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Thread: finding chicks- gettin swag back!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    finding chicks- gettin swag back!

    hey bro's, When I was in HS, i was pretty shy not very confident with ladies, had a few but def not a lot, when i went to college all that changed, I got a pretty fair ammount of tang..But anyway lately I feel like I dont have it no more, I go to the bars, girls dont show interest like they used to? WTF...I know i didnt get any worse looking, whats goin on? Im really tired of going to the bars, I havent had a good time there in years and plus on a cycle not a good idea, What are some things I could be doing wrong now? Im the same guy + 20-30 lbs of muscle Where can I find chicks? My old friends are pretty much dirtb@gs who i dont want to be around anymore, and i burned a lot of bridges with my chick friends. I feel like i lost my charm or something, this happen to anyone else ever.

  2. #2
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    I'm going through the same situation right now. I've always been pretty shy around the women as well. I recently got out of a relationship that lasted a little over a year, and I always hear that I need to get back out there and meet new people. It all sounds good but like you when I am out at the bars I get the same vibe w/ lack of interest from the women. For myself, I feel like I don't have enough iniative right now and maybe women can sense the lack of confidence. I get hit on by the ugly chicks behind the front counter at the gym, and the cougars who are about 50 years old that I wouldn't even touch if I was wasted. Normally, after I get out of a relationship it's easy to catch a rebound but this time it feels different, there is something definitely missing. What makes it even harder is I only have a few single friends and even they rarely go out these days. Also, who wants to go out by themselves that equates to instant loser.

  3. #3
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    Girls in college will sleep with anything. Now that your in the real world most girls want a confident guy but more importantly one who has a good job and doesn't still live with mommy. Is that you ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    DSM is correct, and most girls that have been sluts in college, have been tamed or had a few kids by now.

    Just go for college chicks still. Stay out of your age range.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    Just go for college chicks still. Stay out of your age range.
    Best advice I've heard in a while... you are a man of wisdom

  6. #6
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    college is different plenty of sluts going around there.
    Now its little bit harder... you need to work on your confidence and maybe you lost some of your communication skills or social skills may i say.
    So just go out there and say hi to as many women and start little bullshit chat.
    You will eventually catch one hehe.

  7. #7
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    yeah go back to college or hit up the online scene

  8. #8
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    Girls do not graduate college and all a sudden become prude,

    Some may settle down but a good deal still want the cock and lots of it.
    The only difference is you're not surrounded by them anymore.

    In highschool a lot of hookups happen through friends (at least it did for me)
    A friend goes "so and so thinks you're hot" you tell your friend "I think so and so is hot too" then you and so and so fvck.

    In college this happens too but theres more competition, and chicks expect guys to grow balls and actually initiate things. I think you're problem is you've never really been one to start conversations with stranger girls.

    And when you first start you will get rejected left and right because its a skill you never learned. If you do it enough and get past the fear of rejection it becomes smoother and more natural + women start responding more positively.

    You need to approach more and treat it completely nonpersonal. Its a numbers game and most men (who approach women) get rejected more then actual conversions to sex. Its just the natural odds of the game.

    To increase you're conversion you simply exhaust more energy by asking more women out. Guys who get laid don't count the women who turned them down, they count the women who didn't and use that to reinforce their egos. So an optimistic attitude helps heaps too.

  9. #9
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    Please keep this quiet . You could ruin a good thing . Buy a shirt with a fire department logo on it . I work in Detriot . delivered to FD office building that sold uniforms . I am married but these are my favorite t-shirts . Women will approach you to ask if your a fireman . The rest is up to you . Good luck , the sky is the limit !

  10. #10
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    /\ A dildo on your head does the same thing x100.

    except they just ask "why is a dildo on your head"?

