OOOOOR anyone else who may have some imput on the SH!Tload pre comp diet.
I had a few questions on this.
1. When and HOW did you carb depleat?
2. WHY would you taper the carbs from Mon/ Tues to the show, vs. carb loading all week? (most important question)
3. Why would the diuretic NOT flatten you out?
4. WHy keep the H2O in most of the day Friday?
5. What to do if Sat. (day of show) youre still FLAT.
6. Why physiologically does this work?
I really like this program and am ready to employ it for my show next weekend, but there were a few things that I wanted clarification on.
Im 8 days out right now and SOOOOOO CLOSE to being RIGHT where I want to be appearance wise, and I DONT wanna blow things up like I have in the past last minute.
Im like everyone else...I carb depleat, carb up, take the diuretic, cut water and (spironolactone) walk on FLAT and 2 days later...look awesome. This program seems like it might work for me.
Im 6'2" 214 (from 243, 9 wks ago) as of this AM. Carbs (oatmeal/ veggies) right now are around 80- 100 g, Protien 60 g per meal (8x/day), Cardio 2x/day 30-45 min, still training with med weight but more focusing on cardio on a daily basis, BF (?) but im pretty frickin lean, but I am still holding SOME sub q H2O. Oh, and Im Pharm enhanced.
Ive done some toying around with the diet in the past week...
Up the carbs, carb depleat a little then carb up...One day carb depleat I go FLAAAAAT. Up the carbs FILL right up within 4 hrs, go to bed then dry out/ flatten out a little at night into the AM.
Thanks for posting up that program!