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Thread: BesT first Cycle and post cycle therapy?

  1. #1

    BesT first Cycle and post cycle therapy?

    what do you suggest? Also include doses and cycle lengths. THanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Before we start Bro, how old are you?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    thats a bit of a seriously BROAD question? Why not just ask how many kinds of a.s. we all know or can name and how to take em. Seriously, read up, do some research, then maybee slim down the question. An example would be if your looking to bulk; do your research and ull find deca and test is a good beginers stack, jump started with dbol and ending up with some winny, and then clomid therapy and now u got a FULL cycle.

  4. #4
    18, i kno im young but i have to do it for my future in football. I kno a lot about steroids just not sure what i should run for my first cycles. i was ognna do eq/test.Enan/winni but it costs way too much money. maybe i should jsut to test and dbol but i wnna keep most of my gains not just piss them out. All help appreciated.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by CrImEScEnE666
    18, i kno im young but i have to do it for my future in football. I kno a lot about steroids just not sure what i should run for my first cycles.
    not even going to comment on this...

  6. #6
    why dont you comment on my cock ripping up ur moms asshole.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    Originally posted by CrImEScEnE666
    why dont you comment on my cock ripping up ur moms asshole.

    we dont need stuff like that on this board...if you want to flame go to elite, if you want to stay then delete your previous post and dont do it again...

    you are way to young for steroids, they will only have a negative effect on your body at your age...Madmax

  8. #8
    chinups Guest
    LOL!!! I am not promoting that but I think he just showed is age. MOM JOKES RULE!!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    another immature kid

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Okay kid, don't make me bump this:

    Also, for good measure, "I'll stop this car and turn it right around"

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    this kid isn't getting any help now...

  12. #12
    i never was to begin with. im sorry about my previous post but u guys offer no help except wait ill ur 18 cause all ur hairs gonna fall out ull grow tits terrible acne fuck up ur endocrine system.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Madmax

    we dont need stuff like that on this board...if you want to flame go to elite[/, if you want to stay then delete your previous post and dont do it again...


  14. #14
    maybe he should spend less time thinking about cycling, and more time on his spelling............ just a thought.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    A good start would be to delete that post and formally apologize. There are guys who, rather than see you really, really hurt yourself, will at least try to offer help if it's clear nothing is going to talk you out of it. They won't exactly offer advice in terms of making the most gains, but will try to help you do the least damage to yourself. I'm not necessarily one of those guys, but if you want one or more to offer up assistance I'd go about those two tasks.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Originally posted by CrImEScEnE666
    why dont you comment on my cock ripping up ur moms asshole.
    Bro, wats with this?

    Daem didnt say anything offensive, he just find to much humor in US 18 year olds posting so much about steroids.

    And bro's, try to help him out, rather then trying to turn him away from AAS, because ou know its not going to happen, so why dont you just try to help him, before he seriously will hurt himself?

  17. #17
    maybe he should spend less time thinking about cycling, and more time on his spelling............ just a thought.

    Maybe you should stop thinking so much.

    Get a life you nerd piece of shit. Im sorry if my college carrer in football is a joke to most of you but im actually dead serious. Everything im my traning is optimum. Just pretend that it was inevitable for me to juice what would you do. All you "save the world juice heads" just take a deep breath and help me out. Should i alter my cycle

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    How many of you guys want to kick this guys ass right now??? I think he is wise to leave out his location!

  19. #19
    that was mature.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Office
    Heres the perfect cycle

    D-BOL @ 10,000 grams/week
    Deca @ 10,000 grams/week
    FINA @ 2liters per day
    and throw in some t-3 for cutting (gotta lose water ya know)

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    The South
    Bro you need to stop with this pissing people off. You're not going to ever get any help from anyone by pissing them off and making snide comments like you have. I mean I was about your age when I started and when I needed help I suer as hell didn't ask for it the way you did. I would appoligize b4 you dig a deeper hole.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Originally posted by CrImEScEnE666
    18, i kno im young but i have to do it for my future in football. I kno a lot about steroids just not sure what i should run for my first cycles. i was ognna do eq/test.Enan/winni but it costs way too much money. maybe i should jsut to test and dbol but i wnna keep most of my gains not just piss them out. All help appreciated.
    In your post today (April 17th) you are, according to your statement, 18 years old. Yet, on January 16th (2 short months ago) you were 16, according to this post you made ( cut and pasted in its entirety below so that guys not in the mood to open another window can see it.

