LMAOOOOO Ernst . I couldnt quote that.. Im crakin up
LMAOOOOO Ernst . I couldnt quote that.. Im crakin up
hahah I'm the pastey white f*cker with the gay professional band photo, and the obscene amount of friends/sexy bitches on my page.
hello dick heads
Lmaooo. I got you brother!!
We're all a big happy family.
Cal what the f*ck are u doing where have you been? No msn anymore?
It's all multi-cultural up in here.
Don't worry I hate whities too.
ha ha ha...where is the black a$$ is he hiding cause i am here?
Nap time for Ernst.
Later on, whorebags.
Refuse to f*ck white girls!? they are sexy as hell
Cya E
I dont Refuse, Just never had. Im doing this Movie next month and theres a scene where these white girls seduce me... I plan to overact!!
Cal loves fatties.
white girls are hot. i only like mexican and whites. nothing else just my prefrence
me either lol.
its kinda ironic with my pref, cause im half mex and half white.
you know i cruise at 200. been thinking of blasting at 500 mgs a week. but as horny as iam now and being married 500 might push me over and might start cheating. lol
haha yah man, I hear that. when I ran 500 before I was a complete pervert, I worked in a gym and I would spy out of my office at all the girls and have wood constantly, it was agony. So I'm scared to see what turn into on 750 haha.
Test rules.
Chode send me a request...look on Dukkits page, my name starts with an R
Send it thru Facebook Cal.
Yea Chode my 1st Movie Role. Guess what I play?
Is it getting slow? boo. I hate my pacific timing, it's only 12:40 I wanna whore.
I've had 2 too many cups of coffee haha
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