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Thread: Gaining weight, but doesn't seem to be growing at all!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Gaining weight, but doesn't seem to be growing at all!

    Hi guys.

    I'm currently on cycle, and i'm 5 weeks in.

    My cycle setup is like this:

    1-10: tren hexa @ 500mg EW
    3-12: test enanthate @ 750mg EW
    3-12: 50mg Proviron ED

    PCT afterwards

    (The reason why i started test later than the tren was due to a big big misunderstanding between me and my source - i know, it sucks, but i started the cycle and now i have to deal with it..)

    In the first two weeks i got the usual heavy tren sides, like night sweats, heavy sweating while working out, vivid dreams, insomnia and increased aggression. Eventually these sides have subsided and i'm now left with mild night sweats (but i do get them every night), a bit of insomnia from time to time and mostly i only sweat heavily while doing cardio now - sometimes i do get a little hot and start sweating where i normally wouldn't, but it's not too bad. Aggression has gone up though, and i'm REALLY aggressive atm.

    I'm currently up 11lbs, give or take a lb. But it seems like these lbs are phantom lbs, 'cause i cant see them anywhere? Besides the minimal fat gain i've expierenced, i can't see where the 11lbs should have gone. I've kept track on my measurements (arms, chest, quads, calves, waist) and so on since day 1, and none have gone up, even not my waistline.

    How on earth is that possible? I must be retaining water in my head or something, 'cause i don't know, where all these lbs go.

    My strenght is up by approximately 22-30lbs, which is pretty ok so far, but i'm concerned that i'm only gaining fat and water??

    Could i be overtraining or something like that?

    BTW, is it just me, or does proviron make you horny as HELL?

    Hopefully someone will be able to explain what's happening.

    I know my gear is legit, so that's not it..

  2. #2
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    Getting madcow treatments
    How many cycles have you done?

    It sounds like things are going ok. You might have to up your cals so check that out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Maybe you're burning fat and gaining muscle? 11 pounds of muscle wouldnt be as noticeable as 11 pounds of fat... Just a theory

  4. #4
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Yes proviron makes you horny, I usualy walk around with a chubby half the day.

    As far as your cycle, things sound right, your weight went up from water retention , your strength is up and sides so gear seems legit. If I had to guess you need to dial in your diet. Clean up your carbs, eat more meals smaller in proportion and you should start to see your body transform.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Yes proviron makes you horny, I usualy walk around with a chubby half the day.

    As far as your cycle, things sound right, your weight went up from water retention , your strength is up and sides so gear seems legit. If I had to guess you need to dial in your diet. Clean up your carbs, eat more meals smaller in proportion and you should start to see your body transform.
    Bro, i started out eating 7-8 meals pr. day, now i've bumped it up to 9 meals.

    I'm only eating carbs from brown rice, oat meal and whole weat pasta. Getting over 2.2 lbs of pure low-fat meat. Getting plenty of EFA from nuts, fish and flax seed oil. Combined with 1 pound of veggies, fiberous ones ED.

    I've got macro seperation in check, only eating protein/carbs or protein/fats.

    My total energy consumption from protein is 40%, 40% from carbs and 20% from fats.

    I know for a fact that i'm eating more calories ED than i'm burning up.

    So i can't seem to see where my diet's wrong... I'm eating every 2 hours all day long, i've even got a night time meal with 600kcals in the middle of the night (i always have to get up and take a piss around 3 AM, so i use that opertunity to eat some nice foods.)

    At night time i eat nuts, a proteinshake with PB and a chicken breast.

    I really can't seem to see, what i'm doing wrong here....

  6. #6
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    Although i do see one transformation, which is my size when I get a pump in my muscles. I look huge when i work out. Hell, i've never looked this big even on prevoius cycles. But that's only when i'm in the gym.. When the pump dissappears i look the same as usual.

    jp: Since my BF was around 7-8ish, i believe i would have noticed 11lbs of muscle, and there wasn't much fat to burn to begin with..

