22 years old
6.0 ft
13.5% body Fat
Hi, I am about to start running my 3rd course. my Original course I ran was:
250mg p/w test E 12 weeks
200mg p/w deca 10 weeks
25mg p/d dianabol 4 weeks
I got amazing results and managed to put on 20kg.. My only gripe was I was very puffy and had alot of water retention, and with my sporting interest being in martial arts I had to lose alot before I had good form again.
I ran another course afterewards containing trenbolone but it was a bit too strong for me and was forced to stop it after about 3 weeks (some hair loss) (sweats) and I was scared to death of tren cough.
I am interested to run a 3rd course starting next week. My goal is to put on around 3-5kg of muscle but I want to get lean with a good diet aswell as become more vascular.
So any advice on a cycle that i can put on muscle without alot of water retention and lose body fat, thanks!