    I am sick and tired of guys going from 15 to 18, or 17 to 23 in the span of a few months!!!!!!!!! It says a great deal about the amount of intelligence you think we have if you don't give us enough credit to check on that type of shit! I, however, don't believe you're 16 or 18. I'm fairly certain you're a 20-something with nothing to do, falling short of your goals at the gym in a big way, and simply come on here as a flame troll hoping to instigate something to somehow satisfy your growing inferiority complex. I tried to politely delineate the ways you can seek help, but you just don't quit!!!!! Anyway, here's his old post, where at least for a moment this clown seemed to have some common sense. Words can't express how tired I am of this. I'm sorry to vent but guys like this bring down this board in such a big way...take up time and space, flare tempers....i could go on and on.


    "I know this happens a lot but i have serious questions and take all responses very seriously. im not about 2 run out and juice to get chix and be cool n shit. i work out 6 days a week and i have been working out for 3 years. i was going to wait till i turn 17 next november 2 juice and was questioning whether it is really that dangerous and i am willing to take every single precaution. I am currently 200 pounds 6'1. i bench 315, curl 160, squat 550, hang clean 225, and military press 225(those are all my maxs). if most say i should wait until i am around 23 i respect that and will wait because i dont have any experience with horomone precursors. i take about 1.5 grams a <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a> a day and run 2 miles on my off day which is sunday. i am in top shape but would like to compete when i am older. i just turned 16 this past november and i do want the upper hand on the football field. i am not willing to risk losing my hair or dieing at the age of thirty. if you cant tell my health teacher has scared the shit out of me with his side effects slide shows. all responses are greatly appreciated. thank you for your time and information."

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    good work green!

  24. #24
    the plot thickens. i am 17 but lieing about my age to get advice which i obviously will never get. Green i applaud u on ur detective work. whatever this is pretty gay. im not sorry and if i have offended u then your way to emotional.

  25. #25
    punjabi MC.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Originally posted by tolinka

    Bro, wats with this?

    Daem didnt say anything offensive, he just find to much humor in US 18 year olds posting so much about steroids.

    And bro's, try to help him out, rather then trying to turn him away from AAS, because ou know its not going to happen, so why dont you just try to help him, before he seriously will hurt himself?
    Ok my bad, i thought you were cool, but I think you need to get the fuck off this site...kapeesh?

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Bro, your not even mature enough to post a thread on the board, what makes you mature enought to do AAS? If anything, you should be kissing these guys asses for their knowledge. They are only trying to help. You are to young, to immature to even consider this. Take all the advise, and quit posting.

    Its a shame that the bro's on here spend a lot of time helping people out with questions and then they have to waste there time with crap like this..

    Since he won't apologize, I will. Guys, you have to much respect from me to have you waste your time with this BOZO.

    (oh yeah, biggreen, fantastic catch!!!! I love it)
    Last edited by buylongterm; 04-18-2003 at 10:55 AM.

  28. #28
    i dont get what big greens post proves. you guys are way 2 whacked out just hit me up w/ sum info damn.

  29. #29
    chinups Guest

    CrImEScEnE666-Lets be honest here. There is a thousand posts on this site about cycles and peoples cycle experience so why don't u just research and make educated decision. It seems like you are just looking for attention (sorry if that pissed you off) but the thing is if you want to do a cycle all you have to do is read up man. Noone here is going to condone (spelled wrong) a teenager doing a cycle so step up and do your own shit dood. Good luck

    PS-post a pic... also tells us what you are currently doing to be a great football player because if you wanted to be the best you would be doing everything in your power to be better and not just use something like juice to bail you out of hard work...


  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Sorry Crimescene666 you don't get that option. You have been banned. Have a nice day.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Office

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wherever necessary

    Hate it when people waste our members valuable time

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Originally posted by Rickson
    Sorry Crimescene666 you don't get that option. You have been banned. Have a nice day.
    Thank you!

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Dirty South
    dammit rickson...i had something i wanted to say to him before he got banned....i'll go ahead and say it anyway, just incase he gets a new name or reads from somebody elses name...if you need to use juice to go play college football...well then you're not going to be playing college football...i am a college athlete and we dont get there by juicing...we get there by being better than you guys who aren't good enough but try to be by using steroids...some of us choose to use AS but only to improve ourselves, not for the sole purpose of getting us to the next level...if you cant get into college w/o using juice you aren't any good, and you have no career in football

    to everybody elese....sorry, i dont usually flame, but this guy was just pissin me off

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