    RA: This is my 4th cycle. I'm more than 2 m's tall and i was around 100-102kgs (220-224pounds) at 7-8% ish BF before my cycle.

    In the past cycles i've been able to notice the gains within the first 4 weeks or so. But it just seems like nothings happening..

  7. #7
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    100 strong guys without building materials wont be able to build anything ( inculding muscle ) on the other hand 5 strong guys with building materials will be able to build anything you want even so its a slow process u can end up with a mansion , so if ur not eating well u need a minimum of 1.5g of protein per pound of body weight cuz protein is building material as for the carbs and fats adjust them as you wish .But make sure you eat around 6 meals a day ( i eat 8 ) divide your protein intakes over 6 or 7 or 8 meals .

    By the way when did you start feeling horny on proviron ?? i started my cycle today of 50mg of proviron aswell , when should i be expecting to start feeling horny ??? cuz i think its cuz of proviron i read it on the leaflet the following " Side effects= if , in individual cases , frequent or persistent erections occur , the dose should be reduced or the treatment discontinued in order to avoid injury to the penis " lollllll

  8. #8
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    Legolas: Did you read my posts?????? 'cause as i've just explained i know how to diet!!!

    I started to feel more horny than usual around 1 week in with the proviron. Within week 2 or so it really kicked in and now i get an erection just from looking at mtv..

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by the juggler View Post
    Bro, i started out eating 7-8 meals pr. day, now i've bumped it up to 9 meals.

    I'm only eating carbs from brown rice, oat meal and whole weat pasta. Getting over 2.2 lbs of pure low-fat meat. Getting plenty of EFA from nuts, fish and flax seed oil. Combined with 1 pound of veggies, fiberous ones ED.

    I've got macro seperation in check, only eating protein/carbs or protein/fats.

    My total energy consumption from protein is 40%, 40% from carbs and 20% from fats.

    I know for a fact that i'm eating more calories ED than i'm burning up.

    So i can't seem to see where my diet's wrong... I'm eating every 2 hours all day long, i've even got a night time meal with 600kcals in the middle of the night (i always have to get up and take a piss around 3 AM, so i use that opertunity to eat some nice foods.)

    At night time i eat nuts, a proteinshake with PB and a chicken breast.

    I really can't seem to see, what i'm doing wrong here....
    Hmmmm, just from a diet alone like that you should see a big difference in your body week after week, and you had sides so gear should be good, guess just give it time and see.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Hmmmm, just from a diet alone like that you should see a big difference in your body week after week, and you had sides so gear should be good, guess just give it time and see.
    Yeah. I'll give it a week or two more. If i don't start noticing changes by then, then i'll go see my doctor, 'cause then something is seriously wrong...

  11. #11
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    It does not make sense why your measurments dont change. I wonder if its just your mind playing tricks on you?
    Usually i cant tell much difference when I gain weight, due to constantly looking in the mirror.
    Did any of your friends or family commented you on the weight gain? Thats a sure way to know

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shurik View Post
    It does not make sense why your measurments dont change. I wonder if its just your mind playing tricks on you?
    Usually i cant tell much difference when I gain weight, due to constantly looking in the mirror.
    Did any of your friends or family commented you on the weight gain? Thats a sure way to know
    I see my family almost every day, so they wouldn't notice the difference.

    But my clothes do seem a lot tighter on my traps and generally around the back..

    A friend of mine also mentioned that my back was huge a week ago, but that was while having a pump, and i don't know if that means anything..

    Another thing i've noticed is, that everyone else in the gym seems like getting smaller while i stay the same..

    Perhaps it IS my head playing tricks on me.. Doesn't add up with the measurements though. Could be a combination of fat loss and muscle gain though - combined with some subQ bloat which could be hiding the reduced BF..

    That could be a realistic theory. But I don't know..

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