do we rotate sites for this reason? I have been reading injection posts for a long if i never do a glute shot and do 2x weekly for 10 weeks on the delts then i should be ok?
do we rotate sites for this reason? I have been reading injection posts for a long if i never do a glute shot and do 2x weekly for 10 weeks on the delts then i should be ok?
gosh this could have been deligated with a simple search, but since 2.5 30mg adderalls are still in effect, here we go: site injection is of much controversy, plenty advocate it, plenty say its useless, painful, and uneccessary, but imo lets look at the facts, most of us are injecting ESTERFIED steroids, lets face it 99% of injectables are esterfied let alone a few stragglers (suspension, winny, injectable dbol, etc...), and before that steroid molecules (millions of them per injection, maybe more) can be active at the muscles sites, the ESTER MUST BE REMOVED BY THE BODY, to do so a reaction must occur and the ester must literally be broken off and the steroid molecule as a whole freed, once this is done the molecule is the right size/shape to bind at the androgen receptor and exhibit its effect (whatever that may be regarding whichever steroids we are using), SO, what is the point of shooting an esterfied steroid into a site if it has to move throughout the bloodstream and have that ester removed before its active? imo id say hardly any, probably less than 1% of those molecules actually have their ester removed at that EXACT site and exhibit their effect on that site, lets face it, testosterone enanthate injected in your bicep will probably have more effect on your quads than your biceps, although you'll probably get some swelling from poor injection technique, BA content, additive contect, and some forgein mLs of oil in your muscle, this growth is NOT PERMANENT and is not defined as muscle hypertrophy or muscle hyperplasia, ive pounded my head against the wall thinking about site injections for sometime, and the only one i can really advocate and see any purpose what so ever in is testosterone SUSPENSION, crystaline testosterone molecule, no ester, suspended in water solution, quick halflife, and with no ester has the ability to exhibit its effects at that exact muscle group, although winny and injectable dbol do not have an ester they do have 17aa which again is going to prevent binding at that time...hope this helps, best of luck
further note, some explain that injecting into that muscle spreads and expands muscle fascia which in turn exceeds the muscles potential for normal growth and has been advocated by some (in)famous people i believe dan ducheine is one of them...but as most of you know the lack of scientific research on steroids is appauling...
Last edited by djdjdjddjon; 04-15-2003 at 02:39 AM.
Have to agree with dj on this one. I too have spent quite some time considering and researching this issue.
As dj has pointed out - most steriods are not broken down and absorbed at the injection site so site injections (of most oil based and 17aa steriods) are pointless, other than to provide an alternative to the glute or quad.
I've heard it said and also read it a few times that body builders have big asses due to glute injections. One theory to explain this is that after many weeks of pumping oil based steriods into the glutes there is an accumulation of oil. I personally doubt this theory. I prefer to think that body builders do plenty of squats and similar exercises that build up the glutes.
Last edited by FedSki; 04-15-2003 at 03:47 AM.
glad to see one of the brothers agrees with the dialectical approach here, its simple logic, what else do you need to convince you? faith? come on...FedSki, i also doubt the accumulation of oil, lets look at this theory real quick, how the heck is oil going to 'acculate', 1.) the body breaks it down just liek any other oil as if you had ingested it 2.) that type of accumulation without breakdown would result in an abcess or some type of infection, as far as what ive read main causes for big asses and hips too are heavy, deep, and frequent squats...i dont do squats very often anymore as a result i just do heavy leg presses and my quads look great and my ass is as big as it needs to be, of luck to ya
on a further note, while we are looking at all whole plethora of possabilities, dont you think that if injecting into that site that resulted in local growth, that everyone would have 30 inch biceps and 70 inch chests? kinda like saying if steroids were legalized everyone would use and there we be no need for enforcement...if site injections worked everyone would be big at that site and there would be no need to hit lagging body parts in a different manner when training...
Personally I am an advocate of the "stretching muscle fascia" myth. Over the years I've even worked deep muscle fascia massages into my pre-stretching routine, and also I have used SEO for that extra boost not for the short-term, but for the long haul. Actually in a previous cycle I stacked winny shots into the traps to loosen and get the muscle sore, and then later in the day injected an SEO for site expansion... although the size does go away, the muscle fascia has been stretched. If you believe in muscle memory like I do, then really this is where the idea comes into play. Lets say you were just jacked at one time, one big mofo... and then over the course of a year you stop working out and keeping track of your diet so you lose considerable mass. You notice that these individuals grow back to their previous size much faster than a skinny fellow starting from the beginning? That's because while they were huge, their muscle fascia has been stretched over the course of their training years... and it can't just shrivle back to it's previous size (although the muscle fibers may). Just my 2 motha freakin cents.
Oh, and I do not believe in esterfied steriods for site expansion, one thing me and dj see eye-to-eye.
oh we see eye to eye totally bro, i believe in muscle memory 100% and fascia spreading, but we you gotta admit, the brothers (us) are at the experimental phase, there are no scientific studies to back our thoughts and plans or choices on muscle fascia spreading and its results or any other variables considered, its just the guys in the trenches playing with what might seem reasonable....which is needless to say and upsetting thats the solution...
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