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I have noticed a little gyno. I am on right now. Test 500/week. I will be adding tren-a soon, and running some caber with it.
My plan is to start Letro and run that for a while (while it works it magic), then come off that and start Tomax for the rest of my cycle. I don;t want to be on letro throughout my whole cycle.
My questions are:
1) How long should I run the Letro, and at what dose?As long as you want, you're the one setting an arbitrary extinction date and switching to Nolva. Just start the Nolva a couple of days before your last dose of Letro which can be run at .25mgs ED.
2) When I come off the letro, what dose for Tomax? 20mgs ED, and at least a couple weeks after symptoms subside or to the conclusion of PCT which ever comes LAST! Think of this in the prescribed antibiotic manner in which the doc says, "Don't stop as soon as your symptoms diminish, take the whole course/bottle."
3) Are my gains going to be terrible now that I am running these? (diet and exercise are in place, so thats not an issue) Not terrible, but SERMs do hinder cycle gains (though the extent is individual) it's far preferable to run AI's alongside aas, and SERMs during PCT/off cycle.
Thank you.