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Thread: It's On! _SOLID'S Cycle Results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Exclamation It's On! _SOLID'S Cycle Results

    Ok I started my cycle not exactly the way I wanted to, but I did so I'm cool wit it. I took 2cc's of Primoteston Depot and 1cc of EQ, down in the very unsanitary realms of a mexico pharmacy. Any way a Big Gorilla shot me and it didn't hurt a bit, I was a little scared since I've heard it could be painfull...Well I hope the rest go as easy as the first. I am waiting on the rest of my shit to come in the mail, but I have 4cc's of Sust and am gonna get some EQ thursday from the Big Gorilla to tide me over. All I can say is that I'm fucking stoked and feel great and it's good to join you all on the other side of the spectrum.
    I just got back from the gym, trained chest. Me and the Gorilla. OMG, let me tell you I was swollen all ready, can it be? I felt fucking huge! The Gorilla even was like damn kid you feelin it? there's no way Enanth get kick in that quick correct? Anyways I started with incline dumbell presses 75lbs, no.. not heavy enough pushed out 12 droped to 50's and pounded out 8 more. Next set 85's no again not enough pushed out 12, droped to 55's (BTW the Gorilla's making me do these drop sets right off the bat and I'm gettin pissed cause I'm like fuck dude- I'm gonna be dead after this) pushed out 8 more. Next set 100's pushed out 8 droped to 55's pushed up 4<5.
    *My chest is full of blood by this time
    Now we start incline fly's grab the 50's, get 10
    2set- get 55's, push 8
    3set- stick with 55's push 8 with help(fading)
    Move over to hammer strength incline..Oh yeah baby Incline City!
    3 plates on each side push out 9, go for 10 fail, Gorilla says you owe 1- fuck! catch my breath turn up volume to System of the Down and push one out squeeze at top- UH..bitch!
    2nd set push out 8 again with help drop to 2 plates push out 3<4.
    3rd push up 6 hold at top, drop to 2plates, push out 2 hold
    Now cable fly's 3 sets 90lbs 8 reps
    now hammer strength seated narrow grip presses for the lower inner chest start with 2 plates pump that shit out 12 reps cake.
    Gorillas doing 3 plates, I go to put 3 on, Gorilla say's you should stick with the 2 plates, I say don't you secong guess me my friend, and push out 9 reps.
    ditto again, drop to 2plates push out some more
    Now go to machine weighted dips do 2 sets with 250lbs get about 8 each time.

    I'm fucking pumped beyond belief, The Gorilla bails, I finish with some floor push ups.
    Come home the shirt comes off, WTF?! I'm fucking huge, no joke..hahaha. I flex in the mirror intrigued, ok I'm gettin way to into this...I'll stop now....I'm just happy.......I'll post my before pics. TIME TO EAT!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Damn, ....and when you were 5.........

    hehe just playin witcha bro. WAy to go, tear that shit up! I only got one question, is the gorilla ronnie coleman?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    hahaha...f@#cking PaPa...

    yeah I know I get carried away, and end up writing a frickin essay everytime..I gotta stop that, but I just had to share my excitement wit ya. The Gorilla is a big boy- he's been in the Game for a long time, used to compete but has a prob with blood clots in his calves so he can't compete anymore, but that doesn't stop him from training with madness...I mean have you ever puked doing legs before? Well come work out with us, and you share the feelin..another buddy, puked doing chest one time...It's pretty intense. Being natural(before) I could never hang but tried now I can't wait to hold my own - ya know?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Sooo you're saying that you feel pretty good about the beginning huh? Just remember to feed and sleep. Get the maximum gains possible stay stoked and please be careful.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    dumbells101...damn I gotta eat?

    shit that just threw a wrench into things..and sleep damn! I'm fucked. I was also planning on playing kickball in the middle of the 405 freeway today...shit I'm really screwed!

    I hear ya bro, I got everything in order, my life is situated and I've been ready for this for a long time. I've done my research and I'm ready to roll. Thanks for the concern- sorry but I had to fuck wit ya.

    Laters brudda

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    405...that's no good cause traffic is probably at a stand still watching some bush on fire or a babe changing a tire!

