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Thread: stacking question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    outside your window

    Question stacking question

    Currently in week 7 of 12 week cycle, and couldnt be more happy. Well, maybe a little bit. I am running sust250, Primo150 (300mg/wk), Deca (200mg/wk for joint therapy). This is a relatively small stack, I know. Alot of people will think that I am not doing enough of one or the other, but I am getting GREAT results. Blood work came back after 6 weeks, Good. With my HDL at 30, LDL at 122, which isnt bad concidering. My bilirubin is a little elivated at 2.0. I am normally high anyway. Maybe Gilbert's Disease. So my question is: I have aquired some oil based Winni to run for my last 5 wks. Would you recommend 25mg ed or 50mg eod?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    outside your window
    well, i guess i will go with 25mgs/ed, just to take some of the bloat down.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Should take it in every day, because of the half-life.
    And take in 50mg ED.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I dont understand why he would need 50mg a day. 25mg a day did me fine. not saying that it would work for you van but..... I dont know low doses seem to give me great gaines on winstrol. How many cycles have you done CJ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by CJ. View Post
    well, i guess i will go with 25mgs/ed, just to take some of the bloat down.
    no... just go with 50.

    the winny with deca combo is really nice and synergistic

    run it like this

    sust (weeks 1 - 12)
    deca (weeks 1 - 10)
    winny (weeks 9 or 10 - 15)

    start PCT 18 days after last injection of sustanon

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I'm with Lexus on this one.25 mgs can do it, but 50 sounds better.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Yergg View Post
    I dont understand why he would need 50mg a day. 25mg a day did me fine. not saying that it would work for you van but..... I dont know low doses seem to give me great gaines on winstrol. How many cycles have you done CJ?
    because if you look at a graph of how effectively winstrol is, you will see that the opportunity cost of jumping from 25 - 50mg still presents the user will gains.

    To clarify, if you bump anadrol up from 150mg - 200mg the opportunity cost greatly increases, because the probability of sides greatly increase. (so you wouldn't want to do this.. just remain at 150mg.) But with winny, jumping from 25 - 50mg does not produce many / if any noticeable changes in sides

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