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Thread: Im gonna be's Jared....

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    im signing off now jamy ill be back on at about 3:00 because i get off at ten but the leasing agents start coming in at eight so i have to put the laptop up and get some sleep cuz i worked a triple yesterday and im dead tired. so ill see if i can get someone to let me use their camera and ill take some pics and put them up if i cant get a camera later il post some pics i already have hopefully you can work with that.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnThePheonix View Post
    *1/2 Whey Shake (total for all three at the end, sorry i couldnt figure it out individually) this is your pre-workout meal?? omit for 10 egg whites and 1/2 cup of natural oats, save the shake for pwo

    Meal 1: (2 cups) Grits if this is post workout, that's fine
    (4 oz) Ground Beef switch to quicker absorbing meat like chicken, fish, turkey...make 6oz
    (Large) 4 eggs omit,
    this is your pre-workour meal??? ur pre workout meal needs to have complex carbs, grits are simple carbs
    -792 cals, 48.7 fat, 27.7 carbs, 58.4 pro

    >Snack (totals for nuts and celery at the end too sorry again) i want at least 50g protien in every meal u eat.. a snack is a meal.. peroid so add a lean meat

    *Whey Shake if not pwo, omit

    *Gatorade (PWO)i would omit this for a white bagel or some white rice added to the tuna in the next meal

    Meal 2: (1 can) Tuna
    (2 navel) Oranges omit for the bold above

    -454 cals, 13.6 fat, 35.1 carbs, 49.2 pro


    Meal 3: (Half, Skinless, Baked about 4 oz) Chicken up to 6oz
    (1 Cup cooked from can) Spinach add an efa like avocado, almonds, flaxseed oil...

    -135 cals, 6.8 fat, 7.4 carbs, 14.1 pro

    >Snacks u need to be specific.. what snacks??s

    Meal 4: (Skinless about 4 oz)Half Chicken up to 6oz and omit chicken for lean beef
    (1 Cup cooked from can)Spinach add efa
    -135 cals, 6.8 fat, 7.4 carbs, 14.1 pro

    *Whey Shake

    >1 cup peanuts (throughout the day)

    -875 cals, 76.7 fat, 22.3 carbs, 40.9 pro

    >3 med stalks celery (throughout the day)

    -19cals, 0.2 fat, 3.6 carbs, 0.8 pro

    >3 Whey shakes (40 grams)

    -362 cals, 3.3 fats, 26.3 carbs, 52.6 pro

    so all in all:

    -2772 cals, 156.1 fatsi eat less then 100g fats a day, 129.8 carbsi eat 300g carbs a day(JEEZ!), 236.1 pro ur protien needs to go up, make the changes in bold
    I decided against apples to keep the carbs lower and cottage cheese for cost.
    u can add cottage cheese to your last mean, it's a slow burning protien.. good for bedtime

    where the fcuk are u getting all this fat from?? this is why i need details.. i want u take out all the snacks in your diet... only eat healthy fats...

    avocado, almonds, cashews, extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil... use a good search for monosaturated fat foods..

  3. #43
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    and post up that pic asap.. we still have further tweaking to do since i dont have an accurate bmr

  4. #44
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    also in regards to simple sugars PWO, a snickers bar is empty it has no nutritional components to it, so you want to stick to liek a plain bagel which has 56g carbs and only 4-5g sugar, and a semi simple carb, good for replenishment of muscle glycogen. an extremely high GI carb liek an orange will do no good because it will replenish liver glycogen. i would snack on an orange only during workout if you have hard time GAINING, which not your case. stick to plain white bagel like jammy said for now and see how it works

  5. #45
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    ****! my boy is up north i cant get ahold of a camera. i dont even have one on my phone... you want me to post some pics i just have of myself around?

  6. #46
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    also im sorry about that first half a shake but Phate told me that if i took a 20g protein shake before I run as apposed to running on an empty stomach that it would be more effective in burning fat.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnThePheonix View Post
    also im sorry about that first half a shake but Phate told me that if i took a 20g protein shake before I run as apposed to running on an empty stomach that it would be more effective in burning fat.

    if the shake is ispoure with zero carbs, then id do it. if its loaded with protein and carbs then itll defeat the purpose of fat burning cardio in a glycogen depleted state, your also talking POST WORKOUT right?

  8. #48
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    yea post workout later in the day.

