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Thread: Keeping Lecent on track

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Keeping Lecent on track

    This is me as of 21 April 2009 at 235lbs.

    I'm about 10 weeks into this and have gone from around 250lbs to 235lbs.


    Well its been sucking balls. I can't seem to find the time to eat as much as i need too. When i do eat how ever its high protein low/no fat low carb. i stay away from large quantities of carbs/fats etc.


    last week it has been thrown off but im getting it back in gear. I do how ever need some advice if anyone is interested.

    Basically I guarantee myself m/w/f work outs. 1k calorie burning/7 miles/1 hour on the elliptical, I accomplish each of the above criteria for cardio. I follow it up with muscle groups. arms on one day, chest/back/shoulders, legs and abs another.
    I do 3 exercises per muscle group minimum often more. I shoot for 3 sets of 10 rep. if i reach 10 reps i step up the weight. Always doing at least 8 reps.

    At the moment I'm not focused in building mass as i am trying to get a little extra muscle to burn the fat and lean out. So that is what i came up with for a regime.

    Feel free to criticize, compliment, or suggest anything. I'm open to any and all schools of thought that will help me to improve.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    Congrats on the progress so far.

    First off I would spend some time in the diet section. There's a lot of helpful info in there. Once you get your diet in check and continue with the cardio you should see a lot more weight shed off. I've learned that diet is just as important as the excercise no matter whether bulking or cutting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    After researching I threw away all my groceries and dropped a couple hundred on Healthy foods such as;

    Brown Rice
    Ezekiel bread
    Natty PB
    Sugar free jam
    Chicken Breasts
    Tuna, Tuna and More Tuna
    Lean cut steak rounds
    Sweet Potatos
    Cartons of Egg Whites
    98% Fat Free Sliced Turkey Breast

    L-Glutamine (5grams before work out and 5 grams with dinner meal)
    ALA with Biotin

    Diet I Plan on Running is meals 2.5 - 3 hours apart;

    Meal 1 Egg whites and 1/2 cup Oats

    Meal 2 Shake 2 scoop BSN's Syntha-X

    Meal 3 Ezekiel bread Sandwich with natty pb/suger free jam or tuna or turkey + 5 almonds

    Meal 4 Shake 2 scoop BSN's Syntha-X (+5g L-Glute)

    Meal 5 Meat, 1/2 cup (measured uncooked) Brown Rice, Broccoli, Celery or a Sweet Potato

    Meal 6 Light meal of 5 almonds, small shake (1 scoop) or half a eziek sandwhich of some sort

    I don't like the idea of eating late. 6 meals will be tough to get in. 5 im sure i can get but this last one is going to be tough

    On days, I'll wake up and take 1 scoop NOXPLODE with 5g's L-Glutamine on an empty stomach 30 min before I hit the gym.

    PWO is just a 2 scoop BSN's Syntha-X shake + meal 1 Right?!?1!

    Next question, Do you think I'm over doing Cardio, Maybe drop it down to 45 minutes and increase it to 5 days a week or 2 on 1 off ?!?!

    I'm not happy with my current regime. It doesn't seem to be as effective as i've experienced in the past.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Southern California
    keep us updated

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    Pwo is correct for when ur lifting. I don't think u can really over do cardio but if your not happy with ur routine then change it up otherwise it will b hard to stay motivated. Keep us updated on the progress and good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Three days into my diet and all I can say is, "WoW!!!" I have A LOT more energy and am dropping weight. I've noticed a big difference in water retention over what I was eating and I don't have that bloated look. The E.C. stack is helping with that as well I'm sure. I haven't hit the gym since getting on the diet yet I still dropped 2lbs in three days. My hydration (urine color) has maintained so i know I'm not dehydrated like badly or anything. Though I am sure the lower sodium foods and high quality diet helped me lose some of that and its probably all water weight. Regardless, I look better, feel better and am more motivated.
    I had life complications Monday that wouldn't allow me to hit the gym so I'm definitely looking forward to Wednesday. I remapped my routine to mimic the slingshot blasting phase of 3 days a week each muscle group once. I'll try to do 8 weeks of this before I swap over to 3 times a week each muscle group twice routine in the Slingshot Training Routine. I can only hope that i drop another 12.5 lbs inside the next 4 weeks. That is my short term goal for now. I'd say pray for me, but I doubt I'll need the help
    Last edited by Lecent83; 04-28-2009 at 10:58 AM. Reason: grammar nazi, I probably missed even more.. Ohh well

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    I ****ING LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Today was my first day on the sling shot Blasting phase program and HOLY SHIT!! Apparently I've never worked back right before in my life. I actually felt each muscle group get worked and my back was like, "Sup, you forgot i was here didn't you." I love this new Regime, I love my freaking Diet, I LOVE THE RESULTS. I've been slowly losing weight since late January. i started my regime then at just over 250lbs. I stepped on the scale today and i was ****ing hysterical, 228LBS. I was so ****ing excited i had to tell someone and im sure no one will understand or appreciate this more then you guys. I can't stop grinning and laughing in the mirror. I feel like i am on gear but im not. I got my diet in check and it made a WORLD of differance in energy levels, attitude, and performance.

    Thanks to all the Information, Support, and "Tough Love" from these boards I'm feeling better physically and emotionally then i have in almost 10 years.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Plano, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Lecent83 View Post
    After researching I threw away all my groceries and dropped a couple hundred on Healthy foods such as;

    Brown Rice
    Ezekiel bread
    Natty PB
    Sugar free jam
    Chicken Breasts
    Tuna, Tuna and More Tuna
    Lean cut steak rounds
    Sweet Potatos
    Cartons of Egg Whites
    98% Fat Free Sliced Turkey Breast

    L-Glutamine (5grams before work out and 5 grams with dinner meal)
    ALA with Biotin

    Diet I Plan on Running is meals 2.5 - 3 hours apart;

    Meal 1 Egg whites and 1/2 cup Oats

    Meal 2 Shake 2 scoop BSN's Syntha-X

    Meal 3 Ezekiel bread Sandwich with natty pb/suger free jam or tuna or turkey + 5 almonds

    Meal 4 Shake 2 scoop BSN's Syntha-X (+5g L-Glute)

    Meal 5 Meat, 1/2 cup (measured uncooked) Brown Rice, Broccoli, Celery or a Sweet Potato

    Meal 6 Light meal of 5 almonds, small shake (1 scoop) or half a eziek sandwhich of some sort

    I don't like the idea of eating late. 6 meals will be tough to get in. 5 im sure i can get but this last one is going to be tough

    On days, I'll wake up and take 1 scoop NOXPLODE with 5g's L-Glutamine on an empty stomach 30 min before I hit the gym.

    PWO is just a 2 scoop BSN's Syntha-X shake + meal 1 Right?!?1!

    Next question, Do you think I'm over doing Cardio, Maybe drop it down to 45 minutes and increase it to 5 days a week or 2 on 1 off ?!?!

    I'm not happy with my current regime. It doesn't seem to be as effective as i've experienced in the past.
    Good stuff

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