chode may be visiting us soon
chode may be visiting us soon
Im too sexy for This Post
Fook you Dukki Masta
Im too sexy for This Post and this Thread
VP has killed the thread
good job asshole
Its cuz Im Black???!!!
Chode in The Hizzle fo Shizzle!
Dukkit we cool. I get nervous around white men taller than 6'
vp is fat approaching anabolic status. soon he will have special powers.
What about me I'm white and 5'10
And yah my crotch stinks.
i want to murder someone
dont worry vp you still a sexy ny mofo!!!
I have 2000 Posts.
Chode is my 5' 10 Homie
Im ya Huckelberry Dukkit
Thanx Sig
Peachy Imma see you after ya cycle and stomp on your punyness!!
I have done some Whoring!!! I feel dirty.
Let's get a lynch mob goin
Peachy ain't no thang
I got a question for all of you. I want to get cut but I like my size. I wann show more muscle (cuz its so Big and pretty)
Should I slim down to 220 before I cycle and do a bulk cycle? Or should I lower bf and do a cut cycle?
Im not sure which way I wanna go.
I dont wanna lose too much strength slimming down.
What do you guys think? Please dont hate because I am sexy and trying to get sexier.
What's your bf right now?
im down my dukkit brother
I'm a fat ass, that's pretty good. I'm gonna cycle though, do a bit of a cut cycle but I'll still get huge
I wanna get bigger and stronger. Butt I wanna be more defined. Like I love the size I am, Besides the little stubborn fat I look damn good (Pat myself on the back).
I was gonna do a bulk cycle and just slim down after but Im not sure.
your all fat
im ssssexy
Dukkit go get me a cheesteak please
im off
ill see you all on tues i guess
PS - i hear you all
im back
Later Dukk.
silky smooth
later dukkit!!!!
hey whores
Whorefest 09
Slut.. Later Guys Im gonna log on from Home!!
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