  9. #49
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    personally id wait to have my shake with my PWO nutrition... your not in an extreme catabolic state liek you are in the AM coming off a fast during the ngiht.. as long as your meals are spaced 2.5-3 hours apart you should be fine. save the sscoop and add 2 for PWO and if your buggin about losing muscle throw some BCAA's pre cardio only, thats my opniion

  10. #50
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    This is just my opinion, others feel free to chime in. In bold:

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnThePheonix View Post
    *1/2 Whey Shake (total for all three at the end, sorry i couldnt figure it out individually)

    Meal 1: (2 cups) Grits
    (4 oz) Ground Beef Drop this
    (Large) 4 eggs Change this to 10 egg whites and 1 or 2 whole eggs

    -792 cals, 48.7 fat, 27.7 carbs, 58.4 pro

    >Snack (totals for nuts and celery at the end too sorry again)

    *Whey Shake

    *Gatorade (PWO)

    Meal 2: (1 can) Tuna
    (2 navel) Oranges Drop this, add some complex carbs

    -454 cals, 13.6 fat, 35.1 carbs, 49.2 pro


    Meal 3: (Half, Skinless, Baked about 4 oz) Chicken More chicken
    (1 Cup cooked from can) Spinach

    -135 cals, 6.8 fat, 7.4 carbs, 14.1 pro

    >Snacks Drop these, you won't need them if you eat more chicken meal 3

    Meal 4: (Skinless about 4 oz)Half Chicken More chicken
    (1 Cup cooked from can)Spinach
    -135 cals, 6.8 fat, 7.4 carbs, 14.1 pro

    *Whey Shake

    >1 cup peanuts (throughout the day) I'd say that's too much bro. Cut it in half.

    -875 cals, 76.7 fat, 22.3 carbs, 40.9 pro

    >3 med stalks celery (throughout the day)

    -19cals, 0.2 fat, 3.6 carbs, 0.8 pro

    >3 Whey shakes (40 grams) Not really needed, change it up and add more real food. What is your last meal?

    -362 cals, 3.3 fats, 26.3 carbs, 52.6 pro

    so all in all:

    -2772 cals, 156.1 fats, 129.8 carbs(JEEZ!), 236.1 pro
    I decided against apples to keep the carbs lower and cottage cheese for cost.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnThePheonix View Post
    *1/2 Whey Shake (total for all three at the end, sorry i couldnt figure it out individually)

    Meal 1: (2 cups) Gritsnaturally rolled oats, or steel cut 2 cups is quite alot... defiantely not 27g carbs
    (4 oz) Ground Beefno
    (Large) 4 eggsid cut down to no eggs, and 10 egg whites

    -792 cals, 48.7 fat, 27.7 carbs, 58.4 pro

    >Snack (totals for nuts and celery at the end too sorry again)cut snacks out

    *Whey Shakewhen is this?

    *Gatorade (PWO)cut this outpwo nutritions hould be semi simple carbs liek white plain bagel, waxy maize startch 60-70g carbs. 2 scoops whey as well..

    Meal 2: (1 can) Tuna i dnt think there are 13.6g of fat in the tuna, are you mixng with mayo??
    (2 navel) Orangescut this out to avoid insulins spike

    -454 cals, 13.6 fat, 35.1 carbs, 49.2 pro

    >Snackcut out

    Meal 3: (Half, Skinless, Baked about 4 oz) Chickentry liek 6 oz. or have your protein distributed equally throughout all meals from daily intake
    (1 Cup cooked from can) Spinach

    -135 cals, 6.8 fat, 7.4 carbs, 14.1 pro


    Meal 4: (Skinless about 4 oz)Half Chickenchange up to lean beef/steak
    (1 Cup cooked from can)Spinachbuy fresh not canned ..yuck
    -135 cals, 6.8 fat, 7.4 carbs, 14.1 pro

    *Whey Shakeno

    >1 cup peanuts (throughout the day)no, lower this and switch with almonds

    -875 cals, 76.7 fat, 22.3 carbs, 40.9 pro

    >3 med stalks celery (throughout the day)

    -19cals, 0.2 fat, 3.6 carbs, 0.8 pro

    >3 Whey shakes (40 grams)to many shakes

    -362 cals, 3.3 fats, 26.3 carbs, 52.6 pro

    so all in all:

    -2772 cals, 156.1 fats, 129.8 carbs(JEEZ!), 236.1 pro
    I decided against apples to keep the carbs lower and cottage cheese for cost.

    follow a 40/40/20 split and save complex carbs pre workout, and fibrous carbs all day. EFA's should be distributed later in the day (liek last 2-3 after PWO). protein equally distrubuted.

