Yup we're goin' real good actually!
im' done having anxiety of shit that i make up in my head so we're all good
Yup we're goin' real good actually!
im' done having anxiety of shit that i make up in my head so we're all good
oh i just thought since she was hanging out with her ex all the time that wasn't a good sign
He is probably just maintaining with that amount nothing else
yea she was...not i stood up and was like i am NOT OK WITH THIS
and it wasn't a huge deal anyways...he was more of a friend than an ex...hard to explain, it sounds bad on here but if you're here and know all aobut it, it's not a big deal. he helped her thru a lot and they're just friends bla bla bla
it's all good, she won't cheat on me, we have near perfect open communication and we're set...i think we're in it for the long run which is cool cuase we get along realy really well
so are they still gonna hang out all the time and stuff
i've been keepin an eye on my carb intake like none other..it's so easy
1/2 cup rice twice a day
and a 1/2 cup oats
plus w/e lil carbs extra i get here and there
i'm around 150 give or take 20
no they won't be hanging out at all...and if she does, she'll tell me (hopefully)
but i'm worth more to her than he is anyday...he's actually ****ed her over a few times or w/e...i'm not worried about it
sup animal
hey kratosey
I was talking to my buddy who dated this girl for like 3 years.
I guess his ex left went fat too
he fvcked her over and they still hang out
sounds fishy to me. I'd keep a close eye on your girl AG. No girl hangs out with an ex and say they are bff unless something is going on, especially if they had some issues. Thats a bunch of crap if a girl says that.
anyway just my two cents but we can talk about something else now
after he broke up with her, he wanted to get back together like 3 weeks later and she was sorta dating this fat slob.
she said, it's no problem, we'll get back together, just let me have my fun. You've got nothing to worry about, he's fat, bald, and has a tiny penis.
Yeah, she's still with him 2 years later.
no man, i totally feel ya, and i'm dep keepin an eye on it
but yea
summer cycle (once weight is up and diet is locked in)
test e 300-500mg/wk
deca 300mg/wk
and maybe turinabol
how are you doin' these days reedy?
i dont really follow my exs lives
i think most of them are single though
A. after me they got fat
B. after me they couldnt find a man who could dick em down like i did. so they are now forever lost in the dreams of getting me back
C. they are bitches and no man wants to be with them
It doesn't matter AG just do ya thang I would have ditched her the moment she pulled that crap on me
here is the way you should look at it
hoes come a dime a dozen
I gotta agree with AG...i was wrong eating so many cals, carbs and protein.
0.75-1g protein x lbs is more than enough if you are not on cycle, and evern then. Unless you have a pysical job, 1g is still enough. More protein doesn't build more muscle, just more fat.
1-1.5g carbs are enough
.25-.50 fats are enough.
Once i get lean (if ever) thats what i'll do next bulk time.
if i ever do a cycle i'll will 30lbs. bam!!!
600mg test cyp/week. Back to basics.
Once i'm there. I'll just have to work to maintain that.
i'll be back ina few, sorry to leave mid conversation reed but the porkchops are done and the rice cooker just poped up so i gotta EAT son
Go eat son thats how you gain weight!!!
And I'm glad we all could listen to the song together and learn a little something
I gotta buy one of those rice cookers
Pullin up to the red light
lookin right let get your name girl
ugh rice
id rather have whole wheat pasta
later guys
AHHHHH....Kratos is over 20k posts......stop getting so close to me damnit!!!!
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