So many people start threads asking about a certain color top generic (usually chinese) HGH as if it were a brand all on its own or something...
Listen up peeps: That's like asking whether or not a red or blue or yellow car is good, fast, and reliable.
There is NO CORRELATION BETWEEN VIAL TOP COLOR and quality of the substance that sits inside.
There are numerous (hundreds) or suppliers of generic HGH in China. These powders are manufactured in various different factories around china. A small few are 191aa HGH. Most are 192aa HGH. The rest could be nothing and anything.
A manufacturer puts a cap on the vial and it so happens that the trend is to cap generics with blue or yellow tops.
When you're buying off the black market you are can never be 100% sure what you're putting into your body unless you get it tested first.
So are your generic blue/yellow/green/purple/pink tops legit? Anyone's guess is as good as yours!