    Oh yeah and EVERYTHING goes down easy!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001


    no shit... fuckin rubber neckers..I hate em.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Arrow Well week 1 is done.

    I'm kinda pissed because I didn't get to start out like I would have liked to. I was gonna froantload, but sources don't come through to allow me. . My training went really well last week. I trained 6 days, I didn't want to take a day off. But I only work 1 body part p/wk.
    Wed:Back, abs
    Fri:Hams, Calves
    Sat:Arms, Ams
    Sun: off
    I started out weinging 184 now bout 187. So only 3lbs. My bodyfat has not gone up, in fact has gone down according to the Tanita scale. I have felt some incredible pumps while training. I have also felt a lot hornier, and wanna wet my whistle really bad. Almost got some Sat night, but then she pulled the...I can't just hook up with you thing...I have to much emotional attachment to you...blah, blah, blah. Damn I was pissed, I thought for sure I was gettin laid...I mean WTF did she come over for to talk? Oh yeah she's a girl- they like to do that huh? Anyway...

    As for wk 2 I'm gonna plan on froantloading this wk, but I have to use Sustanon instead of Enth, then will be switching back once I get my package. I will run the Sus@750, and EQ@600-800? Not sure on that yet. I will take a shot today(TUES), Thurs, & Sat. I then hope to recieve my package on the following Mon, Tues? If not I'm fucked and will have to take a trip down to TJ to take a shot. But I'm gonna think positive, and when it arrives I will be switching back to Enth(Primoteston Depot). Anyone got anything to add?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Calgary Canada

    your gear supply problems continue I see.....

    But good to hear it's going well so far...

    actually I'm mixing up the sust and enth right now. I'm maintaining a constant 500mg enth, but I had a bunch of left over Omna's I've been adding in at 1 or 2 per week over the last few weeks (I'm on week 6 now...).
    The combo is working out great.... but it seems like those omna's are worse for acne than the enth. I'm sucking back the B-5 like it's PEZ- and it's barely keeping the acne at bay.. also tanning alot. At the biginning of the cycle, 500mg enth and 40mg d-bol gave no acne probelem at all....

    And as for the girl issue.... my only commments are never go for first contact at your house, or in your car. Always wait till you're at her place, or in her car... Basically when she's on her turf. A buddy told me that theory years ago, and so far it's proved true....

    But good luck getting the rest of the gear- and get huge bro...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Thatta baby! Get swoll! By the way about the girl..... 5 words.

    Hit it and Quit it. Just kidding ladies, I'm not like that...

    Anyway, get ready, because it's time to get big......

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Talking Hit it and quit it...I know but they just keep begging for more..haha

    I'm too nice that's the problem... Well off to go hit back and spread some lat..


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Arrow Well today is the start of my third week

    Test is kicken in. Weighing 192.4 gain of 8 lbs. Feeling great pumps at the gym. Eating like a pig, not doing cardio- I need to though...cause I don't wanna put on alot of fat. I have put a layer on but don't notice it as much when I am working out, I feel solid as shit. Strength is getting crazy. Lat pull downs tonight with 240 when I never go past 180. People staring more than usual. Balls shrunk a little . Not feeling as horny as I want to.. No sides yet..Knock on wood- 7X's.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Looking good my man. Keep it up, and pop some viagra and get a rockin...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Haha - thanks P.

    Dude I'm an eating machine, I'm gettin scared cause I keep saying ok...just eat good tommorrow, you'll do cardio tommorrow, but I can't stop eating, and don't wanna do cardio. Oh shit I'm gonna turn into a blubber puss.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Two choices and train or eat and train more. Increase your warmup time on a bike or treadmill, or add your cardio first thing and eat afterwards. You're a machine right now so take advantage of it.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: It's On! _SOLID'S Cycle Results

    I'm fucking pumped beyond belief, The Gorilla bails, I finish with some floor push ups.
    Come home the shirt comes off, WTF?! I'm fucking huge, no joke..hahaha. I flex in the mirror intrigued, ok I'm gettin way to into this...I'll stop now....I'm just happy.......I'll post my before pics. TIME TO EAT!!