  11. #11
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  12. #12
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by BTM0085 View Post
    hey bro's, When I was in HS, i was pretty shy not very confident with ladies, had a few but def not a lot, when i went to college all that changed, I got a pretty fair ammount of tang..But anyway lately I feel like I dont have it no more, I go to the bars, girls dont show interest like they used to? WTF...I know i didnt get any worse looking, whats goin on? Im really tired of going to the bars, I havent had a good time there in years and plus on a cycle not a good idea, What are some things I could be doing wrong now? Im the same guy + 20-30 lbs of muscle Where can I find chicks? My old friends are pretty much dirtb@gs who i dont want to be around anymore, and i burned a lot of bridges with my chick friends. I feel like i lost my charm or something, this happen to anyone else ever.
    the problem is you look like gargamel... from the smurfs

  13. #13
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    no really - go through a nice pair of jeans on, clean shoes, belt, and a nice tight fitting shirt in your arms or around you chest/back... and smile a lot - show that your confident!!!!!!!!!!

    fat dudes score tons of chicks not because of looks but from confidence... dont act like your out to pic a chick up to just go look to meet friends

    brush your teeth too - use a tongue scraper to get rid of really bad breath....

    good luck

  14. #14
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Girls do not graduate college and all a sudden become prude,

    Some may settle down but a good deal still want the cock and lots of it.
    The only difference is you're not surrounded by them anymore.

    In highschool a lot of hookups happen through friends (at least it did for me)
    A friend goes "so and so thinks you're hot" you tell your friend "I think so and so is hot too" then you and so and so fvck.

    In college this happens too but theres more competition, and chicks expect guys to grow balls and actually initiate things. I think you're problem is you've never really been one to start conversations with stranger girls.

    And when you first start you will get rejected left and right because its a skill you never learned. If you do it enough and get past the fear of rejection it becomes smoother and more natural + women start responding more positively.

    You need to approach more and treat it completely nonpersonal. Its a numbers game and most men (who approach women) get rejected more then actual conversions to sex. Its just the natural odds of the game.

    To increase you're conversion you simply exhaust more energy by asking more women out. Guys who get laid don't count the women who turned them down, they count the women who didn't and use that to reinforce their egos. So an optimistic attitude helps heaps too.
    Great post Bojangles!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by dontwannabold View Post
    Please keep this quiet . You could ruin a good thing . Buy a shirt with a fire department logo on it . I work in Detriot . delivered to FD office building that sold uniforms . I am married but these are my favorite t-shirts . Women will approach you to ask if your a fireman . The rest is up to you . Good luck , the sky is the limit !
    fvcking lame dude!

  17. #17
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    go crash nice apt complex pools during the wkends. find some nice big complex's that have big pools and go hang out there. fkn sluts everywhere. get a buddy or 2 ,, grab a 12 pack and enjoy

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    fvcking lame dude!
    I guess your idea is better !

  19. #19
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  20. #20
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  21. #21
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    I know what you are saying, I just got out of a pretty long relationship myself. I dont want to pick up some guy at a bar...because I don't even really drink, and I have never approached a guy, I always think that if they are interested in me then they will come up to me. I've hoped that some hot muscle bound guy would walk up to me in the gym and ask me out on a date, but I know that is more of a place where you aren't focused on women but on your body.
    I usually end up getting set up by friends, which sucks.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Girls do not graduate college and all a sudden become prude,

    Some may settle down but a good deal still want the cock and lots of it.
    The only difference is you're not surrounded by them anymore.

    In highschool a lot of hookups happen through friends (at least it did for me)
    A friend goes "so and so thinks you're hot" you tell your friend "I think so and so is hot too" then you and so and so fvck.

    In college this happens too but theres more competition, and chicks expect guys to grow balls and actually initiate things. I think you're problem is you've never really been one to start conversations with stranger girls.

    And when you first start you will get rejected left and right because its a skill you never learned. If you do it enough and get past the fear of rejection it becomes smoother and more natural + women start responding more positively.

    You need to approach more and treat it completely nonpersonal. Its a numbers game and most men (who approach women) get rejected more then actual conversions to sex. Its just the natural odds of the game.

