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I'm 31, 6-1, 220lbs. Have been natural my whole life. 15 years of hard work, diet and education. I own a pt business that is very successful, but for the past year something has been off. For the past 9 months or so Ive felt tired for no reason............I just ignored it, tried to get more sleep. I started to notice in my workout logs that my weights were steadily going down. Then came having sex with my gf. It takes so much effort to just get it up, now i rarely do. She knows what is going on and understands, I am still pissed. Clothes that I bought on ebay 4 months ago showed up and didn't fit, my arms wouldn't go into the sleeves, way too tight for me. Three days ago i tried the stuff on again and its all baggy on me. 15 years of dedication is slipping away very quickly.
I finally went to my doc and he did a blood test, check anything and everything you could check, they must have sucked a full protein shaker's bottle worth of blood form me. Test came back, low testosterone. So he gave me a script for a test gel. It did nothing, i called back and he prescribed a different one. I doubled the dose on my own..........i did this for like 4 months now, went back to the doc, it still did nothing. More blood work, everything is fine, test is still low. He calls today and tells me to double up my doses. Too bad i had already been doing that. This crap you rub into your skin is a waste of money. 200 bucks a pop, and nothing to show for it. Ive spent too much money now and no result.
I'm depressed, shrinking, and weak. I try to workout but thats depressing too. I lift less weight than my 60 year old male clients currently. I went form a firgging 275 incline bench for reps of 15 to barely being able to get 135 now, just and example.
What in the holy #%ck should I be doing? What the hell can any of you recommend? I'm very upset that all this work is almost non existent now. I wear the baggiest clothes i have no when training clients. They noticed, a couple asked why i stopped lifting. Funny thing is, i hadn't stopped, it just isn't working any longer. Not enough test in my body to maintain what i Have.
I know, hell of a first post.