    _SOLID [/B][/QUOTE]

    Geez.... This one time at band camp..... blah,blah blah!!!

    J/K, Man that sounds great, it's a great feeling. God job

    Fast Results

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Yo, what up everyone? Back to post my results so far...

    Well today I started week 5. I'm up bout 17 pounds. I would say I put on my fare amount of fat...I can't stop eating, no matter how full I get I just want to keep eating. I tend to make myself sick every meal from eating too much, but then I just tell myself oh well I need the cals...I'm bulking. But I don't think I'm doing it right. I need to back to the way I was eating which was 6 small meals a day spread out every 2-3 hours and eating clean, but that just wasn't getting me near 4000-4500 cals a day. So now I'm eating shitty just to get my cals up. I think I need a sample mass diet, I know how to eat to stay lean but not to put on lean mass while bulking up...someone got advice? Well anyways I'm 197 now and feelin puffy, but not looking too shabby, still vascular most the time unless it's cold outside. My stomach is always bloated and is hard to hold in....haha , but I can still see my abs when I flex em, well the top 4, but I've definately put on a nice little layer. I weighed this last year, but don't think I looked as muscular? I was just on creatine and Andro . But I'm not as pumped as I thought I'd be about being on roids, I thought I was gonna be strong as shit, and be putting on muscle alot far I haven't been surprised by any dramatic strength gain or added muscle. I definately get a better pump in the gym while I'm working out, and my muscles feel alot harder, but that soon fades. I went from training almost everyday to 4 times a week. I'm still training each bodypart only once a week. like this: before

    tue- back
    calves, abs 3 X wk

    now I'm trying this routine because my upper body is growing faster than my legs and calves:
    mon-chest, shoulder, tri
    wed- off cardio
    thurs- back, bi, traps
    fri-calves, abs
    sat- off cardio
    sun- cycle repeats

    anyone have suggestions? I am mixed up whether I should train more or less. I know that rest is the key to growth but I want to take full advantage of this cycle. Well I better stop now before I lead you to falling asleep...lates


  18. #18
    good gains so far Solid....soon i will post my gains as i have started my cycle....
    your question is a good lookinhg forward to hearing what some people have to say about the training...
    i sometimes wonder myself.


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    well shit.

    Im finally back but not for long, my computer took a shit, so I'm using my mothers at work, I miss hanging at the site, I see there are a ton of mew peeps...that's good. Well I took my last shot today, kinda bumbed- I'm gonna miss being on the juice. I think I'm addicted, the pumps are just incredible and I just always feel strong as shit. I did legs today and didn't want to quit. I have become so strong it's almost scary to see how much this shit helps. I was repping 315 ass to floor sqauts for 7 good reps today. When I was natural I couldn't even do 1 full rep with 315. And I did 7 today after I pre-exausted with leg extentions 4 sets, 20 reps of 150lbs. I'm up to 205lbs, feel big. I'm gonna start clomid in 3 weeks, I sure hope not to loose much muscle, just water and some fat. I'm gonna do a clen cycle. I never really had any sides except for a few minor break out on my face, but nothing on my shoulders, (knock on wood), I want to do a cutting cycle in about 12 weeks, or sometime to get ripped for summer... but too sure on what to cycle for that. Well hopefully I'll be back on line soon, but until then I'll be around randomly, take care all...lates..SOLID.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Hell ya bro. Thats a good 20 ish lbs hah? Thatta baby. Just finishin up clomid here, it aint that do lose strength though. At least i did. Feel like a pussy right now, but in one month i will be fine again.

    Way to go.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Love to hear the progress, but just remember dont over push yourself in the beginning ... you'll cause some injuries that takes a while to recoop after the cycle. T ake it from me bro the the recoop sucks. Just work your way up a little faster then normal but be careful... otherwise rock baby your the man

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    thanks guys... got a question

    I'm gonna wait 21 days to start clomid- how should I cycle it again, and how many mg in each pill so I know how many to take for say a 100 mg? thanks...PaPa have you lost muscle with that strength loss? I hope to lose alot of water weight. Thanks bro's -- later.


  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    50mg a pill

    Gained 33 total, holding steady at 25 right now.

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