I just got 10cc of 100mg equipoise for 140 dollars not sure if this is good or not but about 10 people did as well that are experienced in the roid use. Myself tho I have never taken any steroids just prohormones and my question is does equipoise aromatize at all. I have read it doesn't and also heard it doesn't but I'd like to hear what you guys think. I was going to buy some clomid and also some nolvadex but the fellow I got this from only had this and test 250 so I'm out of luck. Do you guys think I'm ok or do I need to some how find clomid and nolvadex to keep from getting gynocomastia. The guy I bought from has sold this stuff for years from what he and others told me and he said with equipoise it's ok for me not to take nolvadex and clomid just wanted to hear what you guys think.