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Thread: equipoise info.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Lightbulb equipoise info.

    I just got 10cc of 100mg equipoise for 140 dollars not sure if this is good or not but about 10 people did as well that are experienced in the roid use. Myself tho I have never taken any steroids just prohormones and my question is does equipoise aromatize at all. I have read it doesn't and also heard it doesn't but I'd like to hear what you guys think. I was going to buy some clomid and also some nolvadex but the fellow I got this from only had this and test 250 so I'm out of luck. Do you guys think I'm ok or do I need to some how find clomid and nolvadex to keep from getting gynocomastia. The guy I bought from has sold this stuff for years from what he and others told me and he said with equipoise it's ok for me not to take nolvadex and clomid just wanted to hear what you guys think.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    eq will shut you down just like any other aas. you WILL need clomid for after.
    what kind of cycle are you thinking of doing bro? if youre wanting to run 100mg/week for 10 weeks, youre going to be sorely dissapointed....

    peace IFL79

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    First off your got raped on the price. And like Iron said your gonna need more gear if you wanna run a cycle.
    If you can't get anything else I would suggest trying to bring it back to the clown that sold it to you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    bro im like eq guru ive used it in each ineverycycle ive ran ,barbells and M are corretc bro u need to run it 12 weeks ,400 mg weekly .it takes a long as time to metaboilise into ur system .so its one of those things where u get better resaults the longer u run it .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    he told me I would do fine at first 2 weeks 2cc, next 2 weeks 1.5 cc last 3 weeks 1 cc for 7 weeks. Btw how much does 10cc 100mg eq sale for and also what do you prefer the correct way to use it. I've heard of a guy that sales clomid but someone said he was selling like a cycle for 90 bucks isn't that high for clomid and he refered to it as cycle I'm guessing 10 wks. Last question I may be able to get some test 250 for 125 from this same person if you guys think it would help on the cycle. I'm doing more cutting than bulking right now anyways.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    What he told you is wrong. As big N suggested Eq should be ran @ 400mgs a week for 10 weeks. You also need to stack it w/ something like test or Winny.
    A typical price for Eq would be $90 for 10 mls @200mgs per ml. But even $90 is high. And $90 for clomid is off the wall, normal price would be $35 for 24 pills @ 50mgs per pill. I would suggest finding a new source....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    correct once again .

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    baraso are you in the usa? I'm on the east cost if that helps on the price. so you really think I got taken for 10cc/100mg @ 140$, then if thats a ripp off why did 10 big huge roid pushers buy it also if they use roids all the time and also on this forum a guy said I didn't get fucked because its step down from winny and winny goes for extremely high rates and that it could have been lower but in ga it goes for the price I bought it at I'm confused Is that price sheet acurrate for the black market prices on the first page because it says 4-6 dollars a cc but doesn't say at what mg. Please let me know. I hate getting taken. Also how much clomid should I buy for at what price u think and take it for how long after my cycle is done thanks.

    ps. Prob sounds like mumblish but I hate getting taken. And about to trace dude down and pound a couple times with a bat thats cut in half.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Your price is too high no matter where you live but gym prices are always higher. You don't have enough gear to do a cycle. The cycle advice your source gave you is horrible. You will need clomid for post cycle recovery but won't need an anti-e during your cycle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Cobraa i live in NJ and those are way to high. And His advise sucked. Just cause a bunch of roid guys bought it doesnt mean it was a good price. Maybe they have no one else t o get it from.
    You need 36 tabs of clomid. 300mg 1st day 100mg ed for 10 days and 50mg ed for 10 days
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    ya bro im in PA and yeah ,they are .

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You don't need to know
    Pa. here too.............$55 for a 10ml 200mg/ml is the normal price.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    pa ??cool.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    i got my qv 200mg 10cc botle for 100 the first tiem and then i got a new source and got it for nearly half that price so you are getting ripped a new on. by the way i am trying to cut from 266 and i like using 400 mg per week and stacking it with an eca like xnedreine. im trying to cut alot of fat and the combo has worked great. lost 21 pounds and im putting on muscle.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    your "source" wanted to sell you what he had, and he told you anything you wanted to hear so he could do just that.
    either get more gear(from a different guy) or wait until you can put a decent cycle together and do this right.
    if it were me, i'd be hunting that idiot down, and shoving that vial up his ass.....

    peace IFL79

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    damn man thats so Expensive

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Yeha you got raped.. I'm from MD and I paid $90 for a QV EQ 10ml/200mg bottle. Thats even high but I had no other source.. Iron is right.. It a typical salesman technique. "Tell them what they wanna hear so they will buy it." Just because other people on roids bought it dosent mean anything also bro.. All the guys in my gym that juice are just dumb asses who pay anything because they dont know shit about AAS. One more thing: do a lot more reseach before you do a cycle. It will help you out in the long run.. Good luck bro.. Peace..

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Well thanks for the info ppl. Well I talked to another dude that has gotten it before and this dude told me that since its ultragan 100 that it is why it's higher he said quality over quantity but he still agreed it was high but I didn't get japped that bad. I think I did but nothing I can do now especially since I've already paid for it and I haven't even gotten it yet so I don't want to say shit and get nothing at all then I would go extreme and bust his face open with something. I plan on either buying some test 250 or sus 250 and if I did how would you all suggest throwing in that 100mg 10/cc bottle of eq with it, and at what dosage 10wks at 100mg or do it 200mg for 5 wks also I read you supposed to inject every 2 days is this correct and would it hurt to injected like 200mg once a week? Thanks for your help guys I was already kinda drunk that night I probably would have paid 500 for it cause it was friday and I was on my way out to a bar but stopped by gym first lol. But I wasn't the only one who got japped cause about 5 ppl bought the eq that night.

    Btw here they are no sources at all, this guy is like the first person I ever heard of selling so this is the only source I have and whats wierd is everything else seemed to be normal priced I think like test 250 is 125 and deca was 200. The shit I thought was high was 90 bucks for cycle of nolvadex and this eq shit You guys let me know and thanks again I mean it.


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    shit im from NJ also, as soon as it got past 60 that one week prices jumped like $100 for everything.. i was able to get EQ for $90 in the winter and thats even high and now EQ is $160 to $180 f**k that and winny is up to $16 an about to goto PA and get a hook up where you get atleast decent prices

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Tactical Range
    Listen to the advice man, no matter how you dice it thats not enough eq to do anything. 200 a week wont hurt, you should be doing 200 2x a week, it's not nessacery to run eq EOD. Wait till you get some test and get more bottles of that eq (hopefully at better prices). Especially if it's your first time, your body will take to it very well, dont screw yourself due to no patience.

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