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The reason you are having more acne is because of Increased Oil Production due to the adrogenic effects of the aas, bacteria feasts on this oil, therefore infecting your skin pours.
To decrease the acne you can dry up the oil by keeping pours opena, or kill the bacteria b.
a. Orally- accutane is the best drug to do this, (and in my opinion and many others the best drug to stop acne)
a. Topically- Benzoyl peroxide works as a peeling agent, increasing skin turnover and clearing pores, thus reducing the bacterial count there as well as directly as an antibacterial, and Salicylic acid stops pours from clogging by shedding skin
b. Orally- natural antibiotics such as B-5 is by far the best bang for your buck however it will only work for a few weeks, but buy bulk powder and take 2-3 grams a day 1g in the morning 2g before bed. Cleared me up amazingly
i have an issue with this, i work in the medical field.. it's common knowledge that when you take antibiotics your body becomes more tolerant to them, making them less useful when you have to fight an infection.. i, personaly, would omit this
Or antibiotic drugs made for acne, which you ll will have to do some of your own research on those, they work well from personal experience
b. Topically- noxema with triclosan works well killing bacteria
or head and shoulders, which kills yeast, some ppls acne is cause by yeast
Finally up your water intake. It will reduce your toxin levels, which in many helps.
different things work for different ppl
good luck