  12. #52
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    well then... phenoix, u'v got three diff perspectives on your diet and they are very similar when it comes down to the changes... sooo.. take what you've learned and modify it... and just post up a pic of you man... anyone will do that shows your body, even with a t-shirt on

  13. #53
    Join Date
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    agreed, take good consistent advice and fly with it

  14. #54
    Join Date
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    Click image for larger version. 

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    Click image for larger version. 

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    These are the only ones who have that much of my body in it.

  15. #55
    Join Date
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    also jamy how can i do just eggwhites? i mean i know those cartons get pretty expensive. so should i just scoop the yolk out of every egg i get?

  16. #56
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    >3 Whey shakes (40 grams) Not really needed, change it up and add more real food. What is your last meal?

    the chicken meal with spinach is my last meal.

    Meal 2: (1 can) Tuna i dnt think there are 13.6g of fat in the tuna, are you mixng with mayo??
    (2 navel) Orangescut this out to avoid insulins spike

    tuna in oil because its cheaper.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnThePheonix View Post
    >3 Whey shakes (40 grams) Not really needed, change it up and add more real food. What is your last meal?

    the chicken meal with spinach is my last meal.

    Meal 2: (1 can) Tuna i dnt think there are 13.6g of fat in the tuna, are you mixng with mayo??
    (2 navel) Orangescut this out to avoid insulins spike

    tuna in oil because its cheaper.
    thats vegtible oil.. high is sat fats...

    omit for fresh water tuna....

    try to think more about your health.. not the 50 cents more u'd pay for a can of fresh water tuna

  18. #58
    Join Date
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    right i got it. so avacado instead of spinach and cashews instead of peanuts.

  19. #59
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    and water not oil.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnThePheonix View Post
    and water not oil.
    yep, i knew there was a problem with the tuna.. when you piost up foods you need to be veryyy exact, include kethcup and all the little things you add... good thing i caught that

  21. #61
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    and posing with a gun?

  22. #62
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    the picture is 3 years old. im from detroit bro you know how shit gets.

  23. #63
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    im not on that gangsta bullshit anymore im actually trying to get in shape to go to police academy.

  24. #64
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    thats cool im glad you want to change.. incriminating yourself on the internet is not a smart move, also hope you have a clear background!

  25. #65
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    yea, i'd put u in the high 30's...

  26. #66
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    for sure eat train, my record clean as a whistle. i only used protective measures im not a criminal you know. its just how you have to be and shit.

  27. #67
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    you think like 38% jamy?

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnThePhoenix View Post
    right i got it. so avacado instead of spinach and cashews instead of peanuts.
    i'd keep the spinach..

    u can eat all the veggies u want bro.. pig out on them

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnThePhoenix View Post
    you think like 38% jamy?
    yea, 38-42 max

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnThePhoenix View Post
    also jamy how can i do just eggwhites? i mean i know those cartons get pretty expensive. so should i just scoop the yolk out of every egg i get?
    cartons are expensive really???

    if you buy a dozen eggs it runs ya about 3 bucks...

    the small pasturized egg whites run me 2.50 a pop.. they're 50g of protien and 95% bioavailable in contrast o u eating raw egg whites which are 75% bioavailable..

    that should make ur decision pretty easy..

  31. #71
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    hmm so if i get the cartons should i like drink a half carton every morning instead of cook it?

  32. #72
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    read the nutritional label...

    usualy a small carton of past. egg whites will run anywhere from 40 to 50 grams of protien

  33. #73
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    ok. and i just figured my bmr to be 4160.475....should i be eating that much?

  34. #74
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    nvm im an idiot we just figured the diet i need to stfu

  35. #75
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    yea, that bmr sounds really off bro....

    when i get home ill use a better formula to calc ur bmr since your bf is high...

  36. #76
    Join Date
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    ok thanks jamy.

  37. #77
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    from detroit area too...hows the diet going?

  38. #78
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    Hey Jace, I know you are relatively knew. You might want to check the date of the last post prior to replying. This thread is two years old and the guy whom you just asked a question of hasnt signed into this board since July of 2009. This is referred to as "bumping" an old thread and is frowned upon.

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