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Thread: Infection - I have it! now what - help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Infection - I have it! now what - help

    I am a little shy of half way through my cycle and everything was fine. I am pretty paranoid of clean pinning and sterlizing. I shower before and use alcohol, never touch the needle any where and all is good.

    My last inject however had some blood come out more than usual maybe a penny size, or smaller, I did aspirate though and had air bubbles only. And the injection was deep in the quads.

    2 days in I think I have an infection, its very hurtful and not the sore kind. It hurts to touch and is swollen a bit. The swollen area is way below the injection site right above the knee. I cannot bend my knee and it hurts like BI(*&CH

    I know I will have to skip my leg day....

    Now what do I do next?
    Any home remidies?
    Wait it out and keep pinning on the other sites?
    Go see a doctor? Do I tell the truth or play dumb?
    Any over the counter stuff that can aid in relieving some pain and inflammation?

    Please advice, I am having a hard time to walk leave alone climbing stairs

    BTW I am using 500mg of test E in amps (cidoteston)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Your GF's Hot Wet Snatch
    Do you have red streaks going down your leg or cherry red color at site of your injection

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    post a pic if possible so others can chime in, keep and eye on the area to see if redness/swelling increases head to the doc's, if you dont want to tell him bout gearing say it was a B-12 shot perhaps

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    On the moon
    IMO Go to a doct if it doesnt get better within should be good if its a family doc... or one you have seen before, and doctors are usualy more just worried about the sides then anything else, they will treat the infection you dont and wont get into trouble, I mean dude people go in for Real drug problems all the time, and long as there insurance covers the treatment the doc doesnt care hes not going to call the cops on you: Just make sure you state its off the record

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    same thing happened to me after pinning delts TWICE !! both times i used keflex and it went away

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. T-MOS
    Quote Originally Posted by ridedivefx View Post
    I am a little shy of half way through my cycle and everything was fine. I am pretty paranoid of clean pinning and sterlizing. I shower before and use alcohol, never touch the needle any where and all is good.

    My last inject however had some blood come out more than usual maybe a penny size, or smaller, I did aspirate though and had air bubbles only. And the injection was deep in the quads.

    2 days in I think I have an infection, its very hurtful and not the sore kind. It hurts to touch and is swollen a bit. The swollen area is way below the injection site right above the knee. I cannot bend my knee and it hurts like BI(*&CH

    I know I will have to skip my leg day....

    Now what do I do next?
    Any home remidies?
    Wait it out and keep pinning on the other sites?
    Go see a doctor? Do I tell the truth or play dumb?
    Any over the counter stuff that can aid in relieving some pain and inflammation?

    Please advice, I am having a hard time to walk leave alone climbing stairs

    BTW I am using 500mg of test E in amps (cidoteston)

    any fever???

    u know since you went through a vein it might just be normal pain.. it could also be that you hit a nerve..

  7. #7
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    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    any fever???

    u know since you went through a vein it might just be normal pain.. it could also be that you hit a nerve..
    No fever at all at least not yet

    No color change at all either on site or swollen area. No redness at all yet

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Or the reason he got infection because he didnt go deep enough so the oil is leaking now and his leg is swollen/ warm to touch and red around because of the oil is irritating his skin.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by thai-lan View Post
    same thing happened to me after pinning delts TWICE !! both times i used keflex and it went away
    Is keflex an antibiotic? and if so I am guessing I would need a prescription for it here in Canada

    I will give it 48 hrs and see if it gives way else I will go to the doc

    thanks guys

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    damn.. i hope it isnt as bad when u shoot it in the ass?

    stay in there bro.. keep us updated

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    We are going to have to cut it off

    Keep and eye on it, if it gets worse go to a doctor say you think you have an infection if he asks just play dumb, I doubt they ask. You will get some antibiotics and then it will be over.

    Could be a sterile abscess, like I said keep an eye on it if it gets worse or doesn't get any better than go to the doctor

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ridedivefx View Post
    Is keflex an antibiotic? and if so I am guessing I would need a prescription for it here in Canada

    I will give it 48 hrs and see if it gives way else I will go to the doc

    thanks guys
    yea its

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    On the moon
    just get some penicillin and shoot in in your asscheek youll be fine, good ol penutbutter shot. and you think tren e was thick

  14. #14
    Hey I wont say what I do for a living but its in the medical profession so I know what I am talking about. Just like what some people are asking you keep an eye out for red streaks for this is the beginning of a staph infection and is serious. those little red streaks is the bacteria staphylococcus aureus and is bad ju-ju. its going right for your heart and you will get endocarditis or percarditis and that is very bad. If you do not have the red streaks just keep a watch on the site, apply warm compresses 3-4 times a day. are you using a short or long ester. this makes a difference as well. shorts will break down almost immediately and have a tendency to irritate the muscle they are in. thats why test prop hurts and you have to inject ed or eod depending on your cycle or what you are doing. you could also have an abscess and that will go away with time bt will hurt like a bitch. you could also have a slight tear into the muscle when you injected and i am talking very small, but the muscle will swell slightly and cause an increase in injection site pain. this is normal and can happen. i was limping one time after an injection of test prop for a week! try injecting into larger groups like your glutes that will help if your not very good and do not know how to inject very well. has a great diagram for people who do not know how to inject. hope this helped. just remember to watch for any increased swelling, red streaks or if the area starts to get very warm to touch or you develop a fever. that is all signs that you need to get ur ass to the doctors office fast.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Off the topic a bit.. How do you like the Cidoteston? I am on week four of Cido as of Friday and I can feel something strength wise but my sex drive really isn't up like it should be...

  16. #16
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    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by hrdgainer View Post
    Hey I wont say what I do for a living but its in the medical profession so I know what I am talking about. Just like what some people are asking you keep an eye out for red streaks for this is the beginning of a staph infection and is serious. those little red streaks is the bacteria staphylococcus aureus and is bad ju-ju. its going right for your heart and you will get endocarditis or percarditis and that is very bad. If you do not have the red streaks just keep a watch on the site, apply warm compresses 3-4 times a day. are you using a short or long ester. this makes a difference as well. shorts will break down almost immediately and have a tendency to irritate the muscle they are in. thats why test prop hurts and you have to inject ed or eod depending on your cycle or what you are doing. you could also have an abscess and that will go away with time bt will hurt like a bitch. you could also have a slight tear into the muscle when you injected and i am talking very small, but the muscle will swell slightly and cause an increase in injection site pain. this is normal and can happen. i was limping one time after an injection of test prop for a week! try injecting into larger groups like your glutes that will help if your not very good and do not know how to inject very well. has a great diagram for people who do not know how to inject. hope this helped. just remember to watch for any increased swelling, red streaks or if the area starts to get very warm to touch or you develop a fever. that is all signs that you need to get ur ass to the doctors office fast.
    Appreciate the info in detail man, thx

  17. #17
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    va beach
    amoxicillin you should always have some when on cycle... live and learn bra

  18. #18
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    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by honda450 View Post
    Off the topic a bit.. How do you like the Cidoteston? I am on week four of Cido as of Friday and I can feel something strength wise but my sex drive really isn't up like it should be...
    I like it, strength is up also 4 weeks in, I can last much longer with heavier weights in the gym.

    And yeah sex drive is not there yet as you mentioned, but it will get there soon

  19. #19
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    May 2007
    Quick update, the swelling is still there but I have a better range of motion. It hurts though when you sit for a while and try to get up and walk. forget climbing down stairs but a tat bit better than yesterday. Still no change in color just swollen.

  20. #20
    post some infection pic

  21. #21
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    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ridedivefx View Post
    Quick update, the swelling is still there but I have a better range of motion. It hurts though when you sit for a while and try to get up and walk. forget climbing down stairs but a tat bit better than yesterday. Still no change in color just swollen.
    Probably a sterile abscess that is turning into scar tissue. Don't inject there for a while let it heal.
    Last edited by Immortal Soldier; 04-13-2009 at 07:33 PM. Reason: clarification

  22. #22
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    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Probably a sterile abscess that is turning into scar tissue. Don't injected for a while let it heal.
    you mean don't inject in that leg right? Can I still pin other places .... else it will screw my cycle

  23. #23
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    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ridedivefx View Post
    you mean don't inject in that leg right? Can I still pin other places .... else it will screw my cycle
    Course you can inject other places just don't inject in that area. It could be a sterile abscess that is reacting to the oil that is injected to it and since it is turning into scar tissue the oil isn't being processed fully.

    Just a theory, since everything you have said so far doesn't point to infection.

    Just continue to keep an eye on it, it appears its getting a little bit better from what your saying.

  24. #24
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    May 2007
    Quick Update:

    The swelling is still there, a little tight with movement. The pain is gone though and i can walk and climb stairs normally. It seems to be going away now just wiating for the tightness and swelling to go away too

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    England The North
    ouchy! I once lost the feeling in part of my right legg from a bad injection it freaked me out and i have never been able to go there again was about 6 months before it returned fully.

    im using cido at the moment and my sex drive is through the roof my gf thinks im taking viagra on the sly hahaha

  26. #26
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ridedivefx View Post
    I am a little shy of half way through my cycle and everything was fine. I am pretty paranoid of clean pinning and sterlizing. I shower before and use alcohol, never touch the needle any where and all is good.

    My last inject however had some blood come out more than usual maybe a penny size, or smaller, I did aspirate though and had air bubbles only. And the injection was deep in the quads.

    2 days in I think I have an infection, its very hurtful and not the sore kind. It hurts to touch and is swollen a bit. The swollen area is way below the injection site right above the knee. I cannot bend my knee and it hurts like BI(*&CH

    I know I will have to skip my leg day...

    Now what do I do next?
    Any home remidies?
    Wait it out and keep pinning on the other sites?
    Go see a doctor? Do I tell the truth or play dumb?
    Any over the counter stuff that can aid in relieving some pain and inflammation?

    Please advice, I am having a hard time to walk leave alone climbing stairs

    BTW I am using 500mg of test E in amps (cidoteston)

    Just go to the doc bro.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    England The North
    haha yeah do docs kida

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Just go to the doc bro.

    Front like it was a IM B12 injection...

  29. #29
    Join Date
    May 2009
    you guys feeling okay?!? this thread is 9 months old.........

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