Sup hoe's?
Sup hoe's?
It seems like I just got out of school, and then it starts again next week...ugh!
dying whores!
are you still sick?
getting better...
well that's a plus
Hows life kats!
Nothing like being really angry to spawn a workout from hell. I think I just destroyed my workout plan for today in like 20 minutes. That rage is starting to wear off and I'm beginning to feel pain...
What happened E?
uhhh!!!!!!!!! ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
hey girl you gonna eat your corn bread cause it looks like to me that already did
bump dis sh*t
my scalp is sooooooo burnt and now it is itching like crazy!
vegas took all my freaking money. AGAIN! second time in a month. im not gambling for a while.
What's up Fuzz? Vegas will do that!
what up man. still had one hell of a time tho so im not mad. i already wanna go back.
Yeah, I went a few weeks ago for a couple days. Didn't lose much cash so it was cool.
Next time peaches, you can just send the money to me.![]()
Might as well have. Vegas is so tight rite now. No winning for anyone.
Pathetic, its been over 12 hours and the whore thread still hasn't started another page....
lets get it moving
i reckon ill be achieving 5000+ posts today...
and 2 more posts.
5000 POSTS!
I would like to take this moment to thank:*Admin*, 100%NATURAL-theGH, 192ndkid, 1bigun11, 434cory, 48volts, 49yrsyoung, ACJiujitsu, AdamGH, aer_vlad, aestheticmind, ahooper, Akrobatik, akula, alainsamba, alpmaster, amcon, Amorphic, Anabolios, anadrol75, AP123, AS-Talon, austin4023, B*R*A*D UK, B.E.N., BAMBAM2385, Batman360, beatango2008, beerpong, Beginner's Luck, benbot, Bench Machine, berniec, bernimx, BG, BgMc31, Big, bigboi42, BigBrad330, biggun24, BigIce, bigprop, bigrobbo, big_lifting, Bio-boosted, Biohazard74, blackfeet, blizzard, Blome, Body1kk, bombguy, boris20, Bosch, boxer1, Breggin, british bulldog 1, BritishColumbian, Brown Ninja, Bryan2, budge, BuffBuffalo, BuffedGuy, BuffMedic23, bulldawg_28, BullitToothTony, busaboy27, bushido3374, Canadream, capa31, carter2186, CBGB, CHAP, chevrolet02z28, chitownhoker, chopper9451, CHUCKYthentic, ciscoccie, clements22, coolxten, Coop77, Corleone1, countrybhoy, CptAmericaX, CRAMER, csavage0, curiousjorge, curly20, d45, Da Bai Xiong Ma, Dammer, daniel_3855, Darksyde, Dazza21, dballz1190, DCannon, Dditty708, Deadpool, dedic8ed1, Delirium Trigger, derek7m+, dh-dude, DiamondDeuce, dinny, DKU, DNoMac, Doberman, Doc M, doctorclaus, dontwannabold, Dr. DOOM, Draggon, drewdwn, druss666, Dr_Lundo, DS21, dsa8864667, DSM4Life, DVSRAT, eatrainrest, ecsaaron, elpropiotorvic, englandnwest, Enzo25, Epic1, ErnstHatAngst, excel, eyeothetiger, F4iDom, Fat Guy, FireGuy1, fit4ever, fizler, Flagg, flatscat, Flenzzz, flyin2jz, FMANALOPR, freddyfresh33, fresh31, Gaius, ganu, Gappa, Gekko101, genetics, Gerbill, ghettoboyd, gooer, got fina?, greengrass, GusInc, gym_rat_jason, Hazard, here22learn, Hermogenes, higherdesire+, hockeyguy, HomesliceYEA, honda450, hotmom08, hrodss7, hulk1747, Hulk34, hulktrainer, Hunter-S-Thompson, I.H., IAMCDN, icepick27, illuzions, incredible.hulk, ironadict, ironmaiden708, Ironman5151, IronReload04, Iron_Pig, ItalianMuscle, J-Dogg, J431S, JaBre89, Jakspro, james21, Jamm, jamyjamjr, japzap, jasperhup, JAYHOVA, JAYROD, Jay_notellin, jbb4343, jbran23, jdl0812, je39, Jely, jfalco, JiGGaMaN, jimmyinkedup, JKBB44, jman02567, joey-1988, johnliam111, johnnybigguns, jonboy001, jp2007, jridepb3, juice555, juicer269, Jumbo18, just eat, kalspic, kamikaze117, Keenstyle1, KeyserSoze1, kickback, kickinit, killagorilla187, KinG858, KingOfSofia, Kingweb50, kizza234, koal, konateh, Kratos, kreativs2k, KZRSOIZE, l2elapse, LAPhattie, Lariat51, lc1987, lean n' mean, ledawg, lee.jones73, leeb4ker, Legolas, lelyano23, LevitraES, Lexed, Lfs2shrt2bsml, liable, Lintfur, longhorn814, Lug9, luxifer93, m33, m8intl, MACKATTACK, MAD MATT, mannon, marcmoran, marcus300, mario_ps2, markhyena, marseea1, MattUK666, Maverick_J8, McFly, mercedez, mfkr2, mg1228, mho, MichaelCC, mick86, Microbrew, midnight777, Mikata, millsdogg69, Mister Fister, mitakavieba, MizzAmerica1986, mkcay7979, mn_fighter, MongooseMcQueen, monster1987, Monstruoso, moore4457, Motobro, mperk, Mr. Bird, MR10X, MR_T, muriloninja, murphylee, MuscleScience, mxguy125, mysixpackabs, n2ojones, NATE0406, nathannn, Necrosaro, NEMESIS RR, NightWolf, njkid123, Noles12, Nooomoto, nukem, number twelve, O.fO.shO, oak2429, ojuice, oneshot, ottomaddox, Padsterdog, Panzerfaust80, Papi93, Paul_Best, Phate, phottoshop, playboii, pmorris, Polska, pooh6369, popsinc, Prada, Probably, proironaust, PT, PureLife07, QuadPower, RA, ralph4u2c, ramzes, RANA, Rapidoguy, RATTLEHEAD, rawdog, Razzberry, redline420, Redskinschamps, Reed+, resler101, respek, Rex9933, RG1527, RickD, RipitFuel, rockstar55, romo6, rsjrv99, ruby, rugbyguy, sammyjankis, SampsonandDelilah, sams1, Satva1100, Schmidty, seventhlttd, shabby, simon191, skeldno, skeptic, Slide, slmcook28, sonysucks, Sooner54, sorel_C, soulstealer, spickidy, SpiderRico, spks99, sportf190, srebrenica, stack_it, steropower, stocky121, strength_addict14, suprman09, Swifto, syncro, T-MOS, T20, Taino, tango19, Tazzman, TBones, tembe, teomore, thai-lan, The Deuce, Theatrix, thebison, thecivilizedanimal, thefunkybuddha, thegodfather, thehalfbreed, thelad, therecanonlybe1, thestudent, The_crippler, TITANIUM, tmac24, TODouble2, TommyBigBoy7, TonyM, topnotch, traineatsleeprepeat, trebor, Triple Stack, tripmachine, Trip_West, trisdog, troublesome, TRT,MAN, Trueblue, TTexas, turkey901, Twist, TXiron, TypeDan, up_and_comming_beast, UT IRON, ValentineA, VanTheMan, VASCULAR VINCE, verino, vgrande, Voland+, VTECLOL, VWbug66, wackod2, wahooo, warchild28, WARMachine+, Warrior1700, wayne69, Western Man, wideroe1, willowage, wnt2grow, WOLFCRAFT, wrathchild212, wukillabee, xephonics, xero, xlxBigSexyxlx, xnotoriousx, xo3et, xxterxx, YeahMan!, yourmom, zeapoorte, zimmy, Zino, zombie69
lets get hyphy in here!
We need Chode to play some tunes for us.
Those riffs of his were pretty bad ass. I was impressed...
Congrats! peach!
Saturday night. I am home. Alone. Eating chicken.
Who could have seen that coming?![]()
hmmm Saturday night and I'm home alone again...who could see that happening? LOL it's all good
I have been experimenting with brain drugs for the past month and a half. HOLY CRAP this stuff was sweet. Unfortunately the drugs made me rage a bit too much. I have found some new drugs and hopefully they should be in this week. I can't wait !!
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