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Thread: need advise on this gh stack

  1. #1

    need advise on this gh stack

    hey guys im a newbie, like the insit you guys have. especially i have a few questions of my own!

    i have been running the blue tops(somatropin) for about 2 1/2 months, at 2i.u's before bed, i was thinkin of switchin it up to morning shots with my second kit to see if this works better, what do you think?

    also my fat loss is not crazy like i hear thats why i wanna give it another kit. is that normal? will it kick in harder? and should i run that t4 with it...liquid or pills? i have annoying wrist/hand pain, does that go away after ur cycle?

    sorry for all the questions guys just tryin to clear things up is all. and final question...i have been really debating on stackin something with this second kit, either masteron or trenbolone e.(100 mg) my body fat is 15-20% at 6' 225 and really wanna cut up. so i was leaning towards the tren, to get the maximum results is this ok or should i stay with just gh?

    let me no gear/guys would really appriciate it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    wow, ok first of all hgh should be ran for a minimum of 6-12 months to reep the benefits from it. second you shouldnt be doing hgh at night. your body naturally produces about 1-2 iu while you sleep. doing it b4 bed shuts this down. third hgh by itself honestly duznt do much. hgh t4 and igf would be ideal for fat loss imo. i defintly would not suggest tren just yet. im also a huge fan of pgcl for fat loss but duz come with some nasty side effects. oh yea and yes the carpel tunnel syndrome will subside after you discontinue hgh. it sounz to me like summers comin up and your trying to get in better shape like the rest of us... diet is KEY so many ppl get this misconception that hgh is some kinda miracle drug and thats hardly the case. if your looking for a quick fix there honestly isnt one out there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    All the questions you have asked have been answered over and over on the forums...

    Anyhow you wont be seeing much with 2 iu's per day ... and i highly recommend you start doing them first thing in the morning .... so you dont stop your natural production ..

    jump up to 4 iu's and see how you can handle that ... you can do the whole 4 iu's in 1 shot or you can split them up if you prefer ... 2 iu's in the am and 2 iu's post your workout ... keep carbs at least 1 hour away from your shots ...

    if your getting joint pain ... try joint relief supps and see how that works for you ...

    no one will be able to give you a 100% answer its different from one person to a other ... you have to experement on your self within whats common ... dont over do it ..

    Id say get a better diet and more cardio in ... drop that BF and remain on your GH till you do ... then you can introduce some AAS

    Good luck ! do more research~!

  4. #4
    so how much t4 if im using the liquid form?

    and ur saying that tren would be bad with gh? i have taken trenbolone 75 before with winny and loved it. just never taken tren E and thats y im asking if it woud be good with gh. not lookin for a quick fix, just lookin to maximize my results is all.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    New Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by BlackHat View Post
    and i highly recommend you start doing them first thing in the morning .... so you dont stop your natural production ..
    Quote Originally Posted by widowmaker2 View Post
    second you shouldnt be doing hgh at night. your body naturally produces about 1-2 iu while you sleep. doing it b4 bed shuts this down.
    Here's a study that was done on humans that shows night time injections seem to be the best option. Let me know if you guys have one that shows day times are best? I read it all the time on this board, but never see any studies to back it up.


  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by baseballer22 View Post
    hey guys im a newbie, like the insit you guys have. especially i have a few questions of my own!

    i have been running the blue tops(somatropin) for about 2 1/2 months, at 2i.u's before bed, i was thinkin of switchin it up to morning shots with my second kit to see if this works better, what do you think?

    also my fat loss is not crazy like i hear thats why i wanna give it another kit. is that normal? will it kick in harder? and should i run that t4 with it...liquid or pills? i have annoying wrist/hand pain, does that go away after ur cycle?

    sorry for all the questions guys just tryin to clear things up is all. and final question...i have been really debating on stackin something with this second kit, either masteron or trenbolone e.(100 mg) my body fat is 15-20% at 6' 225 and really wanna cut up. so i was leaning towards the tren, to get the maximum results is this ok or should i stay with just gh?

    let me no gear/guys would really appriciate it.
    I would inject the HGH either AM or PWO or both.
    I bodys own natural HGH is produced during sleep so I would avoid before bed injects.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    DS21 i understand you have your studies ...

    But i have tried both methods ... i couldnt care less how a rat would react when they injects its ass with GH ...

    I personally find it better to run AM and PWO and the guy needs advice based on what people have done and used and how it worked out for them and not what people have studied...

    Anyway good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    New Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by BlackHat View Post
    DS21 i understand you have your studies ...

    But i have tried both methods ... i couldnt care less how a rat would react when they injects its ass with GH ...

    I personally find it better to run AM and PWO and the guy needs advice based on what people have done and used and how it worked out for them and not what people have studied...

    Anyway good luck
    I could care less as well when it comes to how a rat responds to GH, and that is why I made sure to point out this study was the only one I found that was done on humans.

    If you have really done both methods and respond better to the am and pwo injections that is really good to know. Most on here say do it in the am since your body produces it's own at night, but never try pm injections.

    Just to give you a heads up, studies are priceless when it comes to how hormones respond to our bodies. I'm sure GH will work either way, but I'm always trying to find out the best way or most effective way, when it comes to hormones use. And according to this study, night time injection make the most sence. You should check it out when you get a chance, it's at least a good read.

  9. #9
    guys so do ya'll no if tren e would be bad with gh? i have taken trenbolone 75 before with winny and loved it. just never taken tren E and thats y im asking if it woud be good with gh. not lookin for a quick fix, just lookin to maximize my results is all. i heard that this stuff rips u up...let me no

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by baseballer22 View Post
    guys so do ya'll no if tren e would be bad with gh? i have taken trenbolone 75 before with winny and loved it. just never taken tren E and thats y im asking if it woud be good with gh. not lookin for a quick fix, just lookin to maximize my results is all. i heard that this stuff rips u up...let me no
    AGAIN diet rips you up more than any steroid or growth factor on the market. and dollar for dollar its the cheapest way. I gaurantee that in one month with a clean diet you will see so much more of a result then with steroids/hgh and a poor diet.

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