get it to go away, I am never going back to a surgeon to be cut up with no numbing, every again. Hot compress, then cold? Please any ideas will be appreciated. Ive tried sticking needles in there to suck crap out, but nothing ever comes out...
    Nothing like this has ever happened, I have done ED shots, EOD shots, prob 4 diff cycles. My buddy had the same thing happen to him on the same gear. Dr told him its DIRTY oil, true?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    If that same gear is causing problems everywhere you are using it then yes I would say the gear is compromised and is no longer sanitary. If the problems took place from the first injection onward then i would assume its your gear.

    Toss it.

    Get to a doctor. If you catch infections EARLY i.e. NOT WHEN THEY HAVE AN ABCESS THE SIZE OF A BASEBALL! then antibiotics can often take care of the problem. NO cutting. NO surgeon. GET TO A ****ING DOCTOR.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    You probably have dirty gear if you are cleaning everthing right. I would ditch it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    back in the states
    dirty mexican gear is probably the problem

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    It is an abcess, either from the oil or unsanitary injection practice.

    IMO you should get off the gear if the abscess is not healing, it seems to me like your saying that the abscess is not healing while your still on cycle, so the logical answer would be to get off and give your body time to heal than wait the apporpriate of time off cycle and run the cycle again at a later date with different gear (preferably from another source)

    My 2 cents, also I would go to a doctor and get it checked out, they might prescribe antibiotics.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    No, it was ditched, and I got other stuff, and havent had 1 prob. I know cause I been injecting totally diff areas. Which type of antibiotics? Are we talking Z pack, prednisone, bactrim? I need an idea to what to go into with going to the Dr, he is real cool, but family friend, and real close with everyone in my family. Id rather they didnt know my business. Fiance yes, nagging melodramic parents, no.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Man sorry to hear, must be contaminated,do not use.Done many cycles myself and only once had a sterile abcess in qaud.Doc drained with a syringe.And your shoulder keep a eye on it,never heard of it coming and going away tho.Good luck bro.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Am I allowed to name the gear, to see if anyone heard of this company?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by crazed98 View Post
    No, it was ditched, and I got other stuff, and havent had 1 prob. I know cause I been injecting totally diff areas. Which type of antibiotics? Are we talking Z pack, prednisone, bactrim? I need an idea to what to go into with going to the Dr, he is real cool, but family friend, and real close with everyone in my family. Id rather they didnt know my business. Fiance yes, nagging melodramic parents, no.
    The best person to know what you need is gunna be the doctor. Don't beat around the bush with your health and cut corners.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by crazed98 View Post
    Am I allowed to name the gear, to see if anyone heard of this company?
    no. not in open forum. but you can pm one of us about it

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by crazed98 View Post
    Am I allowed to name the gear, to see if anyone heard of this company?
    Not if it's ugl... and I can't imagine you're having this problem with human pharm grade.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by crazed98 View Post
    No, it was ditched, and I got other stuff, and havent had 1 prob. I know cause I been injecting totally diff areas. Which type of antibiotics? Are we talking Z pack, prednisone, bactrim? I need an idea to what to go into with going to the Dr, he is real cool, but family friend, and real close with everyone in my family. Id rather they didnt know my business. Fiance yes, nagging melodramic parents, no.
    Amoxicillin, Ciprofloxacin, Sulfamethoxazole or Trimethoprim, etc. are the types of antibiotics offered by most steroid sources that deal with bacteria which I assume (could be wrong) is to treat abscess and infections.

    I cannot be 100% sure since I haven't had an infection *knocks on wood*

    Whats it matter what type of antibiotic it is? Your doctor will prescribe what it is right.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Dr prescribed cipro. Hopefully it works... Cipro, good?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Louisiana. Source checks
    Cipro is good.

    did you post a pic of gear? A well known ugl had some problems you speak of awhile back. hope it's not their old gear. If it is, get rid of it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Amoxicillin, Ciprofloxacin, Sulfamethoxazole or Trimethoprim, etc. are the types of antibiotics offered by most steroid sources that deal with bacteria which I assume (could be wrong) is to treat abscess and infections.

    I cannot be 100% sure since I haven't had an infection *knocks on wood*

    Whats it matter what type of antibiotic it is? Your doctor will prescribe what it is right.
    Quote Originally Posted by crazed98 View Post
    Dr prescribed cipro. Hopefully it works... Cipro, good?
    I would assume so

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    the true north
    you used a diff vial and diff gear both times and you still got an infection? lets see your injection protocol.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    No, I bought 5 vials of test prop. I would inject EOD. Which for me turned out not to be so hot. Had alot more sides than when I used to do ED shots. Either way, same bottle. I got rid of all the stuff. I went thru I believe 3 bottles, and I could swear it didnt do 1 single thing, almost like it was just pure oil. I know cause I have done prop and many times, and there was no change in me, in anyway. Now the new stuff syntrop, more energy, stronger, better gains. So hopefully the cipro helps. The Dr said it was real soft fluid, like water, like a sinoma. Dr felt Truama based, I do MMA 6 days a weeks, and take mui tai kicks alot, but I dont associate the 2

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Ok, started the cipro today. ---
    I went to the dr that cut my thigh/ass region today. He took a 18 gauge syringe, and stuck my shoulder. He sucked out 3ccs of redish frappacino colored fluid. Hes all freakin out, saying he doesnt understand blah blah, sent it out for a culture. So, Im gona stick with the cipro 500mgs twice a day, and see how it goes...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Did you tell the doc your on test?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    no, i thought bout it, but I couldnt tell if this surgeon was a tight ass. I didnt want any probs.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Tombstone, AZ
    I can tell you first hand that Cypro is the shit. I had strep throat a few months back and doc gave me cypro, I was back on my feet in two days, I didnt know any antibiotic pill coulde work that well that fast. I'm not saying it will work that fast for you in this situation, but I'm pretty sure thats what they give to people exosed to Anthrax too, so yeah its good shit.

  22. #22
    That happened to me with my first eq inject. I thought it was a reaction, but I just took an anti-histamine and it went down, switched to legs and was fine. Your situation is a little more serious though.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I generally alternate Minocycline and Bactrim to keep acne down. Both work well but I take Minocycline for 2 months then switch to Bactrim for 2 months so I dont build anitbodies to one certain anitbiotic.

  24. #24
    I had an abscess on my butt area, its caused by "unknown" reasons. but usually suspected as a hair stuck in a hair follicle that caused the infection.. and I've not done a single cycle until today... infact, this is whats holding me back.

    It was the MOST painful experiences i ever had.. trust me when i say painful... I've broken many bones before nothing came close to this.

    I tot it was something that it will go away and I procrastinated seeking medical help. only when it was much later. The Doctor had to CUT open the infected abscess area. and left it heal INSIDE out.. so basically. I had an open wound thats about 15cm long about 5 cm deep on my butt. I had problems doing EVERYTHING.... Shower and shitting were the WORSE... I had to do sitz bath on the wound area twice a day for 3 months and had to go to the clinic to change the dressing EVERYDAY! what worse was...... the wound DIDNT heal... It always heal until about 90% and it just stop healing... and keeps having discharges... i had to go thru the SAME operation not TWICE but 3 FREAKING times! and do the whole changing of dressing and wound cleaning 3 rounds!
    all in all.... god blessed that the wound has FINALLY healed after 2 years of going in and out of the hospital! Ive heard nurses said some patients had done the operation 6 times!!

    You must have tot how come anti biotics didnt work? Apparently our butt area is kinda of Fatty... and it doesnt have much veins in them... (thats why its a good injection spot). So even you take anti biotics orally, its kinda of helpless because it cant reach the fatty area to fight the injecton.

    I really hope that this doesnt come back when I decided to start my cycle!

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