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Thread: aromatizing too much...?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Tip Toein on Hells border

    aromatizing too much...?

    I have read numerous posts lately in my quest for knowlege and even have been told myself in a post of mine that the person having an issue with sides, (mainly erectile disfunction) that the culprit is probably aromatizing too much. I almost ever case, the person, OP, and even myself has been on adex or another AI for whatever reason. (gyno prone, bloat stoppage, etc) If this is the case, and the person is on an AI (ie ADEX) what are the suggestions then? UP the AI? I guess I am asking because everytime, in every post I have read that some one mentions aromatizing too much, and then the response is "well I am on eod" Then the discussion is dropped or goes to an immediate answer of your gear is bunk or under dosed.
    What if the problem IS aromatizing too much? Should one continue to up dosage until they are sure the issue isnt aromatization? (within limitations of "healthy mg's" of course) Again we are back to trial and error....right?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    R.I.P. T-MOS
    well, it's a trial and error thing..

    if you were able to get labs done, then it would be clear, but since you cant you have to go through the steps...

    i would need to know what cycle your on with freq of dosage

    i run .25mg a-dex regardless of what cycle im on, cuz i already have gyno from my pubescent years... if you need to up it, then by all means up it.. if you up it and 2 weeks later ur still having issues, then it would be safe to say it's not estrogen related...

    these things take time

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Tip Toein on Hells border
    Quote Originally Posted by jamyjamjr View Post
    well, it's a trial and error thing..

    if you were able to get labs done, then it would be clear, but since you cant you have to go through the steps...

    i would need to know what cycle your on with freq of dosage

    i run .25mg a-dex regardless of what cycle im on, cuz i already have gyno from my pubescent years... if you need to up it, then by all means up it.. if you up it and 2 weeks later ur still having issues, then it would be safe to say it's not estrogen related...

    these things take time
    Jamy, somehow I knew it would be you to hit this first! LOL...

    Alright bro here it is, I do have access to labs, everyday if need be. My wife is a scientist who does blood research ect. What could your labs tell you? (guess I should be askin her but its past her bedtime! lol) Are you saying get your free test and estrogen checked? I can see where that would give you a starting point but just because levels are high doesnt mean you are aromatizing too much does it? Maybe i am wrong on this one. Also, just for argument sake, say a guy was on a test only cycle, if his free test was checked would it show the synthetic test introed into the body? (again I am gonna ask my wife this tomorrow as well) If so wouldnt that be a sure fire way to tell if someones test was bunk or not?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Tip Toein on Hells border

    Jamy here's an example of what I am talking about.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. T-MOS
    check estrogen, test, and dht levels

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Tip Toein on Hells border
    Thankx bro. I think I am gonna ask Big to add another link to the forum....ASK JAMY! LOL. Your advice is always appreciated. Thanks again bro. I gotta hit you up tomorrow to tweak my diet....Damn how fuked up is that? I just hijacked my own thread!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    R.I.P. T-MOS
    lololol.. hey im just in the right place at the right time i guess...

    im sure big would be extatic about opening up a new link.. lmao

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