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Thread: 2 weeks out

  1. #1
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    Angry 2 weeks out

    Kinda pissed I can't get my lower abdomen skin to tighten up.Guess I'll have to do the hit sprints after all,or just stay on the diet for as long as it takes for the skin to get tighter.There's just no fat left down there just loooooose skin DAMIT

    Today is my off day so I just do abs and pwo cardio 45min stair master level 6 burning 400 cals.Only carbs are am oats 1 cup with 10 egg whites.
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    Last edited by dedic8ed1; 05-28-2009 at 07:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    You still look good bro . Dont flip out over the skin. Itl tightn up just keep doing what your doing

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Wheres the wheels?
    Looking good, what is your Color plan?
    Getting a base tan 3 x per week, then pro tan 3-4 coats, then maybe dream tan, and pam?
    What color trunks are you wearing? please don't let it be bright.
    Whats your carb up schedule?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Bro you look great dont focus on your faults, look how far you have come. That will all tighten up in time.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackjackson View Post
    Wheres the wheels?
    Looking good, what is your Color plan?
    Getting a base tan 3 x per week, then pro tan 3-4 coats, then maybe dream tan, and pam?
    What color trunks are you wearing? please don't let it be bright.
    Whats your carb up schedule?
    Wheels are sore as hell
    Thanks,I'm too poor for tanning all my money is spent on food,rent,car ins,gas,child support
    I just did a contest prep simulation of 16 weeks based on my own strategy of what I've learned in the last 3 years of diet and training.I'm natty but have done cycles in the past.
    I really don't know how I'm going to do my carb load there's a couple ways I could go but as of rite now Fireguy has suggested that I do a 3 day carb and water strategy as of rite now I'm really depleted and am more distracted by the loose skin.I don't really mind the dieting it's the money I'm spending on food that's hurting me.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewJuice View Post
    Bro you look great dont focus on your faults, look how far you have come. That will all tighten up in time.
    Thanks man.I figured that but I'm slowly going broke on food and just might have to drop the red meat and just eat boneless chicken breast and my egg whites as my whole food proteins.

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
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    shredded, very nice so far.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    shredded, very nice so far.
    Thanks,is there anything I can do to develop my lower abdomen muscles?Weighted leg raises?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by dedic8ed1 View Post
    Thanks,is there anything I can do to develop my lower abdomen muscles?Weighted leg raises?
    Trunk mass has a direct correlation to the mass of your extremities, and is used in stabilizing torso to protect your lower back... Honestly your best bet would be to put on about 20 lbs of muscle and do heavy squats and deadlifts...

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    Trunk mass has a direct correlation to the mass of your extremities, and is used in stabilizing torso to protect your lower back... Honestly your best bet would be to put on about 20 lbs of muscle and do heavy squats and deadlifts...
    Thanks for the suggestion it sounds logical,definitly this winter bulk it's on.I'm gonna ride out the diet as long as it takes to tighten it up.I'm gonna go back to 2 fast carb days a week with my 2 low slow carb days and see how it goes.I'm really depleted so some startchy carbs should fill me out without smoothing me out.But should I still do 3 sessions a day of the same cardio since I'm now so low in bf%?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by dedic8ed1 View Post
    Thanks for the suggestion it sounds logical,definitly this winter bulk it's on.I'm gonna ride out the diet as long as it takes to tighten it up.I'm gonna go back to 2 fast carb days a week with my 2 low slow carb days and see how it goes.I'm really depleted so some startchy carbs should fill me out without smoothing me out.But should I still do 3 sessions a day of the same cardio since I'm now so low in bf%?
    I think I remember that being a problem area for you back in one of your older threads..... you probably just need to put on the mass as you were a similar size then too right? Does the skin appear damaged? 3 sessions is nutz man, and I've been up to as high as 2 hours of cardio a day lol but that just seems out of control, but you know your body better than me, if thats what you think you need (and probably do judging by those pics) I wouldnt let up I'd probably switch it up a bit, change up my weight training and cardio route if you havent (higher reps, lower reps different exorcises) doing some hit stuff here or there.... you will shock the hell out of your body force it to drop more fat and maybe build a little muscle.... just my 2 cents

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    I think I remember that being a problem area for you back in one of your older threads..... you probably just need to put on the mass as you were a similar size then too right? Does the skin appear damaged? 3 sessions is nutz man, and I've been up to as high as 2 hours of cardio a day lol but that just seems out of control, but you know your body better than me, if thats what you think you need (and probably do judging by those pics) I wouldnt let up I'd probably switch it up a bit, change up my weight training and cardio route if you havent (higher reps, lower reps different exorcises) doing some hit stuff here or there.... you will shock the hell out of your body force it to drop more fat and maybe build a little muscle.... just my 2 cents
    All good suggestions SS.With every advancement to cardio when the fat loss slowed produced more fat loss so I just have to advance the calorie expenditure again but most likely have to up the protein cals for the sake of perserving muscle.If it's 1 thing I can say for all the hard work I put in I know I lost ZERO lean mass cause I kept the carbs up and didn't go KETO at all.This is a good thing I fell there's gonna be things like this I'll have to figure out if I want to be competitive and do all the work on my own.

  13. #13
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    if i could i would surely send you money for food.

  14. #14
    good job man. amazing shred. would love to see the base.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by dedic8ed1 View Post
    All good suggestions SS.With every advancement to cardio when the fat loss slowed produced more fat loss so I just have to advance the calorie expenditure again but most likely have to up the protein cals for the sake of perserving muscle.If it's 1 thing I can say for all the hard work I put in I know I lost ZERO lean mass cause I kept the carbs up and didn't go KETO at all.This is a good thing I fell there's gonna be things like this I'll have to figure out if I want to be competitive and do all the work on my own.
    Thats one thing I learned very quickly there is no need to bring yourself into ketosis, ever.... maybe a low carb day <50 followed by something >100 is the lowest I would ever take it...

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer View Post
    Thats one thing I learned very quickly there is no need to bring yourself into ketosis, ever.... maybe a low carb day <50 followed by something >100 is the lowest I would ever take it...
    3 cardio session.... WOW
    Are you doing any high reps the last 2 weeks to deplete any left glycogen so your body can supercompensate leading up to show?
    mmmmm ricecakes and PB and honey. MMMMM
    Do you have your 60 second routine down?
    Local show? First?

    For my cardio I normal hit the treadmill on an incline of 15.0 and speed 3.8 -4.8, whatever speed at the times keep my heart rate between 130-148 for low intensity.
    I normally burn 1000 cals in 60 mins.
    Elliptical never worked for me, neither did HITT or the stair master, thats just me.
    Im sure you should be all set with Fireguy
    Last edited by jackjackson; 05-29-2009 at 06:19 AM.

  17. #17
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    He's just running a simulation for future reverence.

    Looking really good dedicated. I enjoy seeing your amazing progress.

  18. #18
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    Dedicated, just curious were you overweight at one time? Not sure I see that skin getting any tighter in the area you are concerned about.

  19. #19
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    look good keep it up and good luck

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Dedicated, just curious were you overweight at one time? Not sure I see that skin getting any tighter in the area you are concerned about.
    Yeah I was a heavy fat kid all through my youth.And you just threw fuel on the fire brother.IT'S ON!!!But why do you say it won't get tighter?Alot of bodybuilders have been over weight for long periods of time and managed to get the lower abdomen skin tight as if it was never an issue.Leo Ingram is a good example Evan Centompani Lee Priest granted these guys do a lot of juice.I feel I have the determination and ability to diet long enough and have the education on ways to make the skin get tight over time.But any insight you have will not go over looked.Please endulge me..

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by xnotoriousx View Post
    He's just running a simulation for future reverence.

    Looking really good dedicated. I enjoy seeing your amazing progress.
    Thanks man.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by dedic8ed1 View Post
    Yeah I was a heavy fat kid all through my youth.And you just threw fuel on the fire brother.IT'S ON!!!But why do you say it won't get tighter?Alot of bodybuilders have been over weight for long periods of time and managed to get the lower abdomen skin tight as if it was never an issue.Leo Ingram is a good example Evan Centompani Lee Priest granted these guys do a lot of juice.I feel I have the determination and ability to diet long enough and have the education on ways to make the skin get tight over time.But any insight you have will not go over looked.Please endulge me..
    I was not trying to come across as negative. I know you have some concerns about the lower abs and when I look I dont see any sub q fat, just a bit of loose skin. It seems to have lost a bit of elasticity in the that area and once that happens I am not sure you can get it back. If it makes you feel any better I would trade a lil loose skin for half of the vascularity you have.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    I was not trying to come across as negative. I know you have some concerns about the lower abs and when I look I dont see any sub q fat, just a bit of loose skin. It seems to have lost a bit of elasticity in the that area and once that happens I am not sure you can get it back. If it makes you feel any better I would trade a lil loose skin for half of the vascularity you have.
    I know your not trying to be negative FG I consider you a large resource of knowledge for the board as a whole,besides constructive critisicism is all a part of getting better.
    What concerns me at this point is that too much cardio will be counter productive.I've already burned all the fat off my body and too much cardio would only be a waste of time and energy and a little bit of muscle.Maybe I should try to just hit up some weighted leg lifts or maybe even give the sprints a shot.It's really back to the process of elimination to figure out what's gonna be the answer.Maybe a good week off completly from any cardio while maintaining the diet and coming back with a regimn based on targeting the lower abdomen.Hit sprints in the am and maybe hanging crunches every other day.This has actually inspired me in a way, of just rising to the occasion or challenge so do speak.I'm in no way burned out on dieting and am just as driven as I was the day it started.Today is the first day of week 14 My 8 yo son has chicken pox so I'm gonna take the weekend off and make sure he's comfortable.I still have to do back to finish out the training for the week but maybe I'll just start fresh on Monday.At this point the final 2 weeks are going to be soley focused on getting the loose skin as tight as possible Sure nothing dramatic will come to change in 2 weeks but at least I'll have an idea what might be beneficial and might not.10 Am sprints 30 sec intervals with 30 sec walk every other day and all abdomen work will be focused on the lower abdomen.

  24. #24
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    looking awesome as always. keep it up ur almost there

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