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Thread: Heart problems should i cycle again??

  1. #1

    Question Heart problems should i cycle again??

    I'm new to the forum guy's so first of all hello to you all.

    I;m 26 and 13 and a half stone and i started cycling steroids 2 years ago but last month had breathing problems, paulpations followed by panic attacks. Convinced i was havin a heart attack i went to A&E and was told my heart was ok. ( prob a mix of steroids & coccane at the wekends )I had a big enougth scare to keep me away from the coke but love training with gear getting bigger the whole thing, can anyone tell me if there is a cylce i could run that would would cause little or no stress on the heart?
    I can get most anabolics P.C.T igf-1 and growth from a local source.
    If anyone can post a cycle for me that would be great.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    inside my mind
    sounds like you need to not ride the white poney bro lol..thats your main prob.. btw rec drugs arnt alowed to be spoken of on here just so ya know

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Hopfully it keeps you off the pony.
    You were probably just having a panic or anxiety attack in which case I would say you are fine.

  4. #4
    Thanks UncleD never new. Yea definithy off the coke but just panic attacks but i'm still a bit cautious to cycle like i did before ( 500-1000mg test 600mg EQ and dbal 40mg ED first 4 weeks and 100mcg igf-1 ED 5 on 2 off was the norm ) any cycle suggestions guy's? would 1 sust a week for 10 weeks 300mg EQ for 15 weeks be worth my while taking?

  5. #5
    co#### and steroids don't mix unless you want to get panic sides.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Pilsen, Czech Rep.
    Well this is not related to your heart its just your mind. Combination of AAS what act like MAOI and neurtransmitters modulants in conjuction with stimulant, this call for problem manifesting in panic attack.

    I passed this. AAS will make your anxiety more pronounced and you will be likely suffer on each cycle. But you can have just this one panic attack and no consequences.

    I suggest you to stay away from AAS until you will not found stable state (you will no longer worry about your heart). If you will carry some worry or fear about your heart then you will experience more attack and can end on AD medication.

    This is story how by book start Panic disorder. Event, fight-fly response, somatic symptoms like dizziness, shortness of breath, tachycardia with pain on chest, sense of unreality etc. Later you dont need event your fear become your inner trigger and you end in circle of anxiety and panic.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    please edit the recreational drug references.

  8. #8
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    the prob would related 2 the rec drugs mate, one unfortunatly has experience!!! any of the psy stuff best left out, and esp the bodybuilding/rec gamma h. dont know bout over the pond, but very big here, and very bad fookn news

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    you are breaking the rules. related or not. you can explain your heart problems without mentioning the specific drug.

  10. #10
    Fair enough m8 i'm new to the whole forum thing enough said.
    Nathan & Declan thanks for the info and advice i think i'll break prob till the summer to give my body a break. Till then everyone who's posted constructive comments thank's for taking the time.

  11. #11
    id leave the steroids alone mate...

  12. #12
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    you gotta understand mate, training natural or chem enhanced does not mix wit rec's, including alcohol. tried to do both for 10 or more years!!! you will wear your body out fast. ive achieved more in powerlifting in the last three years than in the 15 ive been competing, soley by leaving out the 'party time stuff'. only using aas for 1 year, learnt alot on here, the guys will sort u. good luck mate

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    my mates just discharged himself from the hospital for a largely inflammed heart due to a sht load of coke over the weekend in short its bad sht if u take that crap u dont look after urself enough to train let alone take steriods its for idiots m8 u seem sound so dont get me wrong but seems like u wont some guidence from people so u can carry on sniffing the lines bud its simple fck it off wait 2-3 months during that time do alot of light cardio then look at a test only cycle to further strengthen urself then get on it but u have to make all the changes urself m8 no-ones going to do it for u bud!

  14. #14
    Thanks again Declan cheers m8. Binsser thanks for the advice i've already started light cardio about 5 days a week, definitly staying off the sniff been doing rec since i was 14, since starting bb i've built a good body aswell as confidince its clear i've to chouse either the party or bb lifestyle, easy decision After the summer i'll be starting a light test cycle so till then thanks everbody for posting great advice, cheers!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    good man hope everything goes well m8!

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