    To increase you're conversion you simply exhaust more energy by asking more women out. Guys who get laid don't count the women who turned them down, they count the women who didn't and use that to reinforce their egos. So an optimistic attitude helps heaps too.
    Spot on Bo!

    I can attest to this BTM! I was a very reserved guy and actually hardly hooked-up with any women at all in h/s and in the beginning of college. I still am a reserved guy in some ways but I am now more aggressive with women. I actually enjoy taking control and dominating women. Not even in a sexual sense but in simply taking control of the situation, girls like it, trust me. I can tell you that I go out way more than I used too and the amount of girls I have talked to has increased.

    Don't get down my friend, just go out there and remember to be talkative and flirty, don't give off a creeper 'I-just-want-to-fuk' vibe. The best mindset I know is to be fun/talkative/flirty. Think like that, I kind of try to be giddy when I go out and get loud!

  23. #23
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    Also, I realize this is a BBing forum and most of guys work out so that is a definate plus!

    I find that d/ling new music, reading books, buying a new wardrobe, keeping myself well-groomed, tanning, or just accomplishing something in general will give me confidence that will spill over into my personal life. This is what you would call "inner-game" but that is a different subject in and of itself.

    Just remember to base your happiness on something other than just women and carry that happiness over and share it with a woman.

  24. #24
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    Dont for get a good credit score

    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Girls in college will sleep with anything. Now that your in the real world most girls want a confident guy but more importantly one who has a good job and doesn't still live with mommy. Is that you ?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    the problem is you look like gargamel... from the smurfs

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    I know what you are saying, I just got out of a pretty long relationship myself. I dont want to pick up some guy at a bar...because I don't even really drink, and I have never approached a guy, I always think that if they are interested in me then they will come up to me. I've hoped that some hot muscle bound guy would walk up to me in the gym and ask me out on a date, but I know that is more of a place where you aren't focused on women but on your body.
    I usually end up getting set up by friends, which sucks.
    I think you can be aggressive as a woman but it is more touchy...the reason I say that is because a lot of the more aggressive women I know are also the ones that I know whom are more 'slutty'. If you were too approach an attractive male, I would suggest maybe striking up a convo., don't try to jab at going out to make it uncomfortable, talk to him first about some non-threatening shit before you ask him for his digits...

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    /\ A dildo on your head does the same thing x100.

    except they just ask "why is a dildo on your head"?

  28. #28
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    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    I know what you are saying, I just got out of a pretty long relationship myself. I dont want to pick up some guy at a bar...because I don't even really drink, and I have never approached a guy, I always think that if they are interested in me then they will come up to me. I've hoped that some hot muscle bound guy would walk up to me in the gym and ask me out on a date, but I know that is more of a place where you aren't focused on women but on your body.
    I usually end up getting set up by friends, which sucks.
    Kat, the guys here are lined up-> just for you.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    I know what you are saying, I just got out of a pretty long relationship myself. I dont want to pick up some guy at a bar...because I don't even really drink, and I have never approached a guy, I always think that if they are interested in me then they will come up to me. I've hoped that some hot muscle bound guy would walk up to me in the gym and ask me out on a date, but I know that is more of a place where you aren't focused on women but on your body.
    I usually end up getting set up by friends, which sucks.
    Kat, I can say from the last two relationships the first one she came up to me at the gym which was nice for a change. The second one I met at a bar and she grabbed my hand and dragged me outside and we started making out. What I'm getting at is it's nice once in a while for a woman to show a little interest. My buddy I work out with had a woman ask for a spot the other day, obviously she was breaking the ice but you get the idea.

  30. #30
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    I guess I'm just a little shy for all of that.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by dontwannabold View Post
    I guess your idea is better !
    Im a firefighter, and I wouldn't even do that.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Dork with swagger?

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    if your good lookin it wont fkn matter what the fk you do.
    And by burning bridges do you mean you got wasted, shit in a clothes hamper and tried to hump there dog?

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