gents, just a question. Just a answer would be appreciated. Is 300 mg of test-e a week a waste?
gents, just a question. Just a answer would be appreciated. Is 300 mg of test-e a week a waste?
Users on this board usually recommend 500, but I've had good results with much lower dosages.
whats your point? dont have enough? first time?
Yes it is just like with anything. Some is obviously going to give you better results than none! But the higher the dosage (to a point!) is going to work better. Most people figure if you are going to buy the gear and shoot 2X a week anyway, why not do 500 EW and get some really great gains.
But in a nutshell 300 will work for you
i suppose 150mg every 3.5 days would do the trick then. I dropped my 1 bottle,was planning 600mg a week. .
yeah go with the 300mg, 150mg every 3.5 days you will see some gains with that
theres nothing wrong with 300mg 500 would be better but you'll still get gains off of 300mg
I've know some guys who respond better to 250mg/week than some other guys respond to 500mg/week, depends on how the compound affects you specifically.
i know someone who never goes over 300 a week, says he gains just fine off of it and he sees no reason to go higher
I gained 26 pounds on 8 weeks of 300/test e
how your body deals with it and reacts is different than everyone else.....
right now im running prop - which is working (itchy nipple lump. argh), but i found i gained more strength and weight from enenthate.... and the enenthate was at a lower dose...
more is not ALWAYS better, but there may be a point where 300 may not do much for you anymore. just make sure you do a good solid PCT....
Like said, basically 300 a week will put ou a little above what your natural levels are so yes you will get nice slow gains from this but how long are you gona run it? I think since either way you will need to do PCT you might as well bump it up to 400 or 500 like most people to get some good gains from you cycle but it' is up to you.
So the general concensus is that at 300 you will not gain much in mass, but how will the strength gains be?
could another low-dose option be 250mg every 5 days?
I wish I used 250-350mg/wk for my first, not 500mg/wk.
That way I wouldnt have eneded up with a small case of gyno and maybe able to of controlled acne better.
If it were me id inject 150mg every 3.5 days, this will help keep everything stable...
Im on 375mg a week (1.5ml). I am only on day 10 and so far not much has balls are starting to shrink up, and my recovery is insane this week.
Im not sure but Im guessing by monday I will start to see some solid gains...Il keep you posted.
If its test e then it will take another couple of weeks untill you really see results lol...
once a wk every Monday droping bf and gaining muscle cause my weight is still the same but bf is droping.. and i can see more shape to my abbs and more definition to my muscles.. strength is great to but like i said and i will say it again i am only 5'5 so i do believe my height has something to do with it cause i am short.
i know why is everyone here so hell bent on 500mg Ew?? 300mg of Test is not Joke! Just cause everyone wants to do 1500mg Every week now adays people think that 300mg is like a piss in the well! I have seen a lot of people make good ass gains at 300mg! On top of it, by your third cycle, you are still only hitting 500 instead of having a post that says " is 850mg EW for my 3rd cycle to low?"
from my personal experience gear is trial and error, but of course starting on the lower end of the spectrum first...for me 250 a week of test c and winny 50mg a day is great. the key to good gear is being happy with